    do you believe if there is no religion on earth do we have peace ?

    0  Views: 727 Answers: 9 Posted: 13 years ago

    9 Answers

    hmmmm, just think about it, why are you honest with people, why do you tell the truth, why are you not crazily running nude and slaughtering people in the streets when you feel like it, is it mostly because of Fear of prison, or is it because your mum and dad have told you that god hates the people that do bad and wont let them enter heaven for their sins. i seriously think your stupid if you think the only reason they don't want to do such stuff such as raping and assaulting and lying and dishonesty and disrespect just because of the fear of going to prison, religion stables people, makes them loveable and peaceful, but it's just those radical believers that destroy everything and make religious people sound bad, don't GENERALISE your comments please, it makes me wonder how old you really are.

    There I did it. TU. God Created us and gave us a mind that knows right and wrong. He also put a void in our hearts that only His son can fill. Then we are complete.
    I believe ... if there was no religion there will be no peace or any positive believes. I believe its like having Faith on something like a higher power in life. If you believe in something very strong that you hold close to your heart and you make it your own, you will be free and feel peace withing you and among other humans. I like to call him GOD and having him in my heart is all I need!!! They could come and take anything away from me ... but they can never take away that special light!
    seems to me we have plenty of religion now and still no peace so with or without religion we will still have no peace

    It not the "religion", it's the people that are in the religion. It's like the saying, "it's not the gun that kills people, it's the peole with the gun that kill people".

    Your sister,

    i think over the centuries and even now religion is an excuse to invade other countries when the underlying factor is greed.

    that's kind of true.
    Why in the world do people always blame religion. Yes, religion is confusion because it is divided of faith.

    But, as long as we got foolish people, we will have no peace because foolish people have a problem with peace. They see peacemaking as peacekeeping and one of them is capable of starting a war.

    Imagine that!

    your sister,


    Why do people blame blame religion? Because so many wars have been caused due to religious beliefs.
    Yes yes and yes again, religion is the cause of all unrest,one day people will wake up to the fact....maybe.
    i believe god i like my religion but some body or political people using in wrong way and saying religion religion or terrorest.
    What a loaded question...boom and a good one to! As a whole it seems religion promotes righteous or right behavior. In the past for decades there has been more systematic and righteous behavior. Looks like that is starting to unravel now. So has Religion, lots of disbelief has set in. However, to borrow a line from the Beatles imagine there's no heaven, or religous people on earth since the beginning of Man. That would produce War not even imagined! Peace has come from those trying to do the right/righteous thing. peace has been a by-product of people doing the right thing! Righteous! Religion! Peace! I also believe one can achieve peace within if one chooses to! Then again, it becomes a quasi Religion in itself within, doesn't it! I'm persuaded to go with the idea of one God, unphathomable love, the mean thing trying to mess it up. That would be the Devil himself and there you have it! Love, Peace & War! Surely there has to be something better than this ole ball to look forward to though... That would be Heaven! And something to avoid Eternal Jail... That would be Hell! Good & Evil! Where does it come from... That's a different question!
    I heard this some while ago.

    If there is no religion good people will be good and bad people will be bad.

    However if there is religion bad people will still be bad but not all good people will be good.

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