    Can anyone still remember their first boyfriend or girlfriend?

    +3  Views: 756 Answers: 14 Posted: 12 years ago

    14 Answers

    Absolutely, my first girlfriend was in 4th grade. The first girlfriend I kissed was in 6th grade, and the first one I........well never mind that. I remember pretty much every girl or woman I've ever dated.
    My wife, I know her for 56 yrs. We walked to school together the first day of kindergarten. Neither one of us spoke English so we gravitated to one another.

    same as me and my husband, ed shank. how do you do? we just had our 50th anniversary party.
    ed shank

    My life has been a lot less complicated in the sense that I didn't have the typical domestic problems that many couples have had to deal with. We always compromised, and did what had to be done for the good of the relationship.
    I remember the first crush...I was probably in about grade 1. I wrote on the bottom of my dresser that I loved him. Funny...I still remember his name.

    this sounds awful but I put the initials of my first love on my thigh. I did it with a straight pin so it wasn't one of those awful deeds. however, when the sun shone the initials turned white while my thigh turned brown.

    the initials B.W.

    mom, did you get a thumb up from me? I gave you one but it didn't show. let me know when you can.
    Oh yes, I still remember my first love in kindergarden, I can draw a picture of her face!

    Oh do! I will frame it. I have a house full of childrens' art. (and my art)
    I remember both. Well the boyfriend was just because society demanded it and I was young (16) and not ready yet to take on the world ;)

    i had a secret once. (absolutely NO initials) : (
    I grew up in a whole differnt culture where my grandparents and parents had arranged marriages. When we had to leave Bohemia and ended up in Bavaria in a small village, everone there was Luthern and we were Catholics. No way could a Luthern Boy be interested in a Catholic girl. Besides I was never interested in boys until I was 17 years old and we moved to another town. My first real crush was a neighbor boy, but I was too shy to go out with him.

    that is so interesting, Ann. I was also shy but grew out of it.
    No, been to
    Yes, long gone and forgotten!
    sure can, good memories... but i had so much to learn
    I dont think you ever forget

    I agree, Maz.
    Yes, I remember my first boy friend, his name was Joe. I loved him very much, The week end was ours, for dancing the nite away, we fell out some times, as people do. I decided to go to UK, for six months, and see if I still felt the same about him when I came back.He said if I dont go, we would get married. I was big headed, and went (A very big mistake on my part)On my return, I was told he had been killed in car mishap, so I attended his funeral instead. I will never for get Joe. RIP.
    I was 14 and he was an older man, 15... a High schooler... I thought I was in love. His parents thought we were getting too serious and he thought I had a thing for his brother... Years later his brother told me he had had a crush on me... I told him... " I was in love with your brother, I didnt even know you exited" ... But my BF was a total goofy ball know that I look back at it... Grow into a sexy man, but a partier. Sad.

    yeah, my first girlfriend in the fourth grade grew up to  be a lesbian.

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