    Prayer request....

    I am at my mom and dads... Most of you know my dad has terminal Lung Cancer... He is failing.... We need prayer for peace... Mom is starting to really obsorb what is happening. The preacher is coming over this afternoon for communion.. (late supper) We know it will be his time when it is his time. But as you all know loss is always hard. THANK YOU!

    +6  Views: 828 Answers: 13 Posted: 13 years ago

    13 Answers

    Prayers are easy, that's the least we can do for you. I hope this will go easily for all of you, my prayers will ask for that on your behalf. Please stay strong for your Mother as it is always the hardest for the one staying behind. Life without your Dad will be a challenge and she will need you for support.

    You will be in my thoughts.

    Sorry girl... I i am having a time with his computer... You know Ilove ya.. thanks for your prayers.. It trully lifts me up to know there are so many ppl with my gamily in thier hearts and on thier minds...
    My thoughts and prayers are with you in this difficult time.May God bless you and keep you in his care.
    Peace be with you, and your folks.
    count on my prayers.. but much more importantly count on christs.. i do have a prayer circle at my church.. but the circle is much greater than us alone.. god alone is what you need , from what i do know of you , i do honestly beleive that your loss is only tempuary.. envision your family all together in gods great kingdom, how sweet is that. god calls us home for his own reasons not ours.. your dad served well in gods calling judging by the way you exibit your emetions.. rest assured you shall be reunited.. love ..blessings and hugs ....daren
    Your in my prayers and on my mind Jenn...I am so sorry you are all going through this.
    Jenn, I am so sorry about your Dad. Sorry I didn't see this question sooner. My prayers are with you and your family. God bless you as well as your love ones.
    Praying for you... throughout this trying time,may Jesus comfort you and remain always at your fathers side.God bless!!

    I am assured that he will be held in the arms of my Father as I hold him in my heart.
    From my best friend translated for you.

    May you find the strengh in your soul to find the power of guiding your step.

    To overcome all the barriers that place the life and put them to death

    May you find the wisdom in your heart, to understand the pain and trangress its borders

    May you give to others the experience of each moment, the time elapsed that you will be able to share
    As you know Jenn, I do not pray but I wish for everyone concerned peace, love and comfort as you go through this time and offer this simple wish of "may the blessings be". You're in my thoughts and a great big cyber hug filled with warmth and caring for you my friend. ((((((Jenn))))))

    I'm sorry. Did I offend you? :(

    Goodess no!!!! Why would you think that... You are one of my favorite buddies on here... Your thoughts and concern are so very welcome. And I apriciate you so very much!!!!

    Because you voted me up and then took away the vote.

    I am sorry babe... I am on my moms laptop and it is very sencitive.. I didnt mean to.... I fixed it! Lots of Love!

    I take back my question then. I just wanted to make sure I didn't offend you with the fact that I do not pray. Luv ya and stay strong!

    Glad you asked Colleen, she did the same to me too. No offense taken here either.
    This is the first I saw this question, sorry to hear about what your family is going through, I will add you and your family to my prayer list. I will pray that God grants your family and (Mom especially) the peace that passes all our understanding. May God bless you and your family through this difficult time.
    Sorry to hear that, Jenn. It's the most heartbreaking to see the loved one getting weak and deceased. You and your family are in my prayer. God bless you and peace be with you always.
    Jenn, you and your family are in my prayers. You and your family, be strong and be there for each other. Love you.

    Karma may the blessing of sweet Jesus stay with you during this trumatic time,In my fathers house there are so many mansions,God be with you all x

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