    HI Everyone :)

    Hows life going on, anybody doing something interesting in the coming days, or is your year going to be as boring as your last year, anything new?

    What is one thing that you changed about your life this year, anything at all, was it for the better or the worse?

    +3  Views: 471 Answers: 6 Posted: 13 years ago

    6 Answers

    My life is great. I don't see any changes forthcoming. No reason to change what's already good :)

    What time is it on your computer now?

    4:58 am
    my son is 37. my daughter is 34. she is going to meet my brother for the first time in a couple of days. (no, he has NOT been in prison. there has not been a family quarrel)
    Hello doublehelix, every day is a bonus if, like me, you are over 70. Today I am taking my lovely wife Eileen for a dinner in
    Morrisons and the weather is sunny.
    This year, I love everyone no matter their race or size.
    I even like fat cats.

    That's Great to hear Ronart :) Have fun eating out, tell your wife she has a beautiful name, love it. have a happy long life with lots of smiles, cheers :)

    doublehelix I think Ronart means people with a lot of money - not plump felines.

    hahahahahahahahahahahaha I understood that part except i thought the guy meant it the other way, i had to comment first to see what he would comment to understand, thank you by the way! hehahehe
    Spent a lot more time working on the property, and played less with my toy. Made my wife extremely happy. When she's not happy I am not allowed to be happy.
    This year my life is going better. Money isn't quite so tight as last year, my husband is closer to retirement, I have good tenants in my rental house, the bills seem to get paid on time, my animals are all healthy and so am I.

    I am still diligently working on "love thy neighbor" which is sometimes very hard to do, but I always try to keep a positive attitude and be a good christian and help others as often as I can.

    Morrison's hey Ronart - my grandparents used to take me there when I visited them in Florida as a teenager. Loved to pick what I wanted from behind the glass and have it delivered to the table by a waiter. I felt so grown up. Is it still the same or has to changed as most things have?

    I tried loving my neighbour my wife found out, and I copped heaps. That when I stopped reading the bible, bloody useless advice.

    Please somebody help me, I'm rolling on the floor laughing again. Peoplelover is a good name for you dear!
    I WENT SKIING FOR THE FIRST TIME IN MY LIFE, it was awesomely scary! never going back unless i'll be just sitting there watching my friends ski perfectly while i'd look like a loser. :)

    Skied when I was a kid. Knew then it was not a sport for me.

    YAY, great to know i'm not a loser :)

    No way, I tried once when I was a kid on a slope in the park across the street, not even at a ski area. Nada, no way Jose! Never gonna do that again, never did, never will!

    I love skiing!! You need to take it hard to learn, don't be afraid to break your legs. Once you learn how to ski, it doesn't go away. It's amazing how we remember the balance and the speed we experienced.

    wow, serious? don't be afraid to break your legs? now i'm more afraid :S
    what do i do if i did break a leg... i cannot imagine..

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