    I'm a 12 yr old boy and I can't use the bathroom at my new school because of bullies hanging out in the bathroom, so I was wondering how long can I hold my pee til I get home?

    +4  Views: 846 Answers: 12 Posted: 13 years ago

    TU for a great question. Please get your parents involved in this situation.

    12 Answers

    If you were my son, I would be on fire. You need to tell your parents. They can go to your school and demand that you schould be able to use the bathroom without beeing bullied . It is the schools responsibility to stop it. It is harmful to hold it that long.
    Here's how to understand bullies, they will say if you tell on them they will beat you up, this is just a bluff, or a lie. Once you tell someone and they get in trouble, they won't mess with you. If they give you grief over telling on them, tell on them again for giving you a hard time.

    Eventually they will get tired of getting in trouble and stop messing with you or anyone else. Or you can start learning Mixed Martial Arts, and never get picked on again? Hope this helps, I was a bully my self so I should know...

    Good answer leeroy.

    I looked... I wouldn't have known what to say.

    I do know ed shank is wrong. Reaction is what they are looking for... and this lad would be the one in trouble with his teachers.

    Thanks guys. Good point suliz, as usual, many bullies are looking to scare you. Once you stand up to them or get them in trouble, you will see they are just kids.
    Boy, you have a problem. Why don't you tell your parents and teachers. After that, take up martial arts. Nobody ever touched my sons. When they were in primary school they learned Tae Kwondo. When they went on to high school they took up Kung Foo. Word gets around and they will leave you alone. My sons would never hurt a fly, but they did know how to defend themselves.
    I teased my brother once when he was using the bathroom, he turned around before he was done, never done that again. Don't recommend that. Tell someone.

    Randy, haven't heard from you much lately, is everything good? Are you o.k.? Hope everything is cool???
    Headless Man

    Thanks leeroy, I'm find just other things going on not on as much as I was.
    i hope you do talk to the adult with the most understanding and the loudest voice. are your parents the kind you can talk to. i hate bullies. i guess they're really insecure but if they're on your case it doesn't seem like it. you gotta do something. gotta. don't put it off. good luck.
    how are things now?
    You need to tell the principal what is going on.

    I did but She can't seem to catch them in the act:(
    I agree with the people who said for you to tell your parents. Also, be mindful of the fact that they are the ones with a problem. Do not allow them to make you feel small, no matter what they say to insult you.
    Kid, your parents or teacher can't be there every time you gotta go squirt. So listen to uncle ed, double up two socks, put a roll of pennies in the sock and go to the bathroom, if anyone threatens you, swing the sock aiming at the center of their face. Once they regain consciousness your troubles will be no more. Happy hunting.
    Go to the bathroom, if anyone starts bullying, give one good punch on his eye, then you will be fine.
    Hey I have the same problem (But I am a female) and I just let my parents into it
    until till you have to write
    stand up to them punch them in the face or something

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