    Why are some husbands try to control their wives all the time?

    0  Views: 1927 Answers: 13 Posted: 13 years ago

    13 Answers

    Either they are insecure or they are controlling. Having traveled around the world, have seen that in some cultures, it is the norm.
    My personal view is that "controlling" a good woman is a waste of good resources. A tree cannot grow in the shadow of another. If she is a good woman, she will make you proud if you give her the freedom and power to do it.
    I can't relate thank God.
    It is part of the fallen nature of men and women. Men feel the distorted need to control their wives. Women feel the distorted need to usurp their husbands. Each behavior can be change once they become aware of it and why they do it.
    because they are insecure about themselves
    because woman boss them around
    because you let it happen ...sometimes you need to learn to stand up to your rights ..if you dont they will continue to control you and my advice is dont let them because it only get worse..if you are seriously unhappy try to leave ...i did..good luck and remember you can do anything you want to do ..we dont need someone to control us to make us happy
    There are many people who try to control the other in their relationship. I agree some of that may be insecurity or even pride. Men naturally tend to take the lead, not that women don't... We all try to take the lead at one time or another.

    Usually it's the more dominant or aggressive person in the relationship that takes charge. The Bible says that the man is the leader of a family, but many men don't lead, or find it easier not to argue.

    Have you heard the expression,"Anything with two heads is a Monster?" Someone has to lead, as long as he's not being a jerk or disrespectful about it, just support each other. Marriage or a relationship is a lot of work.
    probably because men like it down there own way and they like the pleasure to be right now if it gets up to the level of arguing you DEFINITELY need to talk and if you have children talk to them and make them feel comfortable
    maybe because the man know better then the woman and she may not be the brightest bulb in the box or it could be that the woman is just not making the right the right choice in things. i am not saying that what he is doing is right you ask why so I am giving reasons as a man I do not want my wife to get hurt or taken advantage of. so that might be way
    3 billion years of evolution
    i think is most likely that the saw there father act that way so now the fell they should as well
    because they like challenges
    Because ,They are afraid & think they are unqualified for his wives.

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