    Anger will get you in trouble, but pride will keep you there.......

    +5  Views: 1439 Answers: 8 Posted: 13 years ago

    8 Answers

    Yes it is mom.. Pride and ego can control a person and that's to bad. Although I might have to go and pout a little bit I can usually come back and say sorry or yup your right I'm wrong.
    Yes, to admit that you did something wrong in a fit of anger is an extremely hard thing to do. Get over it, say you're sorry and did something in anger and then get ready to pay the consequences for your actions. If there aren't any - consider yourself lucky!

    Yes it takes courage to admit one is wrong and to say they are sorry and it only takes weakness and hiding behind pride and fear to not admit it.
    Anger is an emotion directed towards another person. The reason for that anger my be justified, in ones mind anyway. Anger is a consequence of betrayal, or some other wrong doing. Anger is a release mechanism which allows us to realize once again that the world isn't perfect or are any of the people in it. We learn something from even the most negative and terrible feelings we all experience from time to time.

    Yes we do but I am learning the hard way it is a bad place to stay once lesson is learned and quite true there is justifiable anger

    There is justifiable anger, however a boxing bag, a football, anything that can take that anger away is a positive thing, as long as it does not hurt any living thing. just keep runnin'.
    One of the hardest lessons any of us will ever have to learn is to let go of "ego". It is the cause of so much human suffering. Most of us need to deal with ego to some degree, not that all of us go around patting ourselves on the back and telling everyone within hearing distance how great we are. But our egos control us even in small ways. I'm not an expert but am currently dissecting my personality to see if there are ways to make it better. It looks like it will be a lifelong job.

    Me too I know it will be a lifelong job for me but it is in the trying continuously and not giving up to make ones self try to do and be better and never giving up no matter how many times we fall that in the end the race will be won.

    EGOS! Me thinks some of us don't have big egos, but can be easily swayed by certain events, people, life in general.
    I think i have a lifelong job of fixing mine, as long as no one pees me off.
    My Oh My ...isn't our prideful ego something else? It keeps us angry for unnecessary time, makes us bitter and ruins lives.Well put Darci13

    Yes Mom it does I have myself had to learn that the hard way but I hope I am learning constantly and for the better.....

    I think by seeing a lot of your answers are an awesome person. Thanks God we learn the hard way it creates more personality and keeps us humbled.Keep open to learning, it keeps you more interesting;)
    "pride comes before destruction"
    faith is anoun[Fear is not having Faith in God word.
    fears ;unpleasant emotion caused by expectation or awareness of danger
    hello every one
    fear is the begging of anger.
    fear is believing in you or what you can do are can not do.but to believe in God, HELLO EVERYONE.FRIST OF ALL For God gave us not a spirit of fearfulness; but of power and love and discipline.if God is for you who can beaganist you,and no weapon froam againt you or me shell prospers.that is faith in God word.when i am week ,my faith in God is strong.fear brings ,procrastination,like my spelling.i didn't want to read in front of class becouse of my i didn't like reading.but now i am trying again to read better,and spell i believe i understand now why fear came opon me is becoure,of right now.i was a child then. we are born with the sents of fear becouse of the body we live can fill when somthing hert you,or some one trying to hert warning sign danger,protections of love one...etc.i am not talking about that kind of fear.i talking about when God said fear not,i am with you for ever amen.when fear trys to enter your mind,think of God fear not for i am with you,now fear has to go,becouse your spirit mind said so,not your body that fears try to decieve.were there fear,there no faith,and were there fear there no faith.pitcher this in your mind.a train is on a railroad track,all box car or full of God word.God said his word,and his promise to use will be fulfill.put your faith in one of the box car and relax.

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