    What exactly is a Bible thumper?

    I've been called that as well as others on this site.

    Is that someone who dare to quote the Bible?

    Someone that state their believes?

    +2  Views: 642 Answers: 9 Posted: 13 years ago

    I believe in God I am a Christian albeit not a great or good example all the time, but I believe Bible Thumpers are the ones that shove their religion and beliefs on others no matter what Jesus did not even do that.

    9 Answers

    A Bible thumper is someone who uses the Bible to beat up on others.
    Headless Man

    A baseball bat works

    Do what you believe in...some will accept it and some will reject it :-)
    I don't think I shove my believes down anyones throat.

    I believe the Bible and what it teaches.

    If you disagree with my believes I love to debate the issue it makes me learn more.

    You shove your religion and beliefs each time you announce you will pray for a person without their consent or asking for said prayer. You shove your religion at a person by tossing bible verses at them without first determining if they are Christian or not. I see no other religion that makes itself so obnoxiously annoying and "in your face" as the Christian religion. That's thumping. When you dare, as you put it, quote bible verses or state your beliefs in the extremist manner that only THEY are true and no other, make sure your audience is indeed Christian. Otherwise be ready to deal with the fact that each time you speak and push your bible and beliefs on those who are not Christian (but not necessarily without God) you are being a thumper and will be labeled one. Now that being said, I left for many reasons. It was not just you Randy, but your inability to quit hounding me with your prayers was the last straw. I do not want your religion, your God or your prayers. Accept it and stop being an obnoxious crusader and we'll get along like we did before.

    Now as for debating beliefs, there's no such thing. There is only attacking and pulling apart another's beliefs. You have yours, I have mine. Agreeing to allow others to have their own beliefs and to respect they have their own is the best we can do really. Wars happen because of the fight over religious beliefs/spiritual beliefs. Who will stop the wars? Will you lay down your sword and trust in your God that He can reach those who are ready to accept Him without you doing battle through debates or forcing your belief on the ones who do not want it? All rhetorical questions. You do not have to answer.
    Headless Man

    Did you see where I said I was sorry to you.
    After prayer my God let me know I was wrong.
    I just hope your god can let you know if you do wrong because we all do.

    Sorry for the late reply. I did not get a notification that you posted here.

    Yes, I did see your apology. Thank you. I take care of myself and my own actions. Karma let's me know if I've done right or wrong. ;)
    Headless Man

    Thank God for
    its used to keep the beet, by those who dont know the score
    I believe a Bible thumper is someone who uses the Bible to teach their point of view not the message of the Bible.
    Ha, learn something everyday. Thanks for the new term!
    "Bible thumper is a pejorative term used to describe someone perceived as aggressively pushing their Christian beliefs upon those who do not share them."
    Headless Man

    There is a difference between pushing and sharing of something a person believes and wants to testify to.

    It's a wikipedia definition, not mine.
    Someone who wants to shove their religious beliefs down your throat.
    Headless Man

    How do you shove beliefs down someone's throat, I can't even do that to loved ones. Because they would choke, I try to be an example.
    ed shank

    Good point. Set an example.
    ed shank

    Who are you asking?
    Headless Man

    I hope you saw my list above.......
    Umbriel, in answer to your question ( Please list at least three things which you are or do, and which you believe others should emulate.)

    1. I go to church every week and support it.

    2. I help people who are going through bad times that is not by they're doing.

    3. I don't swear or use Gods name in vain.

    4. I ask my self what would Jesus do before making any decisions.

    5. I give God the glory for all the great things that has happened to me.

    6. I give money anomalously to people in need.

    I could list more, What can you list?
    No, you're a bible basher. Hey did you see google health yesterday, heh, heh? It said that some research had been done on those who are very religious. Guess what? Their brains become smaller, they shrink. I could hardly stop laughing. Sorry.
    Headless Man

    Thats because all the sinful thoughts leave their

    No, they are narrow-minded.
    The origin of the phrase goes back hundreds of years. Bible thumpers were the early carnival atmosphere evangelist who would point at and thump the bible to emphasize their point. “Thumping the bible with every word issued from his mouth, glaring out at the crowd as in rage, convicting all there of the most vile sin…” are you scared yet? Other descriptions are “High toned carnival barker and preacher or political rival.” Another term I like to use is “Parroting” as in...The man could dominate an otherwise polite exchange with parroted bible quotes until the prior exchange had been lost in the noise, leaving us all in stunned silence, wondering what that was all about.
    Headless Man

    I believe your right, some go overboard, as in everything.
    At the same time I know some who went to carnival atmosphere evangelist and had a real life change.

    I found this definition in the Oxford dictionary...
    adjective [ attrib. ]
    denoting a person who expounds or follows the teachings of the Bible in an aggressively evangelical way : a Bible-thumping evangelical Protestant.
    My Dad was a Baptist preacher and I have heard all kinds of preachers including carnival barker evangelists, Dad called them “Thumpers” for their style. The mystic snake handlers was a tough act to follow and lots of Faith healers of course. Everyone likes a good show. My childhood brought me in close contact with quite a lot of variety. I enjoy a life filled with my religion. Its a golden path for me.

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