    why do nice guys always finsh last

    0  Views: 1023 Answers: 8 Posted: 13 years ago

    8 Answers

    What your referring to as "nice" may be interpreted as weak to others. I don't know how many times you've been dumped on, but maybe it's time to do a little self evaluation. Even among men, they generally associate with other men who have similar characteristics.
    I don't believe good guys finish last. Many of the bad guys do get chosen over the good guys. Maybe it's about the abuse, mistreatment, disrespect, and the thuggish in a bad guy that's intriguing, go figure. But, for me, I love the good guy, he's first in my book.
    They don't. My husband is a nice guy. My first husband, however, was a thug. When women are young/immature)they go for the bad boy, excitement, drama & sex appeal of the thug. But when they mature or get older they are looking for a good father, faithful husband, provider, & security & stability. It's all about timing. Just don't be a pushover because women get tired of a man that always agrees & gives them their way (they just won't tell you that)!
    You gotta have some stamina in this world, some character and grunt once in awhile.. Stand up to your objections..
    For the same reason that good guys die young, and we are then stuck with the rest of the bastards.
    they dont. its the stupid girls that loose them. but, if they still live with their mommy, thats not nice althoough others think it is.
    saw this on facebook but not going to sink to the level of the answer.please find another site for sick jokes.
    NICE GUYS DON'T FINISH LAST, THEY JUST DO NOT BRAG ABOUT WINNING OR FINISHING FIRST. NICE GUYS UNDERSTAND THAT BEING KIND, CONSIDERATE, THOUGHTFUL & PATIENT IS THE GOAL, AND THAT ENDING UP THE "WINNER" NATURALLY FOLLOWS. The nice guy doesn't behave nicely in order to come out on top, and isn't in a hurry to "win" because he's already WON by being a person with healthy values. Good things naturally happen to kind people who measure their success by their values and not by their "winnings".
    Looked up VALUES in a reference book= examples of values are: self honesty, honest with others, kindness, patience, tolerance, loyalty, courage, hope, humor, forgiveness, etc. Our Values define who we are. When our actions reflect our values, we have "won" and are "on top".
    Winnings= cash, prizes, profits, triumph, victory: all things that are fleeting, easily "lost", or used up. A person's winnings do not define them.
    I suggest you be a good person, and then attract a nice guy (they have values). You will have WON!
    Best wishes to you.

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