    I am addictade to this website!!! How can I stop???

    +2  Views: 742 Answers: 8 Posted: 13 years ago

    8 Answers

    Take a couple of days away from the site, may help!!!
    You cant... I am a junkie.. I enjoy seeing my buddies on here. They are awesome. That and I like to pick peoples brains.
    I started here because of lousy weather. It's been raining here for 40 of the last 50 days. If the sun ever peeks out again I'll be forced to leave and do some long overdue chores around the property till the next rain.
    Ms Sinclair

    Where do you live, in the U.K?
    ed shank

    In NE Pa. About an hour and a half or so from Manhattan.

    For a minute there I thought you lived here on Vancouver Island. I guess the weather has been the craps here all spring.
    ed shank

    I'm ready to start building a very big boat, the animals (two of each) is a different story. That's going to take a while.
    Ms Sinclair

    I live in New York City. Hi neighbor.
    ed shank

    Used to work across the street from Battery park. Commuted from Jersey, six and a half years till 911. Was a bond broker. Now I'm in "chipmunk" land and love it.
    Your eyes will go funny if you look at the computer too much. That's a good reason to leave.

    I dodn't think that will work because....THIS IS MY PARENTS COMPUTER AND I AM ONLY 12!!!
    Ms Sinclair

    Duh. I was making a joke. It wasn't necessary to give me a thumbs down.
    It is solved just like an addiction to alcohol or cigarettes, go cold turkey. Just quit coming coming to this site. 4 someone that is only 12 years old I would think that U could find something else to do.
    just say no
    see your friends away from the computer

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