    what is a periodic table

    +1  Views: 2830 Answers: 4 Posted: 12 years ago

    4 Answers

    An arrangement of chemical elements based on the periosic law, which is a law in chemistry where the elements when arranged in the order of their atomic numbers show a periodic variation of atomic structure and of most of their properties.Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary.

    Periodic Table is the systematic arrangement of elements according to their chemical properties which is governed by certain periodic law.

    The essence of this was emerge to study the chemical and physical properties of various elements in an easier way.

    Now a days, modern law is in used which is the modified concept of Mendeleev's Periodic law.

    And these elements are arranged according to the increasing order of their atomic numbers.


    Note: The properties of elements re-occur in certain interval i.e.period, so "Periodic" and since elements are arranged in systematic pattern , so "Table". That's why we call, it as the "Periodic table".

    Horizontal rows are called periods and vertical column are called groups.

    Hope this will help you to understand the concept of periodic table.


    The periodic table is a table of all the known chemical elements:


    if you are referring to a periodic table of elements its a table of which both man made and natural elements are being arranged according to atomic mass number and weight.

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