    A question for men only: In simply walking past a woman in a supermarket, what behavior, attitude, and physical characteristics would you find most appealling?

    Your marital status is not in the focus of this question.

    +13  Views: 2770 Answers: 43 Posted: 13 years ago

    Were you in the Navy Shootah?
    If so, what Destroyer do you have as your Avatar?

    U.S.S. Ramsey DEG-2 Yes, I was in the Navy at the end of the Viet Nam war.

    So this is why you volunteer for the weekly shopping! LOL ;)

    Why, yes it is! Like the old saying goes, "When life throws you lemons, it's to time to make lemonade!" So what can I say other than, at times I think I must live in a lemon orchard...and that fruit is just so tasty!

    Great answer. You have élan. :)

    43 Answers (1-30 Displayed)

    Neatness, Cleanliness and Friendliness.
    In a supermarket,I would notice her attitude towards other shoppers.

    Yep ... I keep forgetting. I'm not even supposed to be here.
    Friendly, smiling and helpful in the fruit department.
    How healthy and appealing she appears to be. The worst turnoff, one that smokes. Damn that is nasty.

    Simply a nice smile. A smile can say a lot about a person
    Admiring the selection of "specials" and cheaper generic products in her shopping cart instead of the over-priced nationally advertised brands. Definitive sign of a low-maintenance woman worth pursuing. Sh-wing.

    deep i like it

    A profound question deserves an incisive answer.

    Home economics.

    Sadly, all too lacking in high school curriculum.
    I look at a womans poise how she holds herself as she walks holds her head, does she look at things in a inquistive way or not, how she uses her hands, is her skin pretty her smile, does she use a lot of makeup or is she a natural woman I myself love a feminine woman,
    when she offers to pay for goods and realy smiles at me when she does it ("dam alarm clock went off and woke me up)that was some dream eh"
    It's got to be a nice smile!
    Length of hair and if she takes care of herself, and of course, what kind of foods she is buying. :)
    You Men! no wonder you forget half of the items on the shopping list, obviously you have a totally different mission at supermarket!

    ha ha. insiteful. <--spelling. Oh well, Marmite will come along. : D

    smell, body, and smile...
    legs ,breast and from back her butt ,thats inportant
    First i guess is her looks is she pretty, then of course her body.

    Her gentle way of cradling tomatoes will be keenly observed by me.


    I could have guessed! ha.

    A nice set of legs will catch my eye every time...

    yea her body like butt and rear

    Her figure, her composture, the way she walks, her legs, her hair, her ,,,,, everything. As long as she looks  and acts like  a lady she will definitely grab my total attention.

    I wouldn't be caught dead in a supermarket, woman's work. If I saw a woman lets say in restaurant, my instincts would direct me to her legs and than her a smile. Yes, I am a male chauvinist.
    Headless Man

    Do you eat, ed?

    Male chauvinist? Really? She wouldn't be smiling at you if she had read what we all just read!
    reminds me of the scene in " ANIMAL HOUSE "

    first i think nice tits then i think nice arse then check if shes got a ring then yes shes mine wooooooooooooo! but if fat then bye bye find someone else and i also look what she buying if some shit nn find someone else lol


    fresh fragrance ... ever walk by a woman who smelled like she'd just stepped out of the shower and put on light cologne. It wafts behind her ... oh wait, I'm a woman. 


    I can appreciate your answer. I have always found the light scent of pleasant perfume or lotion enjoyable...erotic.

    Yes "erotic" that's the word. I always try to shower and spray Ginger or Roses on before I gentle pinch the tomatoes. : )
    any man who did not have tig ole bitties somewhere in thier answer is a liar or older than dirt its no fun if you dont tell the truth
    ed shank

    If your referring to a woman's chest, I'm sorry to disappoint you, that would not be my first place to look. I'm not quite as old as space dust, and definitely not a liar.

    smile body type personality

    wot r u talking about?

    Next time I'll try to remember to write it out slower.

    I should give you my computer. You'd have no trouble typing slow with this toy.

    her  resemblance to Sophia Loren ""

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