    What is the most unbelievable aspect of Christianity?

    This question is asked by my son, In his World History, he is just finishing a unit on world religions.

    Thanks for your responses.

    +5  Views: 22112 Answers: 97 Posted: 13 years ago

    BAH HIYA, DON"T blame Jehovah for Human stupidity. People DO these THINGS. GOD"S Forgiveness's just lets YOU GO YOUR OWN WAY ! Dumb ASS...


    NO DOUBT "Ba-hiya" thinks HE"S a God... Judging GOD. NO DOubT a Muslim


    La bible es state scritte 300 anno dopo criste Qui mi po dire che no l'a transformato com in 1500?


    The most unbelievable aspect of Christianity is that Jesus came back from the dead! Yet, the proofs of it are well written by wittnesses. That Jesus existed is confirmed by many non Scriptual sources. He did more to change the course of mankind including restarting the calandar world wide. He never wrote a book or traveled out of his country. He fullfilled most ancient Hebrew or Old Testament propheses about the Messiah. And Christians are awaiting anxciously for his return.

    Hope this helps,


    Winson Fraal

    Christianity is derived from, based on and rooted in judiasm - it is described in Matt "it is not meet to take from the childrens mouths and cast it to dogs" : "the dogs eat the crumbs that fall off the masters table" : note the 'dog-collar' worn by christians. It is a mockery created by the jews, I binned it.

    cogito ergo sum

    what a joke knowledge is. lack of knowledge would be more appropriate. jesus did not fullfill the conditions for a messiah prophesized by the old testament prophets. try reading the hebrew version of the old testaent and not the king james version and then maybe you will have the knowledge to understand why the jewish religion does not accept jesus as the messiah.


    That each one of us is an individual, unique expression of God.


    The most unberlivable is that it all happened openly and before a very small group of time (miracles, ten commandments, and the lot, in the presence and view of a small handfull of people. Then it was over not to be repeated in this way again.

    97 Answers (61-90 Displayed)

    That Moses parted the RED SEA and didn't bother to pick up any fish during the trip

    Headless Man

    Think he was in a bit of a hurry......

    . . but of course it is nutured by fundamentalism on all sides from birth to death. One must ever seek within.

    1. Any Traditions or systems driven by fundalamentalism of any sort. 2. that the world still aquate tradition as religion, a very violation of the word, which brings chaos and war for righteousness sake; religious wars for the sake of God; for the sake of Good, how ludicrus; impossible. Tradions are calling themselves Religions and traditions judge and kill each other. True Religion does not embody such a concept, as would hurt the sons of men. The word Religion (again) means TO RETURN TO THE SOURCE: TO FIND UNION WITH THE GOOD. Therefore traditions are just pathways to Religion, which is the Goal!! After all the Ages the ignorance yet remains, is unbeliveable. :(


    In reality Satan not man created religion to confuse the masses. See 2 Corinthians 4V4
    Without the big supernatural signs religion could not hold authority over Kings and Rulers.
    The masses have to be made to marvel at the weeping statues, and the porcelain cows that give milk (Hinduism) in order to give the priest the power over the people by threatening a fate much worse than death if they do not do as they are told. 'Do your duty in the name of God and country. Kill the enemy even though he is the same religion as you are! Collateral damage oh dear! God will forgive you if you are sincere.' This is what your churches teach is the will of God.

    Seriously if your child was disobedient would you put its arm in the fire to teach it a lesson. Of course not. If your dog has rabies would you put it on the fire. Of course you would not. You would have it destroyed as painlessly and humanly as possible. But this is not what Christendoms clergy traditionally teach. This is why they have waged wars and inquisitions. This is why so many true Christians were burned at the stake with their bibles round their necks. 30 years war, 100 years war WWI and WWII were all approved by clergy and chaplains purporting to be ministers of GOD when in fact they were doing Satan's work by making the God of love out to be a liar and monster.

    It is not surprising that so many turn to Atheism and Humanism for answers. But that also is tragic. It is not their fault that God is misrepresented or that so many men claiming to be ministers of God are batting on the other side while true Angels weep. REV 12v12.

    Wow where do i start ~ virgin birth,rising from the dead,feeding the 5000 wi few loaves n a couple kippers,,the holy trinity stuff,,that a violent rapist will go to heaven if he says sorry n i believe but the life you lead,however good counts for nothing if i dont bow down,,that i've been given free will n the ability to think for myself but will be condemned to burn in hell if i dont do what he wants ~ thats got the ring of a sadistic sense of humour if you ask me.Plus the earth,mankind,the entire universe even is in existense for gods pleasure n to flatter his ego which is much more absurd than assuming this is way things worked out which i am happy with

    That the God of Abraham is our creator. And that His son Jesus is our salvation. Freely given to 'all' who will call upon the Lord our God for salvation. Freely given through the death and resurrection of Jesus when he was nailed to a cross for the sake of mankind. His resurrection guarantees eternal life to all who will call upon God/Jesus for salvation. Simply ask...

    Headless Man

    Too easy for most, sad. Love Randy

    that becauce a god like being might exist ,we should automaticly worship it--sort of like expecting us to be worshiped by a beatle , or maybe a frog?

    Ms Sinclair

    lol. I wouldn't mind if a Beatle worshiped me, especially John, Paul, or George. I think you meant beetle.

    That the Creator of the universe and all that is it it should care for us as individuals

    I bet you that Satan himself was caught by surprise as he did not expected God's wild card as how He was going to deal with the sin problem - the giving up of His Son, as prove of His Righteous love for His creatures! I agree that "the most difficult thing to understand is how a religion predicated upon love and forgiveness has been the cause of such pain", One needs to understand the following, 1- either we, Christians, do not understand fully what it means to be born again (new nature, giving to us), therefore, we live a religion based on "misconceptions" acting out contrary to the "real nature" of Christ, therefore casting a "cloud" of unbelief in the mind of the world, or 2- Satan is doing his best to keep the message of the "new birth" misunderstood, so the real power behind the message fails to produce what it was meant to do - By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.25 “Righteous Father, though the world does not know you, I know you, and they know that you have sent me. 26 I have made you[a] known to them, and will continue to make you known in order that the love you have for me may be in them and that I myself may be in them.” Today, I tell you that, the true sons of God will live out this prayer so the world can decide one way or another wether to believe or not. No questions asked!


    I like what you have said , check out Gabe Lyons if you havent already....

    Wow! I think that all Christians agree that Jesus probably was not born on December 25th. Does it really matter what day of the year he was born? I think not. It is more important the we ackowledge the he was born, died and rose from the dead so we all have the opportunity to be among those who will have eternal life through Him.

    most unbelievable aspect is showing some one the truth from Gods word and they say they ''dont want to believe that '' as if they can tell God how its going to be.God is not a servant !

    I think the most unbelievable aspect of Christianity was immaculate conception.


    Here is a popular misconception (pun intended). The Immaculate Conception is the life of the Blessed Virgin Mary whose life was totally without stain ( macula Lat.) from beginning to end. The so-called virgin birth is a part of the Immac. Concep.

    That so many humans blindly believe in it. Period.

    Durk Simmons

    You misunderstood my statement. I too believe in a larger field of play, like the cosmos. Christianity doesn't allow freedom of thought outside their belief system. My point is that true Christians believe in the bible as a truth not an ideology. Take the concept of Heaven and Hell. Everyone forgets that the Church still thought we lived on a flat earth at the time. Think about it. I'm a Pagan and believe in Karma and reincarnation. I worship the Mother (Earth), not an ideology.


    Blind faith has led many to great things. It is not a human failure to believe in an unproven principle, it is a human failure to not try and prove the principle to be right or wrong. The grasp of the human mind to even concieve the possibility that there may be a God speaks to the outter bounderies of the far reaches of where we are as a species in regards to the other ones.

    How sad it must be to feel like we're all just biological time clocks and when our flesh dies so goes our existence. I live in a larger field of play than that. But believe as you will. Proof comes when the day arrives.


    I appologize that I misunderstood you Durk. I am a Christian and you are a pagan. Where it is true that the Christian dogma says you will perish in hell fire and brimstone for not coming to Jesus Christ I hold no judgement against you for what you believe in. As a pagan you then also believe in a God. Muslims believe in a God, Hindus, the dali lama, etc all believe in a God. They all feel the spiritual presence of "A" God within them. We are all pulled one way or another by spiritual forces that guide our lives. We want the God we believe in to be the right one. Jesus just makes sense to me.


    The spiritual forces that tug and pull at us are real. Even athiests feel the tug. Something is out there in the spiritual realm that has the power to affect the human mind. We are spiritual beings. There is a God. There is no doubt in my mind.The New Testament talks about salvation in a way that pulls at me. There is a heaven, there is a hell, There is a great reward in the end for those who live in the light and punishment for those who dont.We all have a choice to make. Thats what this is all about. Choice. You just have to choose wisely.
    It's good to converse but not to be judgemental.


    As a follower of Jesus , i think that it is not our belief system but Gods the ways he created us but gives all a freedom of choice to believe or not to believe, I was asked one time it Jesus came to earth and did not die for your sins would you still love him and serve him . and I really thought about that and because of his nature and what he stood for I would say yes .

    I lend myself to a belief in God because I cannot believe man has ever transcended the chaos he creates for himself. The most unbelievable aspect of Christianity is that people twist it into their own form of hate for hates sake. The teachings of Jesus Christ are lessons we as human beings should embrace but dont because it calls for us to truely love and forgive those who hurt us and hate us. It calls for us to live our lives in a moral and ethical way. And to treat others in a way we would want to be treated. And above all to love God with all your heart, all your soul, and to love your neigbor as you love yourself.

    Can we believe that he is the son of God and that he died for our sins? That he was crucified, was dead, and arose to transcend this life into a spiritual being that now sits in heaven? That when he died we who believe in him whom God hath sent will be given eternal life along with him in Gods Holy Kingdom instead of eternal life in a pit of fire and brimstone? That is for you to work out with yourself. But ask yourself this, what if your dis-belief is wrong and that day comes when Christ breaks through the sky to reclaim the Earth for his people. And you're standing on the wrong side of things. That will be an eternity I dont want to exist in.

    I believe in all the things the Bible says about our Lord Jesus Christ. I live my life that way. If in the end it's not true then I perish into dust forgotten like those who have preceded me. But I know I will be standing with the angels as Christ lays waste to the kingdon of the Lord of the flies and his fallen multitude. I hope not to see you down there among them.



    I hope your not let down too much when you find out what God's truth really is and that the earth is not going to be laid to waste. It is renewing itself yes and there will be a lot of death and destruction but there are NO chosen people who will be saved over all others. Jesus is not coming back. The word of God will return but will be brought by someone else. Jesus is too busy in the lower heaven taking care of all the misled Christians who cross over. As unbelievable as it sounds, what if I'm right?



    @ Randy, : )



    I believe in God. I believe everything is going as it should. The earth has gone though a change 3 times already. This is simply another change. The laws of the spiritual universe will not allow mankind to be wiped out. This is more than man and weapons. This is mother earth ridding herself of the negativity mankind brings with his need for control, greed, corruption and judgment of others. When all is set and done, those left will be the builders of a new and better world and all those who feel the creations of God who are different from them, thus less important, will be gone. Cant wait.



    I'm laughing at you. + <a href="/users/975/colleen/">@Colleen</a> ;D
    (1 hour ago) Mindblade16

    It's your right to be childish. Have at it : ) As the Christians like to say, in the end, you will see the truth for yourself.


    I'm laughing at you. + <a href="/users/975/colleen/">@Colleen</a> ;D


    I wont be let down. My life will be a good one no matter what and when my flesh gasps its final breath I will see the light and move on. Its good to feel that way, Colleen. Look at whats happening around the world. Man is self destructing in a big way and with much larger weapons this time over the other times. Our ability to destroy human existance has reached its completion. I believe our existence, however, is in the hands of a greater power and when mankind fails in its attempt to exist then God will step in and make the proper corrections. Faith, no faith, no matter. Its happening now.

    Ms Sinclair

    I hope you're right Colleen, but I don't have the same level of confidence that the human race will survive. Who's to say that a superior form of life won't come along to replace us when we f**k things up so badly that we can exist no longer?

    Headless Man

    No chance......

    Headless Man

    <a href="/users/975/colleen/">@Colleen</a>, no chance.

    I lend myself to the higher power of God because I cannot place myself souly in the hands of man. The most unbelievable aspect of Christianity is that people can take something so full of love and forgiveness, so right and turn it into something so wrong. Whether you have faith or not the teachings of Jesus Christ are bound in the very things we as human beings should be embracing. Yet the human heart and soul seeks the base element and not the full structure. Hate for hates sake, the embrace of the dark path seems humanities only path and that is why I find faith in the holy trinity of Gods love so enlightening and I embrace that. Belief in man will only lead to disaster and disillusionment. We all need to seek a higher power than ourselves to rise above the fray of chaos we create for ourselves. What man creates falls to dust and will be forgotten. But the what God creates has lasted throughout all time. The mysteries of the universe abound with fantastical science we cannot wrap our little minds around yet it's there for our eyes to see. Let it be and let God live in your hearts in whatever form he may come to you in. Let go and let God.

    As C.S. Lewis pointed out in Basic Christianity, either Jesus was the Son of God or he was a lunatic since he claimed to be God's only begotten Son.

    Anything through the time of Noah really. I'm a Christian, but I just see the first books of the bible as Christian Mythology (The Garden of Eden, The Great Flood etc.)

    That it was supposed to fight the roman and it included them .

    the fact that there is people to believe he will be back ...

    What is th most unbeleivable aspect of Christianity?

    It's based on magic and magic is unreal....therefore it could not have happened as told in the bible....perhaps it's just an old story that was told to children in villages round a camp fire on long lonely nights and it just got exaggerated on through time.............Nowadays that story would have made the writter a million......ABSOLUTLY NO PROOf whatsoever........

    the virgin birth.

    For me The most unbelievable aspect of christianity is hard for a non-christans to grasp, because we christians don't even understand it fully. We know it to be real because we have experienced it firsthand. The most unbelievable aspect of christianity is the transformation that occurs when you acknowledge with all your heart and being that you are a sinner in need of something better, and invite Jesus into your life to be your teacher, your guide, your saviour.. It's absoutely amazing.. Before Christ (BC) I was living on a level that was base and selfish.. After Discovery (AD) my paradigm has shifted 180 degrees, and I am the opposite of the person I used to be. I am now living in love, forgiveness, and an inner peace that I can't even explain.. I would ask you to approach these types of questions with an open mind and at least acknowledge that what we see on the surface may just be the proverbial tip of the iceberg. Time and science will tell.. Mindblade16 I love you..

    in job it states"we are of yesterday and know nothing".We see already that people can not agree on these things.That shows that we need the instructions of Gods word.The Word of this King has great power.tom.

    if you are happy to believe then your happy!!if you are unhappy with the believers then your unhappy.!! if you are unaware you have got it made

    I think the most unbelievable part of Christianity is that God still loves everyone, whether they believe or not, whether they are good or bad. That even those who claim to be Christians, but do not love others as God loves, are still loved by God. That even those who refuse to accept God's love, are still loved by God. Jesus came that we might know the Father and witness His love, and even though humanity still rebels and refuses to fully believe, God still loves us; all of us, for eternity, whether we choose his Kingdom or not. It is hard to believe that God could love every single human being that has ever lived, and ever will live. But that is what people who claim to be Christians should believe and should be acting out in their own lives.

    There is this "thing" called sin. It binds and hampers us in some way. Every earthling is subject to it and can't get out of whatever it is.

    The only way out is for the supernatural being that created this earth (and maybe universe) to come to earth in a mortal body and let humans kill him. Being a sacrifice like this would give him the power or right to free anyone from whatever the problems of sin are. Huh?

    I'd like to know if there is anything in the Bhavagad Gita, Koran, Buddahist, Taoist or other writings that is anything like that.

    Headless Man

    No, Only in the Bible. Its like if you killed someone in a bit of anger, the Judge sentences you to die. But someone steps up and says I will die for him(and pay the price) and the Judge lets him. Would you not be eternally grateful. Jesus died for you to.

    Lol... it takes a bible to write all that

    here I go

    Believe in a man who was God's only son (only part), (so Egyption) who died for us so we don't get punished by his dad which is him which is not him

    I am not saying anything about a Jewish man without wife and kids (against the religius practices) who walked on water and woke up dead, and hang around prostitutes and ......

    It sounds like if I say I belong to a religion that my God had a son who came from other planet and created men in his own image ... lol... if you believe this then become scientaligist

    Headless Man

    I believe it, but the way you present it is a sin.(wiseman?) Love Randy

    The number one toughest story for me (a Carpenter) to beleive was that Jesus (also a carpenter) went away for a long weekend with a ho (Mary Magdellin) came back to the building site and professed to his coworkers that " I did not have sexual relations with that woman!" Aw Jesus Christ, c'mon JESUS!!! YOUR A CARPENTER!!!!

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