    Why am I alone in three years?

    I am male.

    +1  Views: 552 Answers: 5 Posted: 13 years ago

    You're too young to be so negative, think on great things for you future!

    5 Answers

    You're planning a gloomy future, be thoughtful what you say and think!
    they say love comes in threes .. so maybe your year is coming up ..keep swinging the bat, otherwise you cant get a hit..
    Dude, if you think people are going to bang on your door to be with you, your delusional. Get out there and mingle, if your shy, get over it. You know why your alone. If your boring do something about it, if your dumb do some thing about it, if your cheap do something about it. No sympathy here. Stop playing the part of the loser.
    If you are saying you have been alone for three years I guess the right one just hasn't come along. Have you put effort out to meet anyone? There are some great dating sights online.If you are going out on dates but find it a one time thing then I would think you might be putting some unconscious vibes out that might be driving women away.On the dates are you putting effort into how you look? Are you painfully shy and are having trouble even making eye contact? Maybe you could add some details.

    You are right.

    Thanks but maybe I could give better dating advice if I knew more about you. Are you shy? What might be the dating issue for you?
    No, i am not shy, just alone. In this new situation heavy to stabilize myself. Before two and half years was changed my in my life some things. Was changed workplace, profession and residence. I arrived to a new environment what is was very destruction and about two years ago i changed residence again. Just only the bad memories does it. And the disappointment too. I think so.

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