    check out last answer-sensible people only! Are there any aphrodisiacs that you would like to share?

    Space gost here is a vote for you. My answer is proven buy I do not know if anyone else mentioned it- CHEACK IY out and T. U.!

    +3  Views: 2182 Answers: 11 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: herbs medicine

    For instance, Ginseng, horny goat weed etc. Please share your info of what works for you. I'll tell you all my secret later.


    I discovered this by accident, I was taking this supplement for energy for my workouts and martial arts,my wife and I had been taking this for about a week and had gotten in our systems real good, we had sex and it WAS THE MOST WONDERFUL SEX WE EVER HAD. We went at it for hours. It is " EMERGEN-C. You can buy it at Walmart or any drug store. It's a 1000 mgs, of vitamin C, with electrolytes and a bunch of other stuff. It has a lot of other uses besides sexual,but it' GOOD for your sex life. I told this to some more people and they SWEAR by this product. I'm not saying it's going to work for everyone, but it's well worth a try.


    Emergen-C Vitamin Drink Mix | Free Samples | Free Packets ...
    Free samples of Emergen-C vitamin drink mix! Request free packets and free ... - Cached
    If you want to give it a try or research this product.

    11 Answers

    When Jennifer Marshall wanted to create a romantic evening for her husband, she knew just what to do — she whipped up a supper of natural aphrodisiac seafood. Mussels, fish and even lobster made her menu.

    "It's the green stuff in the lobster. You're supposed to eat it and it's supposed to be an aphrodisiac," said the 27-year-old massage therapist from Cape Coral. "It sparked some sparks. My husband and I had a good time."

    That green stuff is called tomalley, part of the liver of the lobster. It's just one of dozens of meats, fruits, vegetables, nuts and spices believed to function as a natural aphrodisiac, producing amorous effects on the people who eat them.

    Since ancient times, men and women have downed dishes of caviar and consumed carafes of wine, all to rev up the romance and passion in their lives. Today, many of these legendary foods are available at your nearest grocery store or farmer's market.

    But is there any truth to the legends? Maybe, maybe not.
    alt text


    <a href="/users/997/spaceghost/">@Spaceghost</a> - Thanks! Hopefully you seen the photo of the lobster. Waiting to see the mystery potion!!!


    <a href="/users/2305/ole-hipster/">@ole hipster</a> - Thanks and I want to let you know, your real cool and I like your style. You know seafood is my aphrodisiac, with a glass of mariquita. Love that salt around the rim of the glass. Mmmmmmmmmmmm!!!


    <a href="/users/997/spaceghost/">@Spaceghost</a> - You're my kind of guy!!! Get back w/you after I check out your story.


    <a href="/users/997/spaceghost/">@Spaceghost</a> - Went to check out your story, and I thought you were using your penpal name, wrong. In other words, could not fine your story!


    <a href="/users/997/spaceghost/">@Spaceghost</a> - Give me a clue. The one I thought might be you is "Grantis P.".


    Pamela, as usual you have come thru for me again, what would I do without you on this site? Thank you so much. Hey keep watching I'm about to reveal my mystery potion !!!


    Hey Pamela, I make a mean margarita ( I'm a bartender also). Yes dear I saw that lobster " YUMMY". I LOVE seafood especially lobster.O yea I posted my secret potion, EMERGEN-C. Check out my story and the website for EMERGEN-C.


    Ok looking forward to hearing from you.



    Emergen-C Vitamin Drink Mix | Free Samples | Free Packets ... Free samples of Emergen-C vitamin drink mix! Request free packets and free ... - Cached If you want to give it a try or research this product.
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    answered 23 hours ago
    Spaceghost's gravatar image



    Sorry about that Pamela, I think I know what happened I'll rewrite it.


    Get back with me and let me know if you saw my story please.


    No sweetheart, still spaceghost, you didn't see my EMERGEN-C POST? I'll write it over.


    I discovered this by accident,I was taking this supplement 4 energy 4 my workouts and martial arts, my wife and I had been taking it 4 about a week and had gotten in our systems real good, we had sex and it was the most WONDERFUL SEX WE EVER HAD. We went at it 4 hours. It's EMERGEN-C. You can BUY IT AT Walmart or any drug store. It's a 1000 mgs. of vitamin C, with electrolytes and a bunch of other stuff. It has a lot of other uses besides sexual, but it's GOOD 4 your sex life. I told some people and they SWEAR by this product. I'm not saying it's going 2 work 4 everyone, but it's worth a try.

    ole hipster

    Dear IamPamela, great answer, two thumbs up now girl!

    ole hipster

    Thanks for the compliment IamPamela! Lobster also my favorite food! And Spaceghost, you bartender you! I did the same thing for ten years in Madison WS, bartend I mean! L-o-n-n-ng time ago, Florida too!

    <a href="/users/997/spaceghost/">@Spaceghost</a> - I click on the 'view Emergen-C stories". then a series of photos appear, the button you use to scroll the photos, stay stuck on "23 of 3". Is there a way you can send me direct site to your story?


    <a href="/users/997/spaceghost/">@Spaceghost</a> - site not working, I will get your story sooner or later. But, I did order the free samples. Thanks!


    Emergen-C Vitamin Drink Mix | Free Samples | Free Packets ...
    Free samples of Emergen-C vitamin drink mix! Request free packets and free ... - Cached - Block all results


    Hi Pamela, sorry you had trouble with that site. It is truly a remarkable product. I hope this site will help, -


    Thanks Pamela, hope you enjoy.

    Hello Spaceghost. Yes it is called yohimbe. You can buy it on-line for under $12. Take it for 3 days before your hot date. It works awesome. But after a week it does not seem to work as well, at least on me and some friends. They has been some news that if taken for months or years you get insomnia and other health problems. There is no research or studies to prove this. It is just some peoples opinion. All agree on its effectiveness.


    Thanks again my friend, I think I had heard of it. Is it from Africa? I had heard of African Yohimbe Bark, is it the same thing? Anyway thank you again and T.U. TO YOU.

    cooked stinging nettles. Full of folic acid. Ideal for personal pole vaulting.




    if you add raw english onion it has double the impact as this thins the blood


    Hey that's a new one, never heard of that. I'm surely going to give it a try. Thank you Rushie54.


    My God man what happened to it ?



    I must try that. Thanks Gonger.

    HUH! Never say never!
    10 Mg of Cialis just gave me a headache.
    Afraid 20 Mg would just give me Twice the headache!


    Don't need Cialis either.

    Oysters chocolate and wine? I would throw up all over her with that mix.


    Well you didn`t say that.


    I didn't eat and drink ALL AT THE SAME TIME !!!!


    Sorry, my bad.

    No problem here but I pieced these together from other sites...Chocolate, Oysters, Potatoes, Rhinoceros Horn, Almond, Aniseed, Arugula, Asafetida, Asparagus, Avocado, Bananas, Basil (sweet basil), Broccoli Rabe (And Other Mustard Greens), Carrots, Coffee, Coriander (Cilantro seed), Fennel, Figs, Garlic, Honey, Liquorice (licorice), Mustard, Nutmeg, Pine Nuts, Pineapple, Raspberries, Strawberries, Truffles, Vanilla, Wine, Eggs.


    Man that's alright, I've tried the oysters, chocolate and wine, and they all worked for me. Thanks for the info Roger.

    speed , lsd , e's and pot are great along with the little blue pills called viagra -but dont forget that the brain is the greatest aphrodisiac


    GOOD for you Spaceghost!


    Not for me, never took viagra, don't need them and never will.


    Thanks Lupe.

    nothing better than quaaludes ,taken on an empty stomach. nothing ever worked better.

    ole hipster

    Boy do I remember quaaludes! We must be somewhat close in age. They haven't been around for a long, long, time!

    not with you

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