    If an athethist is a true athethist then why do they hate someone so badly that they do not even believe exists?

    0  Views: 711 Answers: 4 Posted: 13 years ago

    4 Answers

    Good question,I have always asked the same thing,I think it's because they are afraid of the truth,they always did say''The truth hurts"!The repercussions of the truth scares them.Even the devil himself fears God.
    That's the strangest thing..............That would make them an Agnostic, most likely. Many people who consider themselves Atheists, don't realize once they even consider that God exists, that makes them Agnostic, meaning they don't really know. If you are a true Atheist you don't believe in God at all.

    How can you hate or dislike something you don't believe in???? That's like saying,"I really hate those Martians, although I don't believe in them."

    Leeroy you are a hoot.....

    Thanks Darci, parsley, you are great too.
    Well I think you have those type people yes. But I do not try to shove my Christianity down anyones throat but at the same time I will not be ashamed to be a Christian and give an answer if asked in a biblical way if that is the best way that I see to answer if someone does not want to know the answer to something or my opinion then they need not ask.....
    Who has ever said " don`t believe in god and I hate him" That of course is a contradiction in terms. What the actual truth is that these same people dislike intensely the few radicals who do believe because these believers poke their belief at others. Most believers are sane rational people who respect others but you have the "suicide bombers" who explode at the very thought that we have a right to our beliefs. "As you sow you reap, sow vitriol against my belief and reap my vitriol"

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