    Religion - WHY???

    Why do you believe in God?

    +2  Views: 5067 Answers: 63 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: religion

    (this is to friendofgod) Yeah well I was just wondering what made certain people start believing in God. I personally am not religious so technically your comment is a matter of opinion. I believe in the theory of evolution (Darwin etc...) not every person being made by God who gave us life. It is a very controversial matter, so instead of assuming you are right, you could look at both sides of the argument first. I, personally, don't think that I am selfish, or that I have "desire to gratify the flesh", as you 'tactfully' put it. I just don't believe in God, so try not to assume that everyone believes the same things


    (continued from previous) you.


    Everyone is given by God a measure of faith to believe and everyone is given God's word to learn either by print or by mouth or by the Holy Spirit. THe question would be more accurately-Why do you not believe in God? THe answer to this would be selfishness, the desire to gratify the pleasures of the flesh rather than worship the One who gave you life in the first place.

    63 Answers (31-60 Displayed)

    Because of my personal relationship, and how he has changed me. Don't need more than that.

    I do not believe embarassing would be even close to how one would feel on that day? The bible says that every knee shall bow and every tongue will confess that God is God.

    I guess simply because I am human and believing in god gives me something to live for.

    I believe that London transport wants to get there ass in gear! God, I have waited over half an hour. Where's my bloody bus? I myself believe in equality, religion doesn't equate that, in any way or form, does it. So no, I believe in what I see and hear, everything else can wait for the next nutter.

    I believe in God because I have felt his presence many times, and because my particular faith has shown me enough evidence in Scripture.
    At one point in my life, a very low point, a childhood friend prayed for me. The experience of the Holy Ghost felt like warm honey being poured over my head...the peace I felt was so intense.
    People have long wondered why God would let so many bad things happen to people, to his own Son. But God gave us free will, and we therefore do things in His name that are not good. That certainly makes God, who is like a loving father, sad. Yet, I believe, like any loving father, He will always love us and welcome us.
    Faith is a very personal thing. Keep searching for your answer. God hears you, He knows you are calling to Him.

    Why Religion?
    There is oviously a higher power then ourselves.Religion to me is just a word.
    Having Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior is all that matters and counts.I can tell you from expierence once you know God and Fellowship and learn his word you will know the answer to that question

    wen the moment come you see my friend

    any unexplained reason makes our belief even stronger. "if someone dies during surgery, doctor wasn't able to save him" but then its God's will and nothing goes against it. If He is the creator then we have to go back to Him. I believe everything around us makes us believe that God exists.

    I've long been of the opinion that any God who let his own son die in excruciating agony on a Roman cross in Judea is not the kind of being I'd want for a friend, let alone a father.


    Hello Daydrayner,
    It certainly looks like something foolish to do. But then again, maybe God has a problem. He loves you, like Austin says. Either you take the hit or he finds a substitute. Justice must be done. People ought to get what they deserve. That willing substitute must love you as well. You think God cruel? I call that love. Of course, we all feel that God shouldn't really hold us accountable. Just the next guy, but not us.

    Well, it might be super embarrassing if you don't believe and you are wrong.

    Faith is a choice, I even as a First Responder do not have a religion, it seems that most relgious people are so forced into there faith that they upset at comments directed negativly at god, faith is blind trust, thats all faith is, faith in god is somthing different but faith is just blind trust and most people believe that wrong.


    first responder, you are not one that i would want on my team, if i needed help. you have got to respect those you help, if you dont have faith in god with what you do (SAD)Not all are forced into their faith, they trust it and thats why they are there, if i have to trust you with my life( a mere imperfect man)then i will have my faith and not blind faith either. i might be stepping blindly in having faith that you can help me, Right.. see how it works

    God die on the cross, so are we?


    its jussus who died not god read the bibble then anser he gave jussus the strangth

    Well!we all are in the box,God is the only to rely on.

    who is this god every one is talking about,is he from china, every thing else is.

    Byron Mac please don't feel sorry for us, for we have seen the light. We don't feel sorry for you.
    while you worry about living in heaven, we enjoy living on planet earth.
    good luck.


    Hello Mike,
    How about enjoying earth and still looking forward to heaven.

    I am not saying that a man named Jesus did not exist. There are to many stories that predate the Bible that you can find in the Bible that a so called "Prophet" put a twist on on. I feel the Bible was written and distibuted as a common law for everybody to abide by. The stories were used as examples as a warning/scare tactic to tr4y and keep the peace.

    Michael Spaman

    I believe everyone needs something to believe in. Religion itself though. The Earth is more than 5000 years old. And no I do not believe in evolution either. There is more evidence that points to beings from other planets than there is of a God. Perhaps that is what the writings are about. I do not know, just another opinion from a person that is trying to find himself. But having faith is a good thing for some people if that is what they feel they need. I myself believe in chance. Oh, and I grew up in the church so, I am no stranger to the Bible.


    Hello Michael,
    So the Bible is just a set of man-made laws? Consider this: The laws are impossible to follow. The Bible itself describes these laws as a harsh taskmaster. This is the point of redemption. Perhaps you need to dig a bit deeper.

    Simply,Because There is a God...


    Simply because there is evolution

    Because there is God...

    if we will plant a sperm and an egg into an incubator , having the same temperature of a woman womb and body , and started feeding it , it will grow to a certain age and the moment the soul is suppose to give life to it , it stops , scientist have tried this and if it would have worked then women in general will never worry about getting pregnant and giving birth or have all the hassle of doing that .this is a good example showing those who does not believe in God that he is existing .

    becouse he created this world and let use live here and he protected use and is protecting

    Hello Vipela, Just had to make an comment on your view of God and creation as you see it. You must be very smart to discount so many hundreds of years of compiled knowledge about Hebrew and Jewish history. If you have a problem with the Bible all you have to do is go back into Greek and Roman history to see they recorded the life and times of Jesus and the Hebrew tribes of the old testament. You will enjoy the Greek and Jewish zeal for accountability in their documentation.
    So many people over years have worked to pull apart the the Bible, only after digging into texts and history they ended up making More discoveries that verify others findings and writings. Your views are not new by any means, they only show that you've never read the Bible or studied the subject. I'll make a bet with you.... When you lay down tonight just look up and say "God I don't think you exist"....but if you do!!! would you bring something or someone across my path just so I'll know for sure. May I say "buckle up and hang on to your hat" when YOU ask God to show Himself in your life!
    I was just like YOU just a few years back and when I started seeking.... He made Himself known! "I" was Gods example to everyone around me of His Power to transform and heal a battered soul. He used me as an instrument of His Will to reach others and spread the Good News of His Son Jesus Christ. If you want to tear down the Bible Go For to find lies in the words written in Red in the Bible. This will be your starting place on the road to following the LORD, He will bring the Truth before your eyes. Please respond back Brother... God Bless!

    Simply put, why not?

    In the end, I would rather take a chance on being saved, than being stupid.

    You see, I have been forgiven and set free. He is LOVE! So what's to lose by being safe and SMART! All you who think you know it all, I pray for you right now, in the name above all names,JESUS, that as you read this you turn to HIM, who created you and LOVES you. He is waiting, just surrender.

    No greater gift than to have everlasting LIFE> You just have to chose.


    Forgiven, I have asked Jesus to come into my life many times and nothing has ever happened. So either he doesn't exist or he doesn't giff a toss about me.


    There's a whole lot of relgious brain washing going on in this forum.

    God is your heart.

    Amen Reener you hit the nail on the head with that one

    I believe in God for the simple fact that there is no other way to explain the creation of life. There has to be a higher power. I also have faith in something greater than myself. Also for one to read the Bible and all the things that God promises those who believe in him why wouldn't you believe. God is good all the time, all the time God is good.



    Religion is the root of all evil. Too many wars were fought because of religious reasons and "in the name of God". Throw away your Bibles, Korans and other similar story books and instead study the history books. Then the world would become a better place.

    Amy Smith

    Religion is not the root of all evil. People and their free wills are the root of all evil. It is people who twist God's word, not God's word that is twisted. The


    Hello alio42,
    History tells us there are a lot of reasons why people wage wars. Mostly for real estate.

    everyone needs a hold for his imagine and live.

    What is the best support for us except god.
    Who is everywhere and deathless
    The strongest backup that you can ever have and feel.

    Headless Man

    He won't help unless you ask, and believe.


    Hello Stupot
    Look a little harder. You are alive right? Maybe He's there more than you think.


    Well he's never there when i need him. and if he's everywhere why dose he turn a blind eye to every thing going on in the wourld. Answer...cos he aint there and dont exist

    I feel sorry for Austin - There is a big difference between believing god and religion - he sounds like a religious freak - someone who just quotes from the bible and doesnt think for himself

    you have to answer this question by your self

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