    FYI from 1967

    If anyone noticed I've been AWOL for a few weeks, May 31st I had a unexpected heart bypass surgery. Left side of my heart was barely pumping any blood. I also found out that I had a heart attack at sometime. All seems to be healing just fine now. Just a long recovery road. Only 10 days out. I'll be back. 1967

    +7  Views: 669 Answers: 10 Posted: 12 years ago

    Welcome back, wishing you a speedy recovery :-)

    Hope you will make all the changes the doctor tell you to...... Just get better soon, God bless...

    10 Answers

    I hope everything works out for you,welcome back.Stay away from the silly questions.
    I had a quadruple bypass a few years back, amazing what all they can do now days, you will be back to your full strength soon, good luck.
    Wow! welcome back '67, glad you pulled through that. heart attacks are not necessarily killers with today's technology but I'm sure it scared the hell out of you.. Take it easy.. You'll be back here and everywhere else in no time!! :) Thanks for advising us..
    Yes, I did notice, glad to hear you are o.k. 67 must not be your birth year huh? If so I would think you're to young to have heart problems...
    Anyhow it's good to hear that you are o.k., will pray for a speedy recovery.
    Sorry to hear you have been through all that. Your way to young to even have to consider heart issues...I am a 69 baby...couldn't imagine. Keep resting and focussing on healing, your young, it will come fast for you.
    Happy to hear you are alive and are on the road to recovery.
    Pay attention to Dr's orders. I know that is hard to do but it will pay off in the long run.
    Glad to have you back.
    well its been a while.. we certainly did miss hugs and prayers from me.!!!
    Wow! that must have been a surprise. Glad you are recovering.
    I hope your recovery is fast and painless. Good Luck
    Thanks to all of you for your concern. Yes its was a big suprise for me,from one day to the next.It turns out that I get this gene from my mom and dad, both had bypasses, lucky for me. Today marks my 12th day out. Feelin better everyday. Hope to be back to my business in a few weeks. No! scratch that last line,whatever it takes to heal then maybe I'll think about work. Thanks again all. I'll check in now and then. PS. graduated HS 1967 born 1948
    God Bless 1967

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