    congestive heart failure

    my 84 yr old mother in law was diagnosed last year with CHF and had a triple bypass. She was active cleaning cooking etc. she now is always so tired and sleeps pretty much all day, doesnt have the strength to cook nor does she clean anymore. She can't seem to keep food down anymore as it comes back up and she is always nauseaus. Does it sound like she doesn't have much time left? In fact she is received an IV antibiotic for 10 days as outpatient but wants to be readmitted to continue this therapy, her Dr. told her she would admit her but would then put her in a nursing home, she didnt like that answer and left. Question 2. why would her dr. suggest she go to a nursing home as one of her sons lives at home with her. thank you for your answers in advance

    0  Views: 542 Answers: 3 Posted: 12 years ago

    3 Answers

    Perhaps, he thought she would get better care. But, let me tell you, elderly people, only last about 18 months in a nursing home.

    My mother-in-law is being cared for at home. Her son and his wife do almost everything for her. My mother-in-law cannot do anything for herself, not even feeding. A lady comes home daily, showers her, cleans her room and bathroom. The Government of Australia has this service, and it is very cheap for the elderly. It costs about $5.00 per day.
    He my have offered that as an option not a suggestion... IF someone NEEDS 24 hour care it is sometimes best to have a fully awake staff that can tend to them. If he has not diagnosed her as termalnal I personally would let her live where she wants to ... (if she has the support to do so)
    Sounds as though she never really bounced back from the surgery as well as they had hoped. My mom had this too, the doctors wanted her to exercise to help but she wasn't into that any longer because of extreme anemia she was tired all the time and didn't feel like moving around. The doctors decided it was a waste of time to operate to repair her heart blockages, sent her home. They gave her six months to live at that time. She lived a little longer than that but her heart did finally give out.

    If it is too hard on the family to take care of her all the time then perhaps the nursing home is best - but she may not want to go. You will need to concentrate on keeping food in her, perhaps just a tiny bit at a time, perhaps something she really likes. It's hard I know, but she did give a lot of good years of herself for everyone else, now it's time for everyone to try to help her out.

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