    from my questions and answers, do you get a sense of what i look like? you may guess that i'm not 6'4" and a mixed martial arts expert. wanna try?

    i hope someone tries.

    +3  Views: 559 Answers: 9 Posted: 13 years ago
    ed shank

    Interesting question.

    9 Answers

    I'm guessing that you are a female, such as I, and I will hazard a guess that are you around my age...I'm're probably around 5'5" and 140 lbs. let us know who is right or close to it? Great question and a thumbs up definitely is in order...(:

    I've got the vibe that she's shorter, but that could be a psychic vibe or my medication talking?
    ole hipster

    Hey...pass along some of those meds! My doctor is too stingy! LOL

    Hey I out my image of you down here somewhere ... give it a look.
    ole hipster,
    i think what i really wanted to know was what YOU all looked liked. Now i will ask you if i can guess about you. i will tell you that you are partially right. i think i'm fatter but i don't know cuz i'm afraid of the scales.
    can i guess?

    Have at it!

    ole hipster

    OK girlfriend...tell me...what do I look your question by the way as sometimes after being on this site for awhile and you get to "know" the same people who are on you do get kind of a "vision" of what you think they may look like...this is one of the best questions I have seen on here in a long, long while....peace. love and happiness...OK. what do I look like??

    Oh, sorry I spaced on your guess, don't forget to guesstimate hipster!

    You are close on a lot of you guesses, I did get a haircut so my hair is shorter now. I am tall, with a kind of slim build, but a little more on the athletic side.

    I have glasses, but don't usually wear them because my eyesight is still pretty good without them. My library does include much of what you guessed.

    I am usually pretty organized, but have been moving a lot so I am in the messy artist stage. My sun room is a wreck with canvas and paint. I am more of a reclusive/shy person, so I don't go out much, but when I do I am friendly and do start conversations with a few interesting people. Yeah, I don't go to Starbucks anymore, the people are sometimes to pretentious.

    I haven't published, but friends have mentioned that I should, maybe someday? Pretty close on your guesses though!

    Here is my imaginary ole hipster.... Long grey hair that you do not dye ( I want to get to that stage, where I dont have to dye and it is all beautiful salt and pepper). A smoker with coffee on hand. Lose flowing clothes and 47-50. Your favorite peice of jewlery is a terquise cuff braclet. I see you at a hard wood desk on an older computer. About 5'5 and 130 lbs. I see you lossing your glasses when they are on your head.. LOL... I think that whe nyou walk into a room every man knows you have arrived...
    ole hipster must be semi-psychic! Yup got the long grey hair..gave up on the dying BS long ago...I'm 61 and yes I smoke cigs and drink coffee...and of course at my age I prefer loose clothing...however, I'm 5'8 and 150 jewelry whatsoever...and yes you're right I have lost my glasses while on my head...and I'd like to think I still have the Karma or magnetism that I had in my youth to turn heads but kind of doubt it now as I've had numerous surgeries that make that not such a viable thing anymore...but girl! are good! (: Peace love and happiness from an old broad!
    I would guess that you are a young grandmother. TMO or that's my opinion.
    5'5'' and 135lbs. ?

    i'll guess. dark hair that you have to brush back from your forehead, glasses, you are tall and slender. You have a well organzied desk top both computer and physical, you have a book library -- science, religion, psychology, health. you take daily walks and meet people. sometimes you take your laptop into starbucks but don't particulary like the type of people you meet there. i think you're a published author - maybe text books.
    i will give my stats after i see if anyone else hazards a guess.
    ole hipster

    Wow...too cool of an answer istmee!!!

    Leeroy.. I would love to know what you think of when you see "Jenn".

    Hey your discription in down here somewhere ... Take look... LOL then i read what you said about yourself.. I know I am off but I tried... :)
    He/she would be shorter if they sat in a wheelchair. Or they could be using a walker then they'd be a little taller. Or he/she just might be 6'4" and trying to pull the wool over our eyes!
    now it's way late and i'm glued here, i must gather the cat and climb the ladder to my loft it's almost 3 am. dam me! i am distracting like mad. it's a good thing but my attention deficit likes it way too much.
    I see you as a 37 yr old women with dark hair and hazle eyes... 5'5 and womanly curves... Oh and I think you wear glasses or contacts....
    I see you at a metal contemparary desk with a picture window view... Orcids and or bonzi trees in your room.

    Do me next... LOL

    For some reason I get two different images of you Jenn, one with glasses and kind of goofy, and another that is pretty with brown hair and brown eyes, medium build, not to short.

    A dedicated mom and wife, who sacrifices for her kids. Your house is a little messy though, and you isolate sometimes to much. You read a lot and long for adventure? Does this fit the bill???

    Yes my house is definitely "lived in" ... And I love spontanious adventure...
    5'7 red/auburn hair and green/blue eyes. No glasses.. But playful.... I recently (in the past year) got some sexy curves, but not big by any strech of the imagination.

    Now you!!! Leeroy, in my mind is a 30 somiething yr old mixed men... Light skinned,Green eyes and Kinda a Linny Cravets hair style. About 5'11 and 165. I see you at the kitchen counter not a desk... With a red bull. You are always on the go... Not a couch potato at all. I imagine you with a degree but still Working toward your masters or Doctorite... You enjoy ppl but they sometimes irritate you with games they play... You choose your friends wisely.

    I left an answer to itsmee, that describes me better above. It's funny how we guess right on about some things and are off on others.

    I am about 6'2'' 195lbs have a light complexion compared to many mixed race people, and have blue/grayish eyes. Most people don't guess I am mixed race. Yeah, when I am active I go full throttle, but my depression sometimes keeps me isolated.

    Yes still working on school, but I will probably always be going for a new degree. In my early 40's but most people guess I'm about 35 sometimes younger. I just like real people, the ones with a good heart.

    You got some of it right or close. I almost said green eyes on your description, should have gone with my first instinct. This is fun.


    Yes you should have... And red hair... All of my guys friends call me Red. I was hoping you were taller.. Yay me! So my picture of you at the kitchen counter on a laptop remains!
    *Please return to the question.

    Definitely older.

    Your sister,


    I thought 37 because itsme said martial arts... that sound more modern to me.
    Well, if the gravitar is any indication of your person, then it shows you are either unhappy, or grumpy.

    probably even an older man.

    Your sister,


    good guess, adreamer ... but uh uh. : )
    ole hipster

    Girl..stop with the work1ders are trying to promote!

    It obviously bothers you. Am I correct? If it is against site rules, I can and will walk away today.

    My intentions are to represent myself. It is just a part of me now. It is not meant to bother you; but, to have fun answering questions. If this is a problem, I would appreciate the straight answer.

    Have you answered this person's question? Have I?

    When this becomes BS, I leave and close up shop. I take it that serious. I let go of Yahoo Answers for the same reason; was top 10 contributor there, had over 13,000 answers, and member for over 4 1/2 years.

    Just tell me if my adding "Work1der" is against this QA site. Just need to hear it! I'm just here to enjoy answering questions. I never include anything derrogatory! How this answer of yours became about me??!@

    ole hipster

    Hey obviously stop trying to promote! Bottom line...answer all you want to..that is always appreciated but one must be aware of scammers on sites such as these so exactly why do you keep putting in your website with your answers...does not ring well with me...but that's my opinion...I'll take a poll and see who else agrees with my concerns...hope this helps you and how did this become about you?....pretty obvious I would say!...Life trudges on...I still say keep your website to yourself!

    Although it has nothing to do with the question, I'll take you up on your offer. Go for it!

    I'd be interested in what you find.


    I think you are just like me. Age between 65, and 70, about 10lbs overweight, gender male, and so brassed off with the crap on the tele, that you log on to this site for a couple of hours.

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