    How come people get upset when you say God or Jesus


    +10  Views: 7402 Answers: 36 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: god jesus belief


    Hey dh, thanks for this but it's not necessary. We all have our opinions. It's OK. None of it bothers me really. I understand where Randy is coming from and I did come into his thread to answer the question. I do not hate that he spreads Jesus's message. I never asked him to stop. I was merely stating what I've seen from others and agreed with them that the Christian religion is mentioned in just about all threads here. I'm sorry that they take that as people hating on Jesus, this is just not the case. It's more the fact that the ones here are regulars & they see it every day.



    Have I ever said that to you Randy (that you shove it down my throat)? I don't believe you and I have ever really had much of a religious conversation. If we have, I don't remember. Anyway, have a good day.


    Because people have a predisposition to avoid truth, particularly when confronted with the Father of Truth - God!

    Headless Man

    As long as if I speak of my FAITH you don't say I'm shoving it down your throat we will be fine. You can't shove any religion down your throat, only educate and answer questions. You need to decide on your own what to believe. As for me its, God, Jesus, Holy Sprit. Love, Randy

    Headless Man

    No I don't think you have, but I don't take names. Love, Randy


    RANDY palmer and ILuvjesus, leave colleen alone please, i like her, it's her life and her choice and god created us with a free will, she never stated she hates christians and i'm sure she respects us. i'm one christian too, but randy i know your trying to spread your love and stuff but colleen has obviously stated she hates it. like she said she believes in a different version of god, and not the christianity one, and everybody has the right to believe what they want to. leave her be instead of criticising her. life is short :]


    as long as your fine with it, your right, everyone has their opinion :] peace everyone :D I LOVE JESUS TOO
    were all on the same boat


    Randy I have been told to go to some other site and stop asking Christian Questions. We were told to go into the world andd preach the good news. Lets go

    36 Answers (31-36 Displayed)

    The reason has to do simply with evolution.. people in the west are in an overall different evolutionary state as many in the east. There is an eager will to smite out the last bit of patriarchal religion in this part of the world, whether there is truth in it or not.. people are tired of it, and that's why they 'throw up their arms' every time they hear about jesus. They believe that Jesus preachers are living in the past and holding everyone else back. Time to evolve?.. who knows.. each to their own. There is a way to still have Jesus the great loving son of God in your soul, yet let go. Evolving does not mean betrayal or demon worship. In fact, because you are not living in the present, you are living in fear of fire and brimstone, instead of actually living with love and harmony.. pointing the fingers at those who get tired of the preaching.. is that what you are here to do? it seems like only Jesus preachers hear other Jesus preachers.. I don't believe that to be the point. I believe the point is to spread love, understanding to all.

    Jeremy Scott

    no one in the world is born with a sense of real love. we are not evolved spiritually, we are de-evolving spriritually and morally all the time. we are selfish and self seeking, calling lust "love". "All like sheep have gone astray. Each has turned his own way" <-not an example of "evolution."

    when 2 nations worship different gods you may get one war with many people. when any nation of millions is each man HIS OWN GOD, you get BILLIONS of wars- EACH AT WAR WITH EVERY MAN, WOMAN AND CHILD who disagrees with them. pride kills. A selfless world with Christ as king is a world at peace.

    Jeremy Scott

    man is not "evolving spiritually." man is more self serving than ever. the only difference is that he is craftier than he has ever been while harbing the same lust, pride, hate, envy, judgment, greed, spite, and jealousy....but now with a smile on his face.

    Jeremy Scott

    because christians are persecuted and murdered in muslim lands right now, and there aren't enough christians, god/Jesus himself is appearing to hundreds of muslims in visions and dreams declaring to them the truth(him) and making converts in a land where people have no(limited) access to bibles. its true google christian persecution and reference it with muslim visions of jesus. anonymous_sender im sorry your LOGIC is not enough to give you the truth, if i was born in the east with no access to the bible, jesus could appear to me and i might be more of a christian there. please research this!

    Headless Man

    Jesus is love: Leviticus 19:18
    “‘Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against anyone among your people, but love your neighbor as yourself.

    John 15:17
    This is my command: Love each other.

    John 13:34
    “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. Love, Randy

    Headless Man

    True love can't be without GOD. He is love. Love, Randy

    Headless Man

    Go and read my post on THE UNIQUENESS OF THE SCRIPTURE, The scripture has been translated but I don't reed Greek. The bible has been translated to fit the language and culture, but the message is there. I'm sure there are bad ones use your head when you buy a Bible.

    Headless Man

    The more you read the scripture the more you understand it. I read parts that speak to me, depending on what your going through at the time. Love, Randy


    My point is, you don't need the bible any longer. You don't need Jesus to tell you it's okay. You don't need to highlight quotes from the bible. Eventually a pupil must understand the master, for the master does not teach that they are greater than the pupil, but that they are the same, hence do as the master does and tells you. Eventually there must be no need for the master.. this is why religious folks that need the bible are less evolved spiritually. Evolution is not an act against God, it is the power and will of God, and your true will.


    "we are de-evolving spriritually and morally all the time."
    Yes many are de-evolving as you say, this is very true.. but beyond that there is a course of evolution taking hold despite the powers who are eager to trap people in a state of unawareness. We are still evolving and moving forward, just slowed by the will to embody power. This isn't to say that on every level of awareness there isn't also new lessons to be learned, and that one you evolve it all stops. there are lessons on every level. Wars fought not with body, but mind.. then with spirit.


    "True love can't be without GOD." It's true, you are right, but you've never met God, if you keep saying 'he'.. you're idea of God is small. Put down the bible and learn about vibrations. God is harmony and divine energy. God is the air you breath and the water you drink. God is found through meditation, and definitely love for others.. as far as relationship goes, im sure God prefers you to quote a book that was translated 50 thousand times as opposed to understanding the universe and yourself on every level. Understanding the true relationship with God.


    Your description fits a prejudiced mind.. you show very little understanding or love.. love for jesus, but not for others. We are facing difficult times now, but no more then any age in history. As I said, many are behind in growth. Those that serve themselves have always done so with a smile on their face.
    - "The bible has been translated to fit the language and culture, but the message is there" -
    yes, and when the message is understood, then there is no need for a bible. Quotes. Worship. they are guides, not life lines. A master is not the pupil, yet they are one and the same.


    Every religion is leading towards the same truth. The Christian is no more right than the Muslim. If you were born into the east, you would not be a christian, you would be a Muslim. Buddhism, and the Tao they lead to the same enlightenment and to heaven. They are guides, and some need them more than others. This is why you must be truly non judgmental, yet Christians somehow have adopted this idea that you must be Christian to get in to heaven, and same with Muslims. Buddhism is the preferred religion for spiritual masters, because there is no worship, and dividing of self and God.


    I never said I don't believe you, and logic is not my aim. My aim is awareness. Debates provoke logical arguments, just as yours is. It is a logical assumption for a christian, but for me it is just not truth. It does not resonate truth, it is a desperate hope for one religion to conquer another, led by spiritual leaders will clouded auras and secret ambitions. Which is why the Flower of Life was kept a secret, by the church for centuries.. it's not truth that the church; as an enterprise, is after. Stories are fabricated. I admire/respect your faith, but you shouldn't trust the church.

    what a ridiculous question. whenever you bible thumpers try to shove the concept of god down the throats of non-believers, all the non-believer has to ask is where is your data to prove the existence of god. guess what, not one thumper can give a reasonable or logical answer. duh!!



    The bible produces hateful idiots and contradictory followers. It's a tool and a weapon used to judge, condemn and hate people who do not believe in it. Jesus studied other religions during the time he went missing. It was through another religion he was told of the prophecies. He wasn't suppose to share the knowledge but he did. The truth will come out after the change takes place, the ending of the world as the Christians see it.

    Jeremy Scott

    "the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made...when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish hearts were darkened.
    Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools "

    bible critics are like a movie critic who hasn't watched the movie he is critiqing. bible prophecy is being fulfilled all the time. you cant be lazy and/or arrogant you need to do research to find the evidence :-)

    Jeremy Scott

    :: and the fact that the bible is the only book where every prediction in it happened- you would be amazed, GOOGLE bible prophecy fulfilled and it will blow your mind (if your mind isn't covered dark)
    if you genuinely don't beleive in god or jesus that is your right, but keep in mind that to christians who are actually smart(and know their prophecy) you sound like an idiot when you say there is no evidence for god because the evidence is outstanding! google prophecy fulfilled, and reference it with (yes) a bible. no thumping needed :-)

    Jeremy Scott

    the bible teaches people not to hate, condemn, or judge. if you took as much time to study it as you do hatefully attacking christians and spouting off judgemental and wrong opinions of us you might be better educated colleen.

    Headless Man

    You wouldn't believe it if Jesus set down beside you. If you were on earth when Jesus was on earth you would have been screaming crucify HIm. You keep that attitude and you will find out too late. GOD is all around you but you can't see or hear. Love, Randy


    Dear Jeremy, I will stop attacking Christians when they stop attacking me because they do not agree with my life. Judgmental bigots that they are. They attack because they believe their bible says it's OK to attack. I'm well educated in the ways of most Christians. They are the ones who taught me.

    (This does not include the good Christians who know how to look beyond antiquated beliefs like condemning and stoning.)

    Fred Phelps calls himself a Christian and is the leader of a Church. Google him.
    One of the 10 commandments..Thou shall not use the Lord God's name in vain. It's that simple.
    Headless Man

    It's not the using His name in vain, if you just say the name Jesus in a good way people get upset because they don't want to hear His name.

    Ummm, it is very much a religuiose thing and can depend on who it is and what religion they follow, depending on how it will bother them, but yeah alot of questions that can not be awsered are awesered by saying God did it that way, but i think that in my opinion that it was both sicence and God, not god alone and not Sicence alone. dose that make sence? like god made the big bang? anyways, yes saying god around some people can make them anry or upset beacuse they arn't believeing in god or jesus, or what they did, and they won't untill we can have prof. sorry that is just the way it is~


    Sarah don't buy into that evolution and big bang garbage, those theories will be replaced shortly with much better, more realistic scientific theories. Check out Christian, it gives logical, scientific answers to many origin theory questions.

    How does that answer the question Lin?

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