    Not in the mood to play nice...

    I have PMS and havent had a cig. today... Any ideas that will keep me form ripping my loved ones head off?

    +4  Views: 745 Answers: 13 Posted: 12 years ago

    Good GOd now the kids are praticing thier instruments... Drums and elec guitar.... AHHHHHHHHHHH!

    Just be glad it is not violin and bagpipes - glass half full stuff...

    13 Answers

    Count your blessing and be happy.

    I am usually good at that.. But today I want to go to bed and sleep until I dont want to smoke and my back and knees quit hurting.. Everytime my totally awesome kids talk to me I am thinking "shut up shut up shut up, do you ever shut up"?
    How bout a nice neck and back rub when the hubby gets home? That will usually help my wife if shes cranky.

    I wish... I havent had one of those( from my hubby) in years.
    A little violence can be a real tension tamer. Be reasonable about it and Throw your telephone through a closed window. Then yell at anyone that comes your way to get out, use profanity too. Then take a nap. Always seemed to work for Sandy…my girl.

    Lovely!!! Then I will have to pay for a new window.

    my Rx: Hope it helps.
    I would suggest to the guys in this thread to get the hell outta here, there's nothing worse that a woman on PMS that is trying to quit smoking..

    I'm outta here, you've been warned..

    You need to either be really nice to yourself and lock the door to keep everyone else out - or you need to go shopping alone or whatever you can do away from the house for a while that you like to do.

    P.S. Are you trying to quit cigs cold turkey - I chickened out and used the patch - much easier!

    Yes cold turkey I did it 3 mo before I got preg with my son 16 yrs ago... My hubby never quit and I picked then back up when we were having a hard time 5 years ago quit 18 mo ago and started again when my dog died... I am stupid...

    Take a word of advice, if you can afford to pay for the cigarettes, you can afford to pay for the patches. I say this because they are not cheap, I bought mine from WalMart and got a generic branch which worked just as well as was cheaper. But the point won't have the withdrawals like going cold turkey, it has something in it to calm your nerves. I took them only 8 out of the 10 weeks, using less potent dosage as I went and took them off before bedtime (gave me crazy dreams) and before I knew it I was off the cigs and never had a second thought about them. Of course,I had no choice - I have COPD (emphasema) and can't go back no matter what, they would kill me.
    Jenn, I too quit smoking Monday and am using generic patches. Works OK, but hard to get the stupid adhesive off. Sorry you are having a crazy day. Chocolate helps, Xanax helps too. If you live in California there are all natural meds to help with things like this. LOL
    At least you ask. ;-) if it was my wife, she would be all over the kids already! I always have to remind her if it is time of the month. Women....mystery...but why do I love them so much??...LOL
    my mother always said if you cant play nice you cant play at all.. so i want you to take a time out till you can play

    Thanks daren.. is momma going to spank me too?

    she just might....

    Good times!

    oh the best...
    Spend awhile at a motel...

    Love it, but not an option.

    There is a Holiday Inn Express of the mind...

    I had so much I needed to get done.. I think i will go stay"cation" in the pool. Where is the dang chocolate?
    This made me laugh, I can just imagine. Why don't you lock the bathroom door, take a bubble bath, relax, and remember its only 3 days before the worst of wanting a cig is over. I quit 8 years ago. Gum helped me too, started with nicorette, then to regular gum, then quit.

    There is a kitten in my bathroom hidibf from the dogs. She would drive me nuttier than the kids.
    You should be me. For the last few days, I have had a terrible head cold. The only thing that's kept me sane is this website. I'm sniffling and sneezing almost none stop. I's unbelievable, I have sniffed through so many questions today.
    I used to go for a drive and scream as loud as i could going down the highway...took out the frustration and made me laugh at myself after;)

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