    would you stop to pick up a penny ?

    +22  Views: 4612 Answers: 80 Posted: 12 years ago

    good question lol

    yeah good question.... let me think about it... I'll answer.

    Daren, you have to wait and hear back from the admin. They will send you a link you can use to reset your password. Just so you know, the same thing happened to both fishlet and I. In both cases, a comment was posted with our name and profile pic by we never posted them. Could be the app glitches and applies the wrong name? The admin know about ours so now yours can be added to the list. Something for the programmers to look into.

    80 Answers (31-60 Displayed)

    I would like to say something else on this subject the kids where I live through pennies in the street as if they were garbage we dont have that any more since the kids from Aussie have moved in at least they respect monies I think the kids to day do not know how hard you have to work for it in India you wouldnt find a Half pennie let alone a pennie

    certainly would colect enough of them you will have a pound and for my USA friends a $ never look a gift horse in the mouth ( where did that saying come from!)

    Due to the effect of inflation, I've raised the minimum stoop bar to a nickel.

    I have a large jar of them, don't know what there good for?

    Pennies make pounds
    but of course,it is one more for the casino's and brandy
    Never. Their worthless. If I saw them regularly, perhaps.

    did you see leeroys post.. it cost 5 cents to make a penny!
    ed shank

    If that's a fact, maybe we should rename it the Obama. Same economics.

    If my back was up to the task, sure I would. But, if my back wasn't doing so good, I might leave it for someone else to pick up. Although the other day when I was at the end of the driveway and found a five dollar bill laying on the ground, I knew I wasn't going to leave it there regardless of how my back felt. It was my lucky omen I guess, as shortly after that I played a couple of scratch tickets and won $100.00. 

    Hmmm heads up or down LOL.

    Yes I do - always believe it is good luck and as said look after the pennies and the pounds will look afer themselves. I'm ridiculous - I always feel it wants to be picked up.

    Yes I will And found one today,,  And it made me some more  money today!!

    Yes, only if it's heads up for good luck!

    yes who wouldnt

    For you senior citizens who bend down to pick up pennies, make sure you don't hurt your back.  Consider the pros and cons:

    Pros: zero amount of investment yields 1 cent, a seemingly infinite return on investment..

    Cons: Back injury: surgery = $18,000 ($1200 with insurance);  eat jello and chicken broth for a week at the hospital; have to face angry nurses; 2 months of physical therapy;  and walk with a cane.

    I did the math.  The one cent gain is tempting.  However, I think you should leave the penny alone.

    Similarly, it would be a waste of time for Bill Gates to pick up a $1000 bill.  I know you all are going to kill me for stating this.




    I agree with this. It makes very good sense.

    I suppose a Dollar or a 50 cent coin would then make it worth while......LOL !!
    Heads or tails?????

    wow......53 answers and still growing, good question.......just like the answers to this question, pennies do yes i would !!!

    A penny for your thoughts?


    I can give you the one I found today

    sometimes i do , and not.

    Sure, if you pick up enough of them, they'll make DOLLARS !!!!!!!!

    No, I wouldn't, because it's not my money.
    No a penny isn't that much and it can't get you anything by it's self so no

    I have a friend who always hands me the money that he picks up.  He says that you are SUPPOSED to do that as a kindness to your friends.  It's a nice little habit, I think.  I'm waiting for him to come across a $100.00 bill.  Oh,'s supposed to go both ways, so if I find the $100.00 bill, I should.....hmmmm       LOL

    found two   today in two different  places... I keep this up I wouldn't have to work...  Just walk alot!


    Then you could write a book..."Get Rich While Exercising".


    clarabeara why did you vote down Nikki Dryden's answer and no one elses?

    Anyone interested in a job?............. I pay cash ( in pennies ).


    Found another one today.  I keep this up I can hire some help to help find some more!



    This is a great question... I found one while going to buy coffee for my friends two Saturdays ago... I put it in my shoe.  That day was blessed and every day ever since.... find a penny, pick it up and all day long you will have good luck!

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