    how can i sleep with other woman & not lose my wife

    0  Views: 3817 Answers: 34 Posted: 13 years ago

    You cannot . You will lose your Wife!

    34 Answers (31-34 Displayed)

    what irritates me in a broken relationship/marriage is that the involved people accuse each other for changing after they married and then recruit their children to take side. I don't believe people change significantly (unless they have identity problem)though one may say couple may grow or one grow more than the other, what may change over time is the way the couple used to communicate or not to communicate. At the end of the day relationship/marriage is a journey that both couple should be willing to come along together, and if one stays behind, then unfortunately that would the end of that relationship.

    What irritates you is something you know nothing about-- Believe me, some people DO change after marriage. I would say women do this more than men and its usually because they caught their fish, this fish is well off now they can set things up for divorce and walk away with half-- (set things up)

    There's never a sure answer for these things, everyone is different.

    As for 'recruiting their children to take sides?" My ex didn't want my son, he moved to CA to be with me, he doesn't even like his mom..

    I don't believe children have inborn tendency to dislike one or both parents
    What ever happened to morality in a marriage! What is wrong with you people. So what if your ex - wife was a marital drop out and you used it as an excuse to be immoral. So what if women do cheat all the time, it's called IMMORALITY, and it is wrong. Have any of you ever heard of til death do us part, through sickness and health, these are vows taken when you say I do! Grow up.

    Easy for you to say! Believe me, i have grown up.. I have been married to the most wonderful woman in the world now for over 26 years. if it weren't for this I may have done what you suggest and made my life and my sons life miserable.. BTW: My son went with me, he wanted to be with his father.. He doesn't even like visiting his mom. See if you can understand this, 'she is a wicked woman'.. I am happy I did what I did, I made a mistake marrying her but she was a different person.. Why didn't I pull out of the marriage sooner? Because we had a kid and I believed as you do now.. There is always, always the other side, you can stick to what you believe is right but if it ever landed in your lap what I went through you would understand. I am not that deadbeat husband, I had a deadbeat wife.. Funny, when a woman does this, its ok, she was terrified and didn't know what to do.. a man does the same and I need to grow up.. Believe me, my situation was very rare, you can't put them all in one pot. I can only hope that you have 26+ years of love and devotion as I have from my current wife and receive as much love and devotion as I give back to her..
    interesting answer - but the real answer is to just do it! dont be stupid. and is it really sleep with - really Im guessing it is fool around with. find fun experimental places to play... and make sure the girl isnt a blabbermouth.

    and if you follow this rediculous advice, make sure she has no diseases you can take home to your wife who loves you. Cheater or contemplating cheater that you are.
    Be smart don't get caught up in the affair: Married Women cheat all the time we never get caught.. we dont make it personal. Men want the lasting affair.. KISS, you have your lunch hours and your fishing trips.. women have the lunch hour and the girls night out (not reallY).. good luck

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