    how to beat a drug test

    0  Views: 529 Answers: 5 Posted: 12 years ago

    5 Answers

    dont do drugs
    best method is abstainence.. they now check for drug disguisers!
    I'm subject to random drug testing myself, and although I'll admit I use to enjoy a joint every now and's really not worth losing your livelyhood over. Life is a lot better when you don't have to worry over such things, it really is. When something runs the risk of affecting your life in that negative a's literally stupid to continue using. So ask yourself whether you see yourself as an idiot, or someone with half a clue...and take it from there in what direction you choose to go. I hope you choose to do yourself a favor!
    Ms Sinclair

    It's a shame that you can get drunk as a skunk and suffer little or no repercussions but smoking weed can get you fired. This is very hypocritical because I believe that alcohol is a far worse drug.

    I agree with you Ms. Sinclair, in that weed is a less harmful drug than alcohol. When I was 16, my mother was dying of cancer, and I saw firsthand how it even helped her gain an appetite during chemotherapy. She was a woman who had never even smoked a cigarette, yet I saw firsthand how it was capable of allowing her the ability to eat without feeling nauseous. Yet, almost 40 years later we are only beginning to allow people to use it medicinally. Too bad our laws are so ill-focused, and we as a society are so slow to change our laws to be more effectual. I can understand the mindset of drug-testing also, as companies use it to keep people with lifestyles they fear, from being directly in control of their stock or services provided. In the instance of airplane pilots, train operators, air controllers, and truck drivers...for the sake of safety we are better off with people who are tested and proven to be drug-free though. Sometimes booze can be a really bad choice for certain individuals. But, in the instance of someone asking how to beat a drug just makes me want to ask them why they'd want to leave themself so susceptible to the system taking away their income and a means to support themselves or their family. But, I do agree with you Ms. Sinclair.
    When you know you have an upcoming possibility of being drug-tested (and most companies now require them) don't smoke weed for at least 30 days before being tested...other drugs stay shorter times in your system. Best answer is of course...stop doing drugs then you won't have to worry and you'll probably save a lot of money to boot....otherwise search online for the your own dirty work. LOL (:

    You should not be asking this question if you have a substance abuse problem, nor for anyone else. There is a reason for this test. I don't know what it is. Perhaps you're in Law Enforcement, maybe you drive an 18-wheeler, are an air-traffic controller, pilot a 767, or are a surgeon and your impaired judgment could put the public-at-large at harm,, or it's related to child custody /visitation, or something else. Trying to" put one over" on the court, your employer, or whatever, does not solve the underlying problem. If you've "made your bed, you have to sleep in it." Lastly, there should be a federal law enacted prohibiting the selling of anything that would mask prohibited substance use. Nobody should give this *@#$% any help.

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