    should a 9 year old special needs kid that was left alone be considered for open and gross lewdness

    0  Views: 554 Answers: 6 Posted: 13 years ago

    6 Answers

    i think the teacher should be held accountable
    Need more detail, don't think the child should have been left alone.
    I agree with Randy Palmer, in that the kids shouldn't have been left unsupervised to begin with, and in some instances kids with special needs are not of a level of understanding as other nine year olds. I think I would contact a lawyer and have the focus of responsibility put back where it belongs rather than on a nine year old with special needs. Don't let the nine year old become the scapegoat for someone not doing what they were supposed to be doing. If these special needs kids were put in a small group to better supervise them...the school definitely dropped the ball in failing to give them that supervision in order to circumvent that child's impulses having become an issue.
    Who in their everyday life holds a special needs kid as young as that responsible for their every action?! No one in their right mind!!! That's why these kids are eligible to have special workers guide and teach them appropriate behavior in social settings.
    Surely all kids do this, whether special needs or not, always have, always will.
    When I was at school we used to do 'cock fighting' which involved trying to put your hand up someones shorts. And that was a fee-paying boarding school.
    Thank all you that have have their input input on this matter. this a very stressful situation for me. i'm trying to do my best, but a lawyer costs a lot of money something that i don't have a lot of. well i will find a solution to this believe that.thanks again.
    this happened at school and three kids wit special needs were left alone. and they were playing around trying to pull one of the kids pants off but they're making it seem like one of them tried to molest the other and that is not right...

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