    Why has no one on this site got a sense of humour?

    +5  Views: 844 Answers: 14 Posted: 12 years ago

    14 Answers

    Personly i believe their are many witty characters on this site with a very good healthy sense of humour!
    There is loads of good humour on this site.
    May be that you are the one who misunderstands our sense of humor I myself am told by many people of my wonderful sense of humor
    We all have a sense of humor. But again, this site is not a playground for kids.

    Well said Colleen . lol

    Why would having a sence of homour in this site, be like a play ground for kids?

    It concerns another thread. Harry knows what I mean.
    There is a time for play/humor, then there is a time for seriousness and answering questions with intelligences. But, to say we don't have humor is totally nonfactual because, since, I started AKAQA' I've seen alot of humor from our members an have had a ton of laughs so, I'm not sure your definition of HUMOR qualifies as HUMOR.
    I think many of the members are quite witty... And have wonderful sence of humor... Most of us answer questions directly... It is a q/a site.. Not to mention it is sometime s hard to let our personalities shine because you cant express sarcasim when typing.. I think we try not to offend... But there are plenty of treads where we cut loss and let it all hang out.
    As a footnote to this thread, i am not a person that uses forums or chat rooms etc... however i do find this site a very very refreshing change from the norm in the fact that it is a questions & answers forum (i just love trivia) and we can all learn from. There never seems to be arguments; (long may that continue!) For me in Great Britain it very interesting to listen & read the many views from other countries. I consider i have made many new friends.... Come on then next question!! (the British sense of humour; lol.)

    We have all said we would like to get together.. I think iot would be great p[uplicity for the AKAQA team to d ojust that... Take the top 20 or 50 contributors and let us meet... Proferrably some place with great weather. (a cruise would be nice) HINT HINT.

    What a good idea.
    no one i know of there all to busy laughing!!
    I laugh my ass off here.
    i like humor,fun, belly laughs just like anyone else. i just got the impression from your comments that it is wrong to have fun on this site because we are all adults. this is not a playground for least i can admit maybe i took the whole thing wrong.

    I was speaking to the child. His question was, "Who put a curse on me?". He was in playing with his friend who asked, "How can I put a curse on someone without is coming back on me?". Kids, using the site as a playground. I removed the even more childish question he asked next. That's why he posted this one.

    Yes, have fun with the questions as we all do but if I were to let the kids take over, none of the adults would have fun and more than likely all mature adults would leave. Since this is an adult forum as per the admin, I keep the kids in check the best I can. Your comment above this one was out of line.
    I get enough "alkie hull" in me I can laugh my ass off just because I can hehehehe
    Anyone here seen Roger Rabbit??? "If you don't stop that laughing your gonna die laughing" and then the weasel's die from laughing one by one... were just not ready to go yet.
    Many of us have senses of humor. It's FUNNY you would say that! Get it!

    Hi Coach!! Big hug to you :)

    Hey (((Col))). How life been treating you?
    they all afraid if they smile they face might crack. must be pretty boring people. i cant imagine sitting around deadpan and never having a little fun.

    Who are you talking about? This is not a children s playground as per the admin.

    Carmax, you couldn't hold a candle to the fun and humor in my life, you prove this with your condescending remark. You're looking into a mirror..

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