    they have guns in a safe, take shooting lessons, have dried food for six months, just bought a motor home, put A LOT in the gold market? should we do this too?

    we live in a town where the crime rate is astronomical (<--word of the day)

    +1  Views: 517 Answers: 13 Posted: 12 years ago

    Do you mean some people have guns that have NOT had lessons?

    13 Answers

    Sounds to me like they're planning for more than just keeping themselves safe from today's crime. I think they've planned for a potential total economical collapse of this country.

    yikes ... yeah, i know. they're bright people too.
    anybody else planning for an economic collapse?

    I am. I'm planning on the collapse of all law enforcement and government but for a different reason than the economy.

    many deputy sherrifs have been layed off, prisoners are set free early as more and more homeless wander in.

    The spot price on gold is $1517.~per ounce today. Anyone buying gold now is betting on the price of gold going up. The price will come down if the economy improves or the Aussies dump a pile on the market. I can pick up 1/20 ounce in about 4 hours in most of California, Nevada and many other states and countries also. That’s better than many jobs pay. Buying gold doesn’t make a lot of since to me.

    It does Robert if the economy collapses and the dollar is devalued to a point where it's completely worthless.

    if the economy colapses gold wont be worth much long term clean water and food will rule the day. hard to eat gold or see it to hungry people

    Gold will always be a commodity denoting wealth. It always has been and always will be. There will be those who have more of the necessities and I will bet they would take gold for a bottle of water. People always look to the future after any disaster and will want to have wealth to restart with.
    They are survivalist. I am a survivalist too. That's why I have chickens and grow my own food. I also have a large food stock and water supplies. I reckon, we could last one year with our supplies.

    You never know when disaster strikes. Not the rupture. I'm talking about earthquakes, bad weather etc. Here is a good address:
    I have to confess I am at a total loss to understand the people of the USAs` obsession with owning a gun,rifle or what ever. I know there are lots of responsible gun owners but some of the afore mentioned are fanatical about having a house full of weapons, why?

    Is the feeling of security that bad?

    If it is it is because the law makers and upholders of the law have allowed it to happen and the red neck attitude of "I am entitled to own a gun and by golly I am going to do just that."

    Don`t get me wrong, I am not trying to criticise, I am trying to understand.

    How many have weapons they never use for hunting and/or target shooting as a sport? Does it make the others feel safe or just"tough" in their own mind?

    I repeat I am trying to get my head around the "buy a gun and it will be Ok attitude" as it appears to me.
    I sometimes wonder if having all the different States with their County law people doesn`t work against you. In Australia we have State/Territory police service and we only have six States and two Territories. This means we have eight law enforcement agencies plus the Australian Federal Police. They seem to work well together and are not coloquial in their attitude. Just a thought, not that anything can be done to change it.

    Don`t get me wrong we have our problems but from what I have observed here and elsewhere we are indeed "The Lucky Country"

    We just like guns :) Must come from our wild west days.

    I own one for protection. Some day I might need it to protect myself faster than the police can get here.

    Glad you have such a safe country to live in :) All in all the US is not as bad as the inlookers think it is and not all have soo many guns in their house.

    Thanks for the reply Colleen and I really mean no offence when I say I am glad I don`t have that worry in my life.

    Something that does make me stop and think is how many people have any idea of gun safety, it is one thing to have a weapon quite another to know how to handle it correctly. as a early teenager I was told and shown how to be gun safe. Trust me when I say there were people I refused to go hunting wirh because of their lack of safety.
    I have hunted rabbits, foxes,ferral pigs,ferral goats, kangaroos and wallabys and only a couple of years ago surrended my Shooters Licence, which to obtain took a safety course and police check Australia wide.

    I was for over four years a weapons instructor for recruits in the Australian Army. Weapons included Light Machine Gun. Sub Machine Gun, Rifle, Anti Aircraft Gun and even hand grenades. When the gun laws were introduced despite all my experience I had to do a Safety Course.

    I sicerely hope you never have occasion to use what ever fire arm you have.
    Are they preparing for a war? If I were you, I wouldn't follow them except maybe a gun since living in a bad area and having several ladies in my house.

    yes, schubee ... that's a soothing thought. (we willl probably do. we talk about it all the time.)
    as if i could pick it up. : (
    Oh, this is another dooms day thing…2012 or whatever.
    It's just makes good sense. When I live in FL, I have a cabinet dedicated to hurricane supplies, water, canned food, gas for the grill, charcoal, oil for the lamp, a wind up radio, etc, etc.

    When I live in CA I have earthquake supplies as well, a water purifier, MRE's, etc,... It's a great idea to be prepared for who knows what.

    The only certain thing about the future is that it's uncertain, that goes for the economy as well.
    LOL I have done all of these things for 17 years.. Well all but the moble home and gold... hmmm What does that say about me?
    Buy a safe, put guns in it, take gun safety and shooting lessons, buy food, invest in gold..
    Why not move to a safer town? A lot less hoops to jump through.

    we, for many reasons, are planted here forever. moving is an excellent idea. but totally impossible for us.
    also, we could not possibly buy the things they bought. not ever.
    i think i posted this before but i keep looking for assurance or some dam thing. i dunno.
    i hate it when i say dumb things and my comment appears twice. i must carefully punch that "post an answer" button.
    thanks JDB see my comment above. i am soothed by your answer. ;-/ ha
    I remember about 30 years ago there was a rush to build fallout shelters, but those were the days of the Cold War.
    It seems to me the main problems today are overpopulation and the increasing number of aged people. (I am one of these).
    If this armageden that you seem to fear becomes a reallity, is life going to be worth living anyway. So why bother.

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