    How many hours of sleep do you get a night/ day ?

    rest, sleep, health.

    +8  Views: 905 Answers: 23 Posted: 12 years ago

    I'll usually average around five hours a night, more on weekends. I need MORE sleep........

    23 Answers

    Wow, I'd be six feet under if I was most of you. I sleep 9-10 hours each night, any less and I feel terrible. That's why I go to be at 6:30 p.m. and get up around 4:00 a.m. at the earliest. I have always slept a lot, even as a kid.

    That's good 6dogs4us, I really wish I could sleep like that. Thank you for your input.

    10 hours, are you a sleeping beauty? ;-)

    Is there such a thing as a sleeping ugly?

    Wow. How amazing. I am envious. It would be so nice.
    Ya with a new little one 4 is probably the max, Shes not a good sleeper yet. Shes almost a year old and still waking up 3 to 4 times a nite.

    Babies... I can still remember when my sister was born :( i felt sorry for my parents....good luck :)

    She's still keeping you guys up JDB? Wow, she's going to be like me I think. I put my mother through hell too because I wouldn't stay asleep.

    Ya Colleen, shes getting better but has a little way to go yet. Wife and I are still taking shifts I'll stay up till bout 1:00 or so then she will take over from there.. 5AM comes to early.....

    I sure hope she grows out of it. I'm surprised she hasn't found a sleep pattern yet.

    I think the biggest thing now is she gets herself wedged in a corner and can't turn out of it, If we can get there soon enough we can just pull her back to the center of the crib all's good but if we don't it might take some time.

    my daughters baby was like that and his pediatrician told her to put him in a bedroom of his own. it worked for her.
    4 to 5 hours on average.

    Thank you Shootah, so far everyone is averaging about the same. Appreciate the info.
    I need at least 6, when I get eight I really function at full capacity.
    6 hours= my lucky night
    5 hours= my usual night :(
    But I tend to reward myself in the weekends by sleeping at least 8 hours :)

    Hey my man, I do the same thing 6- lucky, 5-usual and about 8 or 9 weekends. Thanks d, for your input.

    Weekends are the best... unless I have a part-time job to go to :(
    Ms Sinclair

    I'm like that too.
    I have truoble in sleeping always have I start thinking about work and silly things I sometimes take melatonin this does help I would say I sleep normally 7/8 hours

    Thank you melandrupert, 7/8 hours, that's not bad at all, but clear your mind, don't think about work and those other things. Appreciate the input.

    thanks spaceghost I am quite sad I forgot to mention that I have to take a note book with pen to bed in case I have to jot down so I dont forget in the morning I do get better sleep when I am not working as my job is not all the time "thank God" as I wouldnt get sleep at all ha ha, I have tried to clear my mind but it stills creeps in
    GREAT, I'm glad to hear that, maybe that's a good remedy to get a GOOD nights sleep. Thank you so much carmaxable.
    Man I remember those days, went through that 3 times, but it was worth it all. Thanks my friend for your input.

    Thanks Spaceghost I'm 47 and shes our first one... surprise!! but I love her to death, best thing to ever come along in my life.. And damn shes cute, people says she looks like me. wait till she gets my mustache we'll be twins LOL..

    I'm so happy for you. Love her, cherish her and spoil her rotten because they grow up SO fast. Make sure she shaves that mustache LOL.

    LOL ya she will, thanks

    Thank you arryoudini, I appreciate that compliment. I was raised by my grandparents and they MADE SURE that we respected people, saying yes mam, no mam, yes sir ,no sir etc. ALWAYS thank people for things they do for you. It's in me and my wife and I made sure our children and grandchildren were brought up the same way.
    Usually around 6 hours, sometimes more, sometimes less.
    7 hours, I'm good.
    4 hours.
    5 if I really need it.

    4 hours :O and i thought i was worse...

    You need more sleep Colleen LOL.

    No. More sleep then that and I wake up tired and groggy. I hate that feeling.

    SG is right Colleen :) . Your body needs more than four hours a night. even if you feel tired and groggy, with a little exercise those feelings will go away. and your up and ready to go :)

    I've been this way all my life. I'm really OK, lol. Even my doctor says so ;)

    wow, then i'm amazed. How about weekends?

    The same. 7 days a week I get the same sleep. Sometimes I'm lazy and stay in bed for 6 hours but then my back starts to hurt so I get up. My body is just not use to laying prone for so long.
    Ms Sinclair

    Wow. I'm like a walking zombie if I only get 4 hours sleep.

    I agree with you Ms.S
    I get grumpy, i stumble, i'm half awake, i get sleepy in the lectures, and i get poked by friends every minute to stay awake.. I try to sleep as much as i can peacefully.

    There are several studies on this lately, I know they are now linking the amount of sleep you require to be functional to genetics. I wish I could operate on only 4 hours like Colleen.

    "I get grumpy, i stumble, i'm half awake, i get sleepy "

    This sounds like me if I get more than 5 hours.

    It could be Leeroy. My father didn't require much sleep either.

    he ha . Your lucky then Colleen, like Leeroy said, i wish i can be like you :) that would give me an hour extra every day to do left out papers ;)
    Maybe i should start practising :D

    No dh, it's not something you can practice, lol. Sleep til you wake up. Your body knows what it needs. :)

    That's true. i think i'll keep to my routine... i don't think i can sleep any less than 5 anyway :)
    on average 1-2 on a good night with all bs aside sleeping dont come easy when your mind wont rest.

    Sorry to hear that daren, man I really hope you can find a way to rest your mind and get some rest. Thank you for the info.
    Around 7 1/2 to 8 hours per night.

    That's WONDERFUL eggplant, man I wish I could do that every night. Thank you so much for the info.
    Never I my life did I sleep more than five hours a night. Now, about four hours. Buuut, beer will dictate on occasion.
    I feel better when I only sleep 4 or 5 hours.. But I have to sleep at least 7 to 9 because I have epilepsy... I am always groggy.

    Hello Jenn, you know I care about you , take good care of yourself now. Thanks so much for the info.

    Trying to baby.... Love you too... You were my very first AKA friend. I miss you being around.
    i did try reading for a while and put on some gentle piano music and slept like a log! thank you
    seems like i can hardly sleep anymore. was still awake at 5 a.m. and finally went to sleep only to wake up two hours later. need some sleeping pills.

    I hope you don't try sleeping pills, I heard they can be addictive. Try doing what arryoudini says, maybe that will help. Carmaxable, thank you for your input.
    Thanks itsmee, 6 hours is not bad, take care of yourself my friend. Appreciate the info.
    I've always envied folks who could sleep 7 or more hours a me that would be heavenly! I myself sleep from 3 to 5...I'll wake up and start thinking too much to be able to go back to sleep or I can't get to sleep most nights due to excessive brain activity...can't seem to shut it off! There are worse things in life long as I feel rested I'm happy!

    Hi ole hipster, you tell that brain to let you get some sleep LOL. Well I'm glad that you feel rested though. Thank you so much for the info.
    ole hipster

    Hi Spaceghost! The more I tell the brain to stop the more it makes me think! Have tried visualization and even melatonin....helps my brother but gives me nightmares!

    O I'm sorry to hear that gives you nightmares, maybe you'll find some other way to get more sleep, I hope you can.
    I don't like going to bed at night. I hate it! there's always something I want to do like come to akaqa or read or watch television. I refuse to look at the clock late at night. My husband is the same as me and he'll say, "Itsmee, it's 2:30 am, we've got to go to bed!" so I brush, floss, wash, gown up, and go to my sleeping place. I have to take 2 xanax to go to sleep. Otherwise I just lay there and stare. I get up at 8:30. that's 6 hours. not bad. sometimes I nap.
    5-6 hours

    Thank you dwayne1716, that's a pretty good amount of sleep. Appreciate the input.

    if i had not tortured my bladder in my youth im sure it would be an hour longer
    5-6 hours

    Not enough


    Me either.

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