    What countries are your ancestors from??

    +5  Views: 991 Answers: 30 Posted: 13 years ago

    30 Answers

    I wish I knew them all,I know some are from Africa,but as a black American it's all hush hush,but my parents are from southern Louisiana and we are creole,my paternal grandmother spoke no English,all grandparents were fluent in creole except for one,I know there's a lot of something else there every time I look in the mirror,maybe one day I'll pay and have DNA,and unveil those secrets.

    that was interesting. I didn't know that about Creole
    On my Dad's side of the family - England. On my Mom's side of the family, all of Europe. A few from here, a few from there, a few extras for somewhere else. Toss 'em all in a bag and shake it up and - ta da - here I am.
    sweden and scottland. (i would have kilt to take a trip there)
    Ms Sinclair

    Awww. What a pun. I've been to Scotland. You should go visit. I enjoyed my stay there. Nice scenery, interesting people. Don't know about that haggis though.

    i hear its wonderfull , great golfing as well
    On my dad's Scotland & Ireland.
    On Mum's, Germany,Poland,Russia.
    I'm an Aussie.
    Bit of a mix hey?
    all of my mother's grandparents were from Holland. That's why I was named after Queen Juliana.
    My father's mother was from Southern Germany. She came to the states before W W II , and had nothing to do with the Nazis.
    My father's ancestors came here in 1635 from England and they donated a bushel of Indian corn to the construction of Harvard. :-)

    correction---I mean my dad's ancestors on his father's side.
    I'm all USA/American on both

    O.k. but you would have to be completely American Indian, if you weren't joking. You look German to me...?
    Headless Man

    Could be true but I need to ask questions, I don't remember for sure.

    Come on Randy we are all German on AKA... Kinda like being Irish on St. Patricks day.
    USA, which descended from Africa!
    Mom was adopted.... (by her cousin, thank God) American, (Creek Indian), Ireland, and Austrian....
    Never met my dad... So your guess is as good as mine. I too would love to have DNA testing done... It really bothers me that I have no clue.
    Africa and Europe.

    are you part black ?

    Well she isnt Prof. Snape
    Ms Sinclair

    Both my parents are/were black but, as with most African-Americans, we have some European ancestry as well.
    Bohemia, both sides

    Ann, what exactly is Bohemia? My mother used to say it was Hungary. Some people say it was Austria.

    Bohemia is in the Czeck Republic.
    Here, in the suburbs of Detroit, most white people are of Polish heritage; and in many small towns up north in Mich too....mainly on the east side of the state.
    Scandinavia-- England=== Ireland branched out to Canada, Australia, United States.
    Madagascar about 2 million years ago.
    Dads side was from Germany Mom's side was from Czechoslovakia. Both came over in the late 1800's
    Ireland. Beautiful place.
    Norweigan/German on Ma's side....French Canadian on Dad's...though to this day I'm not so sure about Dad's but guess I will never know....(:
    Ms Sinclair

    I'd like to thank you again for your kind words under Jenn's "Hit it and quit it" question". Did you see my response?
    Germany, Holland, on my Dad's side. English on my Mother's.

    You should make your own beer, it may be a genetic talent? Maybe open your own micro brewery someday, lol.
    Tons of Germanic descendants here, U.K area too.

    Irish, English, Scottish, German, Italian, African.

    Ireland, German so I've been told.
    I think Ireland suits me better.

    British and Scot. We are descendants of 'Alfred the Great' and some other kings of Scotland.

    No place like home, Ireland, of course.
    My dads side is from Scotland, part of the Robinson clan, one of the oldest and reverred clans.

    On mums side from Yarmouth in England.

    Having my third trip over there in few weeks. Scotland< once you get past the cold and the wind, is amazing. The highlands have a beauty all of their own. Even foud a Glen and a Cragg that bears my family name. Love it, love it.

    England the best spots are The Lakes District, The Cotswolds, The New Forrest Ah! bugger it it is all great. To visit that is.

    quite a contrast in weather between Scotland and Queensland.

    Taking the long johns.
    Irish & Irish, some day I might be able to afford to go and visit. Actually, I'm a little nervous about even getting on a plane now. To many Nuts.
    Ms Sinclair

    I went to Ireland and got to kiss the Blarney Stone. Don't be afraid. You should take a trip there when you can afford it. It's a beautiful country.

    You right, thank you.
    Czeckloslivakia also known as Czeck republic England And norweigein

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