    what should we do for our 10 year anniversary? we are broke!

    +3  Views: 1494 Answers: 9 Posted: 13 years ago

    9 Answers

    Go on a picnic and invite all your friends to come all bringing enough food for themselves "plus a little". Then share everything and play some fun games.
    As Ninnet said have picnic or have party and invite your friends and tell them to bring food and booze if you drink, or a barbi or go to th beach cant beat it puts love in the air I think its the sea air (if your not too far from th beach) or go for long walk in the country and take in the nature and its free and try and have a romantic evening together happy Anniversary good luck Melanie

    Thank you for your suggestions, I like the beach idea. We have been really stressed lately so I think that some time just the 2 of us would be relaxing.
    Hi Neasha I love the way you are saying you and Hubby are old Fashion YES YES keep it that way I know things are tuff out there I have Interior Design company and last year I had one job it has picked up a bit and your Husband would know I am in the last field Keep cooking and I really agree in home cooking the resturants now a days are inferior and you never know what ingredints they are using I am sure you and Hubby will have a great time you sound that you both have your heads on the right way I wish every young couple good take note on the way you 2 are keeping that romance on going Please go to the beach when my hubby have a disagreement the beach always seems to sort it out and never really looks as bad as it does in ones head nice one mel
    Neasha, I hope my comments weren't considered offensive. You can appreciate that it is impossible to know your particular situation based on a one sentence question. I was simply trying to suggest a way to remedy the situation on the longer term, if your financial situation was a chronic one, which it clearly isn't. We too decided that caring for our 2 children with my wife as a stay-at-home mom was the right way to go despite the obvious financial strains that this encumbers. If that's old fashioned, so be it. The kids are now in their twenties and still somewhat dependent but that's another story;-)

    That said, others have made suggestions of the type that you were seeking so I will close with wishing you a wonderful anniversary, hoping that it will be a memorable one. Good luck in the future. Things will work themselves out.
    Commit to meeting with a government-run financial planner who will assist you in getting yourself out of this predicament so that on your next milestone anniversary, you'll be able to do something special without asking how.

    Not knowing your particular situation, I don't know how or why you've ended in poverty. Was it due to a totally unexpected major event or have you been more or less broke for as long as you can remember? Either way, you need to dig yourself out so start "shoveling" (figuratively speaking)tomorrow and look forward to a brighter future.

    As for celebrating your 10th, remember it's the thought that counts. Treat your spouse with a nice candlelit (dollar store)home-made meal prepared by YOU and tell her that your 15th anniversary will be celebrated in a nice restaurant. That will be sweet music to her ears. Have a happy anniversary.

    Meeting with a financial planner for our biggest anniversary so far, does not sound appealing what so ever! I do understand your reason for your comments even though they seem to go a little off subject. To answer you, NO we have not always been broke. My husband (yes,I am a woman) owns his own construction business but being what the economy is here, people are putting their projects off. I cook 3 (home made) meals a day (also saving us money and our health) and stay home with our small kids. A choice we agreed to being the best one for our family since WE want to raise our kids instead of paying someone else to. We are old fashioned thinkers I guess you could say, I would much rather a free adventurous and quirky anniversary than spending one in an expensive restaurant serving food inferior to my own. That is why I chose to ask people of the net, knowing there are a lot of brilliant ideas out there, waiting to be shared. Thank you for your advice, your tips and well wishes, and have a fantastic day!

    Neasha,I know it's tough right now,my husband was laid off and hasn't had any luck with work lately,we haven't been able to really go anywhere since our wedding nearly 4 years ago,it's always bills and kids first,things are looking up so we have a good shot at traveling on our next anniversary in July.If you have someone to keep the kids,take a drive,go to an inexpensive restaurant or make a romantic dinner at home,I know in the end the time spent with each other is the icing on the cake.Good luck and congrats!:)

    We had to file bankruptsy a couol of years ago. My husband and I were in a wreck. HE was out of work for 8 months. and it cost $57,000 out of pocket for medical bills.(we have ins) We are paying on the bills we fell behind on... that it our responcablity. But we had no choice. We eloped on our 10th ann we renewed our vows in a church.
    Love each other
    Being broke is not the reason to not celebrate 10 years of living together and loving each other...that is all that is a good supper and snuggle and celebrate your life with each means absolutely nothing when compared to love and or health...keep that in mind for the rest of your lives...HAPPAY ANNIVERSARY to you both from an old broad who has been around the block and back! (: I eralize this is an older post but had to interject!
    If you have a car. Go for a ride, stop at a beautiful area, get out of your car and go walking for a while. Enjoy the scenery and each others presence.

    *Walking in dreams, indicate reminiscing. to think on things.

    With that, you should know that walking with your loved one, indicates that thoughts are on each other. it is a beautiful time of year to see the world around you. We only have so many setting suns, so many sunrises, so many moons to view; i say, make them memorable. You don't need money at all.

    Your sister,
    Once again I thank you for your tips. as it ended up, We actually worked together on a real life job on our anniversary!! (first job in about 6 months that was worth counting), ate dinner with family, left the kids with them for the night and headed to the beach with some wine, had a fire, and slept in our car haha! it was nice. We figured if we want to do something a little more elaborate when we have the money there is no reason why we cant celebrate our 10 year and 6 month anniversary, right? As long as were together, we are happy. I should have remembered that before stressing about what to do. =)

    Well done Neasha I am so glad you went to the beach I just feel it makes you closer than ever and I loved the idea that you slept in the car WOW I wont ask any more keep it going mel x

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