    What kind of bugs do you really hate?

    In New Hampshire we have the black fly, tiny and voracious, Florida has it's love bugs that clog up the front of your car, of course there's always that beast we love to hate, the mosquito.

    +16  Views: 2619 Answers: 34 Posted: 13 years ago

    34 Answers (1-30 Displayed)

    Speaking of which here are some tips directly from AOL on how to ce-bug yourself of mosquitos:

    Now that mosquito season is starting, it's time to stock up our buzz-busting arsenal. But are these weird tips real or rumors? We'll be the judge.

    Weird Mosquito Tip #1: Drink Lots of Beer
    Rumor. The rationale behind this gem isn't to have a good time, but that the alcohol and yeast are not appealing to a mosquito. Actually, the opposite is true. A mosquito actually prefers the blood of a beer-drinker over anyone else. You can try to trick them by leaving out open cans of beer around your yard, but it's more likely that Uncle Kenny will just drink the buggy brews instead.

    Weird Mosquito Tip #2: Fire Up a Bubble Machine
    Real. Though I suspect that this tip was actually submitted by a 5-year-old who desperately wants to improve their bubble output tenfold, mosquitos have been found to be repelled by soap solutions. So it's less about bubbles and more about the suds.

    Weird Mosquito Tip #3: Mix Up Some 'Dew
    Real-ish. Someone suggested mixing Mountain Dew and dish soap, then leaving the solution out in cups around the yard. Again, the mosquitoes were probably attracted to the soap rather than the soda. So save it for the refreshment stand and swap in water instead.

    Weird Mosquito Tip #4: Wear Only White
    Rumor. The thinking is that bold and dark colors absorb heat, which raises your body temperature, turning you into a buffet for bugs. But if it's hot out, you're going to have a higher body temperate no matter what you wear.

    Weird Mosquito Tip #5: Rub Chives On Your Pulse Points
    Real, but gross. Mosquitos hate the scent of chives, but so does everyone else around you.

    Weird Mosquito Tip #6: Eat Plenty of Garlic
    Real, but also gross. Points to the reader who painted a terrible picture in my head by writing, "Eat garlic until it oozes out your pores." Lovely. But if you happen to be eating a garlic-leaden meal, great news, mosquitos hate you.

    Weird Mosquito Tip #7: Vacuum Them Up
    Real. Of course, if you have the reflexes and the eyesight to be able to vacuum a mosquito mid-air, then I suggest you try out for the next "Karate Kid" movie.

    Weird Mosquito Tip #8: Try This App
    Real, but with reservations. There's a few iPhone apps on the market designed to emit a noise that repels mosquitoes. Unfortunately, it doesn't work on all varieties. And, it drives cats and dogs nuts.

    Weird Mosquito Tip #9: Rub Yourself With Fabric Softener Sheets
    Real. It goes back to tips #2 and #3, mosquitoes just don't like the taste or scent of soap. But use caution, since this idea just sounds irritating to the skin.

    Weird Mosquito Tip #10: Spritz with Mouthwash
    Rumor. A popular email forward from a few years back states that if you spritz yourself with a 10 to 1 mix of water to Listerine, you'll repel mosquitoes. While the menthol and eucalyptus doesn't appeal to the critters, the dilution won't be enough to make much of a difference. (And directly applying Listerine to skin will just dry you out.)


    iup in whitefield nh for a vaca.

    Whitefield is way north of where I am. I am in central NH between Concord and Laconia. The mosquitos in Whitefield can carry away a full grown man and fly him to Canada. Be careful!

    I'm definitely going to take tip #9 when I go camping!! i'll also be leaving lots of them inside the tent to see it if it worked :)
    I have to agree with eggplant, mosquitoes are the worst, there are also (no see ems) in FL, smaller than mites, but they bite like mosquitoes.

    When I lived in Florida they sprayed at night to get rid of the mosquitoes. It helped a lot. But the ones that really made me cringe - Palmetto Bugs! Yuk!!!!

    Especially during the season where they fly, breeding season, they are nasty creatures for sure.

    When I lived in TX I saw the biggest mosquito's I've ever seen, they are so big they can bite right through your clothes. So maybe everything is bigger in Texas? I know the mosquito's are, so are the steaks.
    Your gone to hate me but Mosquitos don't bother me, must be all the drugs I take.
    I don't really have a problem much with bugs, as long as they stay off me and my food.

    Okay, this is nasty but I just came back from lunch and there was a roach crawling around on the fruit tray.I told the server and he trashed the tray of food but this was a buffet and no telling how many things this roach crawled across before he got to the oranges.( This once was a 4 star restaurant).


    Man that is simply terrible, should be reduced back to a no star restaurant.
    country bumpkin

    They wont be seeing my mug around there again. LOL
    phone bugs the fbi is stil wondering were i hid that million

    Mosquitos and Ticks. They drive me crazy!

    I have a long list of insects and their varied benefits and harm. Yellow jackets make their nests from the thin skin of my apple and pear trees. so the fruit is damaged and usually unusable. So they get sprayed in the spring and summer with foaming insecticide. Potter wasps hunt spiders and spiders eat aphids and grasshoppers. So I discourage potter wasps by not allowing water to pool near spigots to give them clay for their nests. We also have Lady Bug which eat aphids. There are no insects in the house because I don’t spray insecticides inside. We do have spiders but not too many and only those that are harmless to people and pets. If a fly comes into the house, they have been eaten by morning. I haven’t seen any scorpions on our property but there is a variety locally that has thorn-like barbs on its skeletal structure that I like to hunt for in summer. They have an energy that feels like a rhythmic burr and I’d like to see how that is produced. Other scorpions produce that…whatever noise too. But that’s what I have to work with. Biting flies, horse flies and deer flies are my least favorite insect as there is no hesitation for them to painfully bite. So, no horses here and deer are routinely driven off. The chickens and fly traps get all the rest.
    Since I was little I always thought roaches would lay eggs in my ears.. I dont know why I thought this.. But it has lead to a full blown phobia...
    I am in GA the mosquitos will carry you away. The Palmetto bugs will pick you up and move you out of thier way... And the knats will make a meal of you.

    So one has to sleep with one eye open? ha-haaaa. Good Jenn, very good

    Did you ever see the Twilight Zone show where a woman got an earwig stuck in her head? It was driving her crazy, and FINALLY the doctor got the thing out of her ear. The bad news was that it was a female earwig and had laid eggs in the woman's head. I panic when I see an earwig to this very day (and one made the mistake of trying to race across the floor this morning.
    Any of the Tick family.
    Here in Sydney Australia the cockroaches outnumber the people.
    I really dont like wasps and I love all other bugs wow when you mentioned the love bug nobody knows what a love bug is in the UK I lived in Fla for many years loved the place and I really love those love bugs I use to let them walk all over me and they love swimming in the pool with you why is that you have brought my memory back thinking of love bugs
    Mosquitoes, we have thousands of them at our place.
    Fleas there all over me,and make me itchee

    Go get a flea dip, lol

    OK right away as soon I get my spelling fleas right.

    or a collar!

    Horrible. I had a flea infestation once. I walked into the apartment and before I'd gone across the living room, my pants were black from the fleas. The bathtub was filled was black with the fleas. It went from one or two to millions of them in about 24 hours.
    biting and stinging bugs, and the ones that stick on your screen in the summer. brown buggies
    Centipedes make my skin crawl along with scorpions...UGH!


    I think the wasps are bad here. We have a mud wasp with long legs, a hornet and a wasp. They are all from the same family of bugs. I do have to say though that the big black hairy spiders really make my skin crawl the way they scurry past and are big enough you can hear them on the carpet...yuk!
    Here in Florida, we have to deal with roaches, yuk!

    they don't die, they multiply. lol!
    Ants and Flies!


    Wasps yellow jackets hornets yikes I hate the little creeps!!!

    The kind that crawl all over me when I drink too much. :(
    midges, horrible little flies that bite and travel together in billions.
    or anything here in Oz that will kill you, which is most of the bugs down here! ;-)
    I hate most bugs except spiders cause they catch lots of things I hate in there web.
    crunchy ones, cream filled much better
    Bugs, spiders and snakes I abhor them all the only good ones are dead ones in my opinion.
    dogs4us , to be accurate in my answer I have to say that there are two bugs that I don't like in my life Mosquitoes and my sister-in-law. Besides those two .... my life is just great. lol

    Flies , ticks, mosquitoes, ants, yellow jackets, and cockroaches.

    I don't like most bugs but especially any kind of fly (particularly the ones that bite) and water-bugs.


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