    Does anyone know a trustworthy psychic who could try to find something for me?

    0  Views: 685 Answers: 8 Posted: 12 years ago

    8 Answers

    I have an acquaintance who is a psychic. He has become wealthy from his book on the subject and he lives in an area of wealth. Only rich people can find their answers from him.
    I only know one thing about psychic ability. If it exists, it is an unusual gift from god. (It is beyond our understanding) If you find a psychic who claims they can find the answers for you,I do not believe they would require payment. (nor would they advertise on a question and answer site not made for the specific purpose of selling psychic readings)
    debley, I'm sure you don't charge for your readings.
    come to think of it, police do use psychics sometimes. but, of course these psychic people go through conventional chanels.

    What is this conventional channels you speak of? I phoned our Richmond, Tx. Police Dept. and asked if they used or could direct me to a psychic to help me. I see them pretty regularly on t.v.
    I answer questions, some answers are correct some are maybe right, some are completely wrong. With me it’s better than a shot in the dark and that’s it. So ya got a question, maybe I’ll give it a go. Lets see if my psychic powers are functional…You house key is under the mat at your front door.

    also in your purse. and your cat’s name is OLIVER. The door knob to your bathroom is porcelain. Your eye color is hazel and yore car is a blue mercedies and my spelling is better than my psyche ability. How many did I get right?

    One auto is blue. Did you notice that in the beginning of your paragraph it begins in the middle of your sentence. "also in your purse, etc, etc."
    Deborah, I don't know at all how this you know why I am contacting you and what my first name is?

    meant to finish sentence sorry. Meant to say for some reason you don't want anyone close to you to know

    Hi "Tilley" I have put in a request as to how private contact can be made as per daren 1's suggestion. Hopefully will get an answer soon.

    I'm confused by the above comments.
    I feel you are a mature aged person, male (older than me - i'm late 50s) feeling quite frustrated. No I don't know your name. I think you may be searching for an important document

    I am a female older than you, and yes, I am very frustrated, upset with myself and sad. The object I am searching for is not a document. Should we email directly just to one another or continue on publicly with Ask A Question?

    I felt Male because you seem to have a male's name e.g Sam can be male or female as in Samantha. You would probably prefer private email but as I'm new to this site,how do you give an email address without everyone seeing it (my "gift" doesn't help me there)

    click on contact bottom of page ask the admin. the same question.. probally wont get a reply till monday

    Thank you. I have done that now.
    I read tarot cards, do psychometry (sense things of jewellery, keys any personal items) and sense "things" so yes I'm psychic

    Debley, Haven't heard from you lately. With all of your talents, have you yet sensed what I have lost.
    You don't need a psychic. The bible tells you to stay away from fortune tellers, and sooth slayers. The bible says, '' In all thy ways, acknowlege Him, and He shall direct thy paths.''
    I have a question. will you answer me, please?

    are you a psychic?

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