    what do you think about the rupture when THE LORD JESUS CHRIST returns ?

    again what do you think about the rupture when THE LORD JESUS CHRIST returns ?

    +2  Views: 952 Answers: 13 Posted: 12 years ago

    Ricci we are a rotten lot for laughing. I do apologize
    There is no such thing as a stupid question just be a bit careful with your editing and spelling.

    You might be rotten bestway but I'm not and I'm still laughing at this. Misspell it one time, OK..typo, misspell it a second time the same way...where did you get educated?

    bestway, you reported me for abuse because I didn't agree with you generalizing? This is not "rotten" as you put it. You laughed too. People should know what they're talking about before they post. Did you report everyone else who laughed?

    Do you remember how you first responded to this?

    bestway "Hilarious! But isn't it wrong to mock the afflicted?"

    You called this person afflicted! We just laughed at the are a hypocrite!

    13 Answers

    First of all it's not rupture - it's rapture. Hopefully Jesus won't have a rupture when he returns.

    I can't handle this anymore, I gotta take a break for awhile -- LOL RUPTURE!! LOL Bwahahahah!!!

    BBL.. Keep up the good work 6dogs.. LOL

    Too funny. I think I ruptured something laughing so hard.


    to funny is right.........
    wont be long now...yes im ready
    swing low sweet chariot comming for to carry me home......Will be a great day
    The rapture I;m not sure, but you can be sure He will return to this earth,and past judgment on everyone,dead or alive.That was a promise given in Jesus blood.So be prepare for His return anytime,like a thief in the night.

    Pass judgment, not past. Aren't dead people already judged when they die? No? Mass judgment huh? Interesting. Might get a little confusing I think.

    You equate your God with a thief?

    Please Colleen do not put word n my mouth,I did not compare God as a thief! Now I think your saying this,
    it sound to me your just looking for an argument,you are right for correcting my spelling "pass"not"past".
    Now if you know your Bible you will know what I'm

    "His return anytime,like a thief in the night"

    Sure looks like it to me. Just an observation, not an argument.

    I'm not a Christian. I do not have a bible.


    Tit for tat facebook. You vote me down, I vote you down. If it needs to come to voting down for not agreeing with each others beliefs, then I can oblige you :)

    If you don't have Bible,you don't know what your missing.Also I must add there no point arguing something you know nothing about,it just a wast of time for you & me.

    I know exactly what I'm missing and I don't miss it at all. I know everything I need to know about the bible. I know all the things that you people parrot so often (I even know the bible better than some Christians as I've had to correct them when they got scriptures wrong). I'm not arguing with you here. Like I said, I was just pointing what I saw in your words.

    Sorry I was away for a will,Now I can see that you are out for revenge,because I vote you down,so then you took away my points,so now I hope that made your day,because if it did,than I feel much better,if that what you want, I'm happy for you. Thank You.

    No, not revenge. Simply teaching you that karma should not be used to attack another just because you do not agree with what they say. Personal opinion is not up for vote in the karma system. If this was the case, I'd be doing an awful lot of thumbs downing every time a fundamentalist Christian spoke. I think in the whole time I've been on this site (Feb 2011), I've given maybe 6 TD's?

    Welcome back :)
    Colleen you silly bugger you rise to FOGs` bait like a trout. She/him is doing the spruiking and all the other rantings in the hope it gets her/him/ brownie points with THE BIG MAN. "Oh I tried so hard to save those dreadful sinners do I get a front seat?"

    Can`t say I blame you Colleen I did the same a few weeks ago but no more, She/he can believe what she/he wants and if she/he is correct good luck, if she/he is incorrect wont know the difference. Called a two way bet or two bob each way.

    Don't worry about it PL. He can't hurt me. His hook is not real. It's a cheap imitation of the original. ;)

    ''him is doing the spruiking '' ? ,
    Peoplelove, what language are you speaking ?

    Thanks for making me aware of my him not he inclusion.
    I thought I was perfect, what a bugger to find I am not.
    Thanks again and please feel free to correct any further grammatical errors I may make in the future, I do proof read but this one slipped through the net. Cheers.

    Oh, small point, I am typing not speaking, thanks again.
    is this the Harold Camping appreciation page?
    so when's the next rapture! the last one was a bit of a let down! ;-)
    Makes me happy I'm not a Christian with all these misplaces fears and worries.

    I am a Christian and I have no fears or worries about myself and where I am going. However, I do have fears for those who have not received God's grace and I do feel sad for those I know who continue to reject the gift offered by God through Jesus Christ.

    If I wasn't sure about this, I wouldn't care and wouldn't preach Jesus Christ and Him crucified. I preach because I care and I fear for those who reject God.

    blah, blah, blah, blah.
    Annoying is not caring, it's still annoying no matter how much you try to disguise it.

    Jesus answered and said unto her, If thou knewest the gift of God, and who it is that saith to thee, Give me to drink; thou wouldest have asked of him, and he would have given thee living water.

    FOG said: "Give me to drink" THE KOOL AID!!!

    Jesus is not God.

    Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him.

    Jesus is not God.

    And he said unto them, Ye are from beneath; I am from above: ye are of this world; I am not of this world.

    I said therefore unto you, that ye shall die in your sins: for if ye believe not that I am [he], ye shall die in your sins.

    Then said they unto him, Who art thou? And Jesus saith unto them, Even [the same] that I said unto you from the beginning.

    I have many things to say and to judge of you: but he that sent me is true; and I speak to the world those things which I have heard of him.

    Don't make me remove your sermons directed at me.

    You need help. Go get some. My mother said you're crazy.


    You want to censor the bible but think nothing of censoring the personal attacks or foul language posted throughout.

    Shouldn't that cause you to take pause and evaluate your heart and way of thinking?

    How am I censoring the bible? Because I disagree with it? Because I don't want you forcing sermons on me? Where is the foul language? Yup, my mother is correct. You're crazy and need help.

    You said that you are going to remove "my sermons". That would be my free speech rights and my posting of bible quotes.

    You are a moderator, right? Surley you have seen the personal attacks and foul language posted throughout. I believe you have printed a few yourself, no?

    You are directing sermons at me that I've asked you not to. That is disrespecting my right to be free of your hogwash.

    You are invading my psychic space by directing your sermons and your bible at me.

    Yes, I saw an attack on your religion recently and I went and stood up for your religion and for the right of the people to believe Christ is their God. Did you miss that?

    I have sworn out of frustration because even a gnat can be so frustrating you just want to smack it down. I told you to F off as a way of smacking you down, gnat.

    My mother said you need to stop quoting and start thinking with your own brain. Stop using others words because those words are not God's words. She said you sound like nothing more than a parrot and parrots don't always understand what they say.

    Your freedom of speech is to talk to me, not quote scripture at me. If you want to post a sermon, post it unattached to my comment. I refuse your quoted scriptures. They are NOT God's words. Do not direct mortal man's incorrect interpretations of God at me.

    I parrot the words of Christ and you parrot the words of your belief system.

    I guess we both believe something others have handed down throughout time.

    We really are no different in that way.

    It's just that you seem to get a bit nasty and intolerant at times. Does your belief system teach you to be that way?


    I do not parrot the words of my belief. I speak from my own mind. I do not copy and paste another's words.

    Again, I am intolerant of anyone who refuses me the freedom of my beliefs and continues to shove their own at me and tell me to read their book. I am free to be who I am. No rules. I am responsible for my own ways and accept the consequences that come with it. God loves me and allows me to be free like that.

    This is why organized and one way thinking religions can not work. Each Soul has the right to his own relationship with God. My spiritual path does not force feed me any writings as absolute. We are responsible within ourselves to find God. I am simply guided. It's my choice to accept what I'm told as truth. A truth for one is not a truth for all. Each Soul is unique and each Soul has it's own unique path back to God, or at least that's the way it should be. God never intended us to live as a flock of single thought followers. God expects us to question and wants us to learn. Learning can not come without questioning. God has a personal truth for me that will not work for anyone but me. A set recipe for God can not feed all Souls. Some may find it too sweet, some may find it too bitter and some may find it just right. But no one should be force fed if they do not like the taste of it. A loving God does not force feed, nor should a loving Soul. A loving God allows his creations to find what sates their hunger for His love best on their journey back to Him. That's a God that loves.

    What makes Jesus' teachings unique and set apart from all forms of man's imaginations is His teaching of unconditional love. No religion ever invented here on earth has taught what Jesus taught.

    Unconditional love, love those who persecute you, love those who hate you, love those who slap you on the face and give them the other cheek as well.

    Jesus taught forgive, not just those who you pick and choose, forgive them even unto death as they cast the stones upon you. Forgive them even if they have wronged you seven times seventy.

    Why do you think people believe He is the Son of God? Because he did not speak as the world speaks. The world says 'an eye for an eye' and 'I will be nice to those who are nice to me'. "Wrong me and i will wrong you back'.

    Only God would say love unconditionally. Only God would say love your enemy and do good to them. No other person or religion recorded in the history of time ever gave such teaching. Does Karma? Karma is the same system as the Jews version of the Old Testament bible, an eye for an eye. You practice karma and I see how you treat those who you feel are digging you.

    True love is unconditional. A True God would not say anything less.

    I do not know what your source is that has made you into this person that feels justified in treating others as they are treating you. This teaching is contrary to what Love is and what a True loving God would teach. Jesus taught the exact opposite of what man believes is fair and just. Jesus said to love no matter how rotten you feel someone has treated you. Don't repay evil with evil but meet evil with love.

    Why do you think people believe Jesus when He said He was God's Son? Because He is the only One who declared what real true love is. What God's love is all about and how it is far above what man thinks love should be.

    May God bless you and keep you Colleen.


    Jesus is not God. He was a messenger. That's it. You follow a false God but it's not his fault. He never claimed to be God.

    We are all of God. Not just him, all of us, children of God. Your religion just chooses to ignore that.

    Oh and you also misunderstand the whole turning the other cheek which I believe you were eluding to when you complained I treat others as they treat me. I believe in tit for tat. How else will the offender learn? God expects us to defend ourselves. He can't come running every time we encounter a wingnut. I'm sure I missed a lot because I quickly scanned what you wrote as you're still trying to force feed me your religion. Jesus said extremely little of what your bible claims he said. EXTREMELY little. So when you start in with the Jesus saids, I stop reading. You have no clue what Jesus actually said. You just believe the print in a book written by men.

    The only thing we can agree on is God has unconditional love for his creations. Unfortunately, your God's love comes with a condition. Mine does not. He accepts all, even the atheist and when they die and find heaven does exist, they will go there too. No conditions need be met. God loves and accepts all unconditionally.
    Grit Savage

    Colleen, step away from the fundie! ;-)

    My mother already told me to just ignore the lost Soul. She said it's not nice to tease the spirituality challenged. I guess I have to not talk to him anymore. Mom said, lol

    You seem a bit confused Colleen. You say ALL go to heaven and then you say I am a lost Soul.

    You say Jesus was a messenger of God, and then say no one knows what He said.

    Karma religion is an eye for an eye mentality just as all manmade religions. Jesus said forgive seven times seventy. Bless those who curse you. Love your enemies. THe only teaching that reveals the True God. Unconditional love.

    Your love is conditional, I see it in your responses to those who you don't like. Unconditional love says bless them and curse them not. Look to Jesus and learn what unconditional love really means. Begin at His cross.

    God bLess!

    You're lost in your religion. You are not lost to God. He knows exactly where you are.

    No one knows God's messages that He gave to Jesus because religion has destroyed most if not all of those messages.

    Karma is not a religion. Karma does not say and eye for an eye.

    I personally say do not roll over and take it. Face your abusers and stand up for yourself. Self love is most important above all other love. When you love yourself, you love God.

    What you see is my responses to YOU and you don't like them. I am standing up to my accuser when you think I should just lay down and take it. Not happening. I love myself better than to accept your words of accusation that I do not follow the true God.

    Jesus did not die on the cross. Another falsehood of the bible.

    Now again, my mother said I can't play with you. So this will be the last time I respond.

    friendofgod what i see is ur very confused about anything that doesn't come from your devils worship book. karma is karma and not a religion. so stop quoting scriptures from your devils workshop book. the crusaders followed that book and killed people because of it.

    "I'm not a Christian. I do not have a bible."

    When you get yourself a bible and learn what it actually says, then maybe you can have an informed opinion on these Christian topics and won't get so upset when one tells you what it actually says.

    God Bless you and mom.

    "When you get yourself a bible"

    No thanks.

    "and learn what it actually says"

    As pertaining to who? You? Or other people who see it's messages differently than you do? Maybe bestways understanding of it? Who's understanding shall I follow? I understand turning the other cheek much differently than you do. Shall I follow my own understanding of it? I already do. You can claim I'm wrong but you are not God and only God can tell me I'm wrong. Your judgment of me means nothing.

    God does not need to be reminded by you to bless anyone. We are blessed fully by God. Stop offending Him by telling Him what to do.

    Go get some books on karma and reincarnation so you can properly educate yourself on the 2 and have informed opinions on the topics and won't get so offended when someone tells you, you have no clue as to what you're talking about.


    Thank you Colleen but I have been crossing swords with ministers and priests for a long time now because of their imperfect knowledge. In most professions the experts try to present their craft as state of the art but it does not apply to Christendoms teachers.
    first of all, it's not "rupture ''. It's rapture. Are you really that stupid, or are you just trying to be facetious and get attention.?
    The rapture will be a wonderful event for those who love His appearing!

    However, it will be a sad time for those who have rejected God's offer of salvation prior to this event. They will have no second chance and will believe the lie of the Antichrist.
    Grit Savage

    Always veiled threats! believe or die! embrace or be dammed for all eternity! Bullying tactics mate!!
    you are so heavily indoctrinated mate that you really are a christian fundamentalist! and you know what happens when fundamentalism rears its ugly head! you are at war with some right now.
    you are about as far away from being a true christian as I am a from being a axolotl!
    jesus coming as a thief just refers to the fact you dont know when a theif is coming so it cannot be predicted as it was recently as no man knows the hour.HOPE i am ready for that day.

    I hope you're ready to just stay here and live when he doesn't show up.
    For the benefit of the questioner, I believe this is the passage you were referring to:

    (Matthew 24:36-42) . . .“Concerning that day and hour nobody knows, neither the angels of the heavens nor the Son, but only the Father. 37 For just as the days of Noah were, so the presence of the Son of man will be. 38 For as they were in those days before the flood, eating and drinking, men marrying and women being given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark; 39 and they took no note until the flood came and swept them all away, so the presence of the Son of man will be. 40 Then two men will be in the field: one will be taken along and the other be abandoned; 41 two women will be grinding at the hand mill: one will be taken along and the other be abandoned. 42 Keep on the watch, therefore, because YOU do not know on what day YOUR Lord is coming. (True Christians will not be caught napping.)

    The Rev. Darby thought that the people who were 'taken along' were born again Christians going to heaven. Sadly he got it wrong.
    One of the signs Jesus gave earlier in the the chapter was that the Good news of the kingdom would be preached in all the inhabited earth Matt 24:14. But he also said these proclaimers would be hated on ACCOUNT OF HIS NAME. So you are looking for a very large company of very active ministers that others do not like standing on peoples doorsteps with a bible ready to teach about what earth will be like when Christs rule applies the blessings of his Ransom sacrifice.

    Some people listen and get 'caught up' with the the work but other either take no notice or even revile the teachers and preachers

    So it is a harvest work that is also a dividing work. Sheep are divided from goats, wheat from tares or weeds. God says You will certainly see the distinction of those who have served God and those who have not served him.

    I hope this short account will help but don't be surprized if it is greeted with a load of abuse.

    Kind regards


    Good grief, can you get any more pathetic in distorting the bible?
    It isn't that people don't like people standing on their doorstep with a comic book in one hand, and a supposed bible in the other, it is them trying to impose their false doctrines onto people, just as you are doing here. GET A CLUE!

    People who point fingers at others always have three pointing back at themselves. In the last days ridiculers will come says 2 Peter 3 read it for yourself and workout which side you are on.

    You point fingers at the Christians all the time. You call them names and make fun of them. What's the difference?
    Mr FoG Sir,

    Can I please ask you not to bring you the Word of God into disrepute? True Christians are the persecuted, never, never the persecutors. The one you call Saviour commanded, "Never return evil for evil."

    Sir, You are haranguing this woman! She has the God given right to choose either the 'blessing or the malediction' as does everyone else on this site. Besides that she has human rights that true Christians fought for at great personal cost in the United States Supreme Court shortly after WWII.

    I was brought up in a household with three uncles who used the Word of God like you do. I could not get away from them fast enough. Bible bashing as it is called is not the mark of a true follower of Christ. Sir, you have a lot to learn about true Christianity.


    Greetings Bestway,

    I disagree.

    I answer religious questions and I debate as Jesus did....

    "It is written"

    Of course those who hate Jesus are going to take offense.

    ...."as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!"

    May God bless you richly!


    "I debate as Jesus did...."

    Jesus never debated. He put his messages out there and walked away and let the people decide for themselves. He didn't even debate his beliefs when he stood trial and was being persecuted for those beliefs. He did not argue and he did not debate, he stood silent and accepted his fate. He always allowed the people freewill of their beliefs. He never harassed them into believing his words.

    Mom is going to be mad because I'm not listening to her about leaving you alone. I just can't handle seeing one so misguided in his beliefs.

    Had to leave for a few hours..back to speak to bestway.

    Interesting that you stand up for me bestway and tell FoG to leave me alone with my beliefs but then you post things to me such as RIP. This eluding to the fact that I will sleep for eternity and never see heaven or your God. Your version of hell without the suffering because I do not believe in your religion. How does your damning and mocking of my beliefs differ from FoG's? Yes, I see the two of you using your faiths as a way of saying I will be condemned by your Gods.

    Just to set you straight. I am blessed. God loves me. Hell and eternal sleep are created threats by man made religions to keep the blind following the controlling leaders. Good luck to you both. God will not forsake you but I doubt either of you will handle the truths well when you receive them after death.


    You appear to be very confused in your post to me. You say no one knows what Jesus said and then you proceed to tell me what Jesus did and said.

    You say you have read and know the bible, then you say Jesus never debated. Really Colleen, maybe you read the bible many years ago and have forgotten much of what you read. Jesus did quite a bit of debating with the Pharisees and Sanhedren all throughout the NT letters. Maybe you should take a fresh look.

    The Apostle Paul, our Christian example for living, also spent much of his life debating the scriptures and religion with those who didn't want to believe. We exhort and debate out of love for the lost because we know the truth and want as many as possible to believe and be reconciled to God.

    God Bless!

    You are relying on words written by men. I'm not confused you are confused. I said no one knows what God said, Jesus is not/was not God. Clarifying what I said a bit more, no one who reads the bible knows what God said. They might think they know what Jesus said but not God. God does not speak in words.

    Jesus wrote letters? Does anyone else other than you know of this? Paul was not Jesus, this is about Jesus debating, not Paul.

    Maybe YOU need a fresh look. You've had your head buried in that book for so long, you've lost touch with reality and who actually wrote that book.

    Jesus was not/is not God.

    Mr Fog Sir,

    When Jesus met the Samaritan woman at the well, did he rebuke her for having so many 'husbands'?
    No he did not but he witnesses to her and told her who he was, something he did not reveal to any of the Jews in Jerusalem. She responded to his kindly manner and ran to tell her friends who she had met.

    How did Rahab the harlot of all people come to be so honoured as to become the great great grandmother of King David and thus in the line of the promised seed?

    She was good to the Israeli spies that came to inspect Jericho and protected them at risk of her own life. After the destruction of Jericho she married an Israeli who was in the Royal line of David.

    What is my point? God forgives sinners who repent of their sins and do works befitting repentance. Now us sinners respond better to kindness and I include myself as well as you and Colleen.

    There is an old Irish saying.
    You can catch a lot more flies with honey than you can with Gaul.

    Through the Prophet Isaiah the Sovereign Lord Jehovah appeals; 'Come let us reason together. Though your sins be a scarlet they can be as white as snow.' I am sure you both know that.' But you have to put it into practice to get Gods blessing.

    Tell me please what suggestions do you have for putting Jehovah Gods advice for putting that into pracice?

    Kindest regards

    By the way we are all three well of topic.


    I'm not trying to catch anyone, nor am I trying to turn anyone away from their beliefs to follow my own. I have no need to use honey when I'm trying to drive away people who I feel are religion sick. I do not want to be afflicted by their spiritual disease.

    Do not expect me to speak kindly to anyone who ignores my right to my spiritual space, my personal relationship with God and continues to shovel their misguided beliefs into it. I speak my beliefs to show how I disagree with yours. I do tell you to read my book and accept my God as the only way one can be saved from hell or from eternal sleep. You and FoG are two peas in a pod when it comes to that.

    Everyone is saved. From the moment they are created, they are already saved through God's love, even if they never know Him. Believe it, don't believe it, it matters not to me. There is no penalty for not believing it. This is my belief and I have every right to it without being assaulted by religious gnats trying to save me and get me to accept their God and their book.

    "By the way we are all three well of topic."

    Who put us there?

    I'm just responding to you two and your sermons.

    All I initially said was "Makes me happy I'm not a Christian with all these misplaces fears and worries."

    and then came FoG and then came you. Both with your sermons to try and save me.
    Hilarious! But isn't it wrong to mock the afflicted?

    The doctrine of the rapture is not a bible based doctrine. it originated with the Rev Darby who appears to have founded the organization called the Close Brethren.

    Darby was quite a scholar. He was well known as for his direct translation of the Hebrew and Greek scriptures. He recognized the tetragramiton and used the English translation of Gods Name 7,000 times in his translation of Hebrew scripture.

    You can find an online version of this at
    This is an excelent site for comparing different translations but sadly not for doctrine.

    Kindest regards.

    "But isn't it wrong to mock the afflicted?"

    Funny, that's pretty much what my mother told me. I can't play with FoG anymore. I guess I can't play with you anymore either. I hope you remember our play dates fondly. I know I will :)

    I was referring to the lad that got his spelling wrong. I hope we have not put him off asking questions. Is it true that you are a moderator on this site?

    I was referring to you. It's what I saw when I read your statement. Words have a way of acting like boomarangs. What you put out even in thought, has a way of coming back and settling on you. Karma works like that.

    Yes, I'm a moderator. Why?

    Yes, I do appologize for the RIP quip. I should have done better. But to be fair you are pretty cutting yourself often without cause.

    Well if you are a moderator you should be able to rule when the discussion is off topic.

    There are a lot of people here asking serious questions. In case you had not noticed we are living in a civilisation in the throws of destruction and lots of people are asking serious survival questions.

    So I sort of look to moderators to set a high standard and accept that people have genuine opinions based on experience and sound research.

    Is this a fair point, or am I asking too much?

    Kindest regards

    I've answered how to take care of yourself when the change comes countless times. Even you laughed at rupture. You even made fun of him by calling him inflicted. I only found the word amusing, not the question. Should I have moderated and called you out for making fun of him? You filed a false abuse report on me. You should have been reported for calling him afflicted. akaQA was never intended to be a forum where discussions happen, it's just turned into that. Freedom of speech was voted on long ago. How would you like me to moderate freedom of speech? I suggest you put the question out as to where the members would like the line in the sand drawn. What you see as "cutting" is me being direct. I do not beat around the bush. I am more direct than the veiled insults given me by certain bible believers.
    There has never been a rule about discussions being off topic. I was never told by the admins to make sure people stay on topic. If you want a rule like that, then ask to admin to instill one and to tell me to not allow off topic chatter.

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