    does god need us or do we need him ?

    +7  Views: 989 Answers: 13 Posted: 12 years ago

    we need him

    Very good question daren .... you took the cake! TU to you for your good question

    no problem taking the cake.. i just hope i can swallow it all

    13 Answers

    I think we need him and he wants us.
    We are on earth to glorify God. He loves us to come into his presence ( to talk to him ) ....just like you love your children to come into your presence. Or, if you're a teen , your mom or dad love you and love for you to come into their prescence. If you have a problem, talk to God or Jesus about it. Jesus said, put your troubles upon me, for my yoke is light and my shoulders are strong.
    The psalmist said,'' Lean not unto thine own understanding, but in all thy ways , acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy paths ''
    That's one of my favortie psalms, and that scripture was givne to my nephew for his own special scripture when he got confirmed in the Lutheran Church.
    Good question Daren. I think the way for people to think about answering it is: Do you need your family? Or does your family need you? I think how people answer that question will identify the quality of their relationship with God, and also answer your question.

    im sovereign in my relationship.. i know whwere i stand.. being part of an eternal family raises no doubts.. but we must evanglise

    “Evanglise”? That’s why there are so many splinter group religions and they are all so separate and special. My preference is that we all find common ground and let the oddities grow or fade on their own. I found wonderful concepts in every religion that I have studied. To me, life and religion are the same. Even businesses are Centers of Faith….the Creative Love of All…Al’s Garden Supply, Joe’s Auto Repair. The Love of God embraces all things and all ways. Secularization is divisive not uniting. Of course we form divisions then expand and then, eventually reunite as we grow. I think I wrote myself into a circle. I’m dizzy now and my head is spinning.
    There is a word which states: "we are as grains of sand". With that in mind, as vast as God is, what purpose do we serve Him, as small as we are. Yet, someone once said: "you are the salt of the earth, and if the salt should lose it's flavor, how does it become resalted?" As once so, it is cast out. We don't use salt without savor or flavor. It is cast out and trod under foot.

    Does God need us, or we Him? I should say, He certainly does not need us. Without Him, we are without savor. As the grains of sand, there are many of us. Too many for God to worry about who doesn't need Him.

    Your sister,
    Both, I know I need him and I'm sure he gets a great laugh once in a while so he needs us too!!

    daren1 thank you for the TU
    We are Gods Creation. Without Him I could not exist. I need Him. He needs His Creation. His plan revolves around His Creation
    Both in my opinion. If He didn't need us, I do not believe we would exist.

    so we going to laugh our way to heaven

    God loves the sound of laughter. The more, the better. I'm defiantly going to laugh for reasons I'm sure you know. Will see you there. ;)
    We need him he loves us most of the time that is sort of like a parent
    We need HIM for sure, but does He need us? Not so sure. I bet He regrets that He created us! ;-p

    Nah, we're good entertainment ;)
    God does not need us. He is complete in Himself. However, He is so loving, kind, faithful, merciful, wise, etc., that He wants to bless others (us) with that experience of Himself. We are made in His image. Therefore, he wants us to experience creativity (and how we do that so well here on earth). He wants us to experience love for He is Love. He knows how wonderful it is. He wants us to experience all the tests and trials that life can bring to us so that we can experience kindness, faithfulness, mercy, wisdom and learn to appreciate and have thankful hearts. Thankful hearts are soft, pliable, able to learn. So because of all the goodness in God, He wants to share it and bless us. But does He NEED us? I don't think so.

    always we make some problem together so we need to help him

    i think we need his help
    He needs us, otherwise, he would not have wasted his time.
    I think he wants us and we need him. Maybe in proof of that lets review Sodom and Gommarah and Noah's Ark?

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