    Is there such a thing as an international drivers license,if so where does person apply for it ?

    0  Views: 971 Answers: 7 Posted: 12 years ago

    7 Answers

    well then how did james bond get around .....

    Daren, James Bond is a spy .... he does not need drivers license otherwise it will blow his cover. Ha-ha-ha
    YES... You go to your local Automobile Association, in WESTERN AUSTRALIA its called the RAC (ROYAL AUTOMOBILE CLUB)and you take a recent passport photo with a current drivers license and they will issue one over the counter. Hope this helps... SAFE AND AWESOME TRAVELS...
    Triple A.
    1. IDP applications can not be made any more than three months in advance of the date of travel. An IDP can not be backdated under any circumstances.

    2. Persons going to a country to take up residence or employment, or for any reason other than tourism, should make enquiries about their personal position before relying on a permit.

    3. It is important to check the accuracy of the personal information printed on your driving licence. If there are any errors or you have a change of name or address, you should immediately notify the DVLA/DVLNI.

    4. When hiring a car overseas remember that driving licence requirements worldwide do vary. Therefore, if you are making an advanced reservation in the UK, ask the company concerned to confirm driving licence requirements of the country to be visited. In the absence of such information consider an IDP as a precautionary measure, especially if travelling outside Europe.


    6. All International Driving Permits will be returned to UK addresses by standard first class mail, unless the optional 'secure post' fee is paid. We do not accept responsibility for items that may be delayed or lost in the post.

    The answer is no as Expert says. Each country regulates / enforces their own driving standards. Many countries do allow "visitors" (ie; holidaymakers etc) to drive (hire cars etc..) on their driving license for a limited period of time , however, many countries insist that if you then wish to stay for an extended period of time you must then apply for a licence in the host country. (UK license holder).

    Maz, I have to say that I disagree with you. Like I said, I went to South America and I did get a international License. Kezri also agreed with this. But then again, every country got its own laws and regulations.

    I do agree with your last comment that each country does have their own regulations. If you decided to reside in the UK you would require a full UK driving license after a given period. IDPs do have a limitted life. Also many countries will only accept IDPs for tourist use only, and then for a maximum of 90 days only. I am sure as you say that most countries have their own rules on these issues.
    Yes there is. Usually when you go abroad you show your license, in this case, USA, and they give you one from that country and usually is good between three to six month. I went to South America ( Venezuela ) and I got one from over there. I believe the cost should be different according with the country you are visiting. I paid $25.00
    To hire vehicles in other countries you MUST HAVE AN INTERNATIONAL DRIVERS LICENSe for insurance purposes. When you get your IDL (which expires after 12months)you get a booklet telling you about different countries road signs and explaining rules and regulations. I wouldnt leave on a holiday without gaining an International Drivers License from my home country. Its much easier that way...

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