    How many of you think about how to kill someone and get away with it?

    My brother and I grow up in a abusive home.. we thought about it all the time.. But I have realized that there are alot of ppl that think about it.. It could be that we are watching too much NCIS and CSI....

    +2  Views: 770 Answers: 10 Posted: 13 years ago

    I do think that all these murder shows and murder books on the best seller lists are giving people ideas. ....especially young, impressionable teens, who don't have much guidence at home, and spend a lot of time alone.

    10 Answers

    icicle (sp) Stab someone and the murder weapon melts away.. But you can only do this in the winter and not where I am from in CA.:)

    I know I was not the only one on here... LOL... Ithought you were all going to ban me for life... LOL

    Nah, it means nothing, when we were kids we sit around and think these things up and laugh all day about it. I made bombs too! Strong enough to blow a hole in our sidewalk in front of the house. I assure you that terrorism was not on my mind, more like, how big of a bang can I make today!! My neighbor told my dad how the hole got in the sidewalk, I didn't make bombs for awhile after that.. I went back to using a magnifying glass to burn ants.. LOL
    I already know how ( my training), can't elaborate.

    You are an interesting cat , aren't you!

    Hello Jenn, How are you sweetheart? I really wish I could tell you some of the things that I've learned being associated with military, government and civilian contacts but I can't, my wife don't even know some of the things I do. But yes I've lived a VERY interesting life.

    I ma always awesome... Everything always turns out the way it should so why worry... I am a lil overwhelmed with the losses this year.. My dad got bad news today from his hospice nurse.. we are now looking at weeks and not months.. but we are all in good spirits... I have to best family even if we cant all be the best together ,we sure do make sure everything is taken care of... Thanks Spase you are always so wonderful to me!
    I must admit that in the past I fantasized about either killing some of my obnoxious, bullying bosses at work or wishing that they would get into a serious accident. Some of them made my life a living hell.

    LOVE LOVE LOVE your honesty!
    Wow, Jenn. Sorry about your past. You sure seem to have overcome your bad memories well. Good for you!

    Life is what you make it.. And I would not be me if I did not have ALL of the experiences in my past.. And I kinda like me... So I wouldnt change a thing.
    First day of deer season, I thought I shot a deer. Not as uncommon as you my think.

    Dont know why someone would vote this down.. We hunt too... as long as you are eating the meat it is all good.. I dont think ppl understand what it would be like if we did not hunt... we could say good bye to all of the wonderful crops coming up about now.. and dont get me started on wild hogs.. (boars) those thing are destructive!
    Never hated anyone that much to kill them, a long hard ass beatin, yes.

    I dont think these ppl actually want to hurt someone inparticular.. Just out smart the investigators.... This topic came up at a wedding reseption.... I couldnt beleive how many ppl chimed in. It was strange.
    No body gets away with murder. The perpetrator is self convicted and they cary their crime all their life. That is cruel punishment that no court could punish a person more. They have to keep their crime a secret which reminds them daily of their crime. There is fear of apprehension that nags and wears on them for years. They tell people as they age and begin to loose their wits that they deserve to die, deserve to be hanged and are so remorseful. They know what they did is killing them and they can’t free themselves of the fact. To know these retched creatures is to know why you should never kill anyone. It is such an insane state. Many people who have killed in war or police duty suffer the same effects. Haven’t you heard that those who talk about war have never been in war? No one wants to share that pain. TV does a disservice in making murder look like a casual act no more significant than snuffing out a cigarette.

    This was more of a psycologiacal question.. I didnt mean to emply that ppl should kill one another.. I wanted to here about how the minds works when it comes to this topic. Part of the question that was emplied was that we have become desencitied to murder. I agree there would be no peace after having committed a murder.

    The threads got away from me while I was typing about my feelings about murder. I missed the tangent by not letting other control the flow.

    I may be having a blonde monent but I have know Idea what this means...
    i never do,i am a lover,not a hater
    i once killed a six pack, just to watch it die... thats about the only thing i killed... and a couple billion brain cells

    Daren you are one of those ppl I want to keep to my imagination.. .I have a definate pictue of you in my head... LOL

    i think thats a compliment

    It is!!!
    I do and since I got on this site, quite often.

    nice!!! But I am always a peach.. dont plan my murder please.

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