    should i tell my bestfriend that her boyfriend asked me out?

    +1  Views: 727 Answers: 8 Posted: 13 years ago

    8 Answers

    Yes but be prepared for her to not believe you and to be mad at you and not him. At least this way she can never accuse you of lying to her. Something similar happened to me once.

    My very best friend's boyfriend kissed me one night. We were out at a club where he did a karaoke show. I had gone with him to help set up as my friend was sick that night. She was his partner. We were out back on a break just talking and laughing and suddenly he leaned forward and kissed me. Now he knew I was not attainable for any man but he kissed me just the same. Maybe he was trying to prove something, who knows? All I know is I made the decision not to tell my friend because I didn't want to hurt her. Well another friend of hers saw him kiss me and she told my friend a week later. My friend was pissed at me, not him, me. She had trusted me to always be truthful with her. She considered the fact that I did not tell her a lie. She ended our friendship then and there because now there was a trust issue. She and he eventually parted. Almost 2 years later I ran into her. We talked about what had happened and tried to be friends again. It wasn't the same and could never be the same. We've not spoken in years. I don't even know where she is now but I think of her often. We were once the midnight warriors out to save the world and in the end, could not even save our friendship over the failings of another. If you love your friend, tell her. It may save your friendship.
    I would tell her too. Who knows who else he has asked out besides you.
    Yes, tell her. It looks like he's a two-timer.
    I would make it very clear to the person who asked you out that you love your friend and would not could not ever be interested in them. If they hit on you again you need to let your friend know that it is a problem.
    If she is your bestfriend,so you have to say the event ,otherwise how best friends you are ?
    While going out with my wife, two of her good friends asked me out. I never said a word till probably 20 years after we were married. Do you know she was able to find these two women and gave them both an earful. Do not tell your friend, she will look at you from that point on as a Threat. Your friendship will probably not survive.
    Ms Sinclair

    I don't agree. She did not ask him out. He asked her out. If she has no interest in him and values her friendship more she should tell her friend this as well. Besides, if it's not her that he hits on it will probably be someone else anyway.
    ed shank

    I still stand by my argument, she will feel that her friend is a threat, and the relationship will change. He, on the other hand will move on.
    This time, Dont tell your friend, because when your friend cofronts her boy friend, Im sure he will say it is not true. It will be his word against yours, (unless you have proof) Your friend might belive her boy friend, not you, love is strange.
    Only if you are also a boy, otherwise just let it pass as you could lose 2 friends for the sake of one little slip of judgment

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