    who thinks ron paul would be a good president?????

    +1  Views: 611 Answers: 8 Posted: 13 years ago

    8 Answers

    Just like the rest of the gang in DC Ron Paul talks a good game but once they get there--- game over...
    Ron Paul seems to be the only person that realizes the FED is dragging our country into bankruptcy.
    He is a good honest man who has predicted our financial crises long before it happened.But Im afraid he wont stand a chance against the Chicago Moneymaschine. It seems who can raise the most money will win. What a shame. In another decade the US.will be called the "Lost Continent" if we dont elect the right president.
    Much better than what we have.
    Thumbs up good question. I would like to see him on a ticket as a Vice President, I think he's kind of a boyscout, but I really like his ideals. He seems like a man who truly loves his country and would fight to keep our freedoms, and keep government smaller.

    He is very conservative, which I like but I don't think he has the personality to win an election as president. I am more of a moderate conservative. He is an impressive character and stands up for what he believes in, I really like that about him.
    I would like to see him get .I think{hope} he would be better that what we have had in a long time..
    i think im like newt gingrich
    I'd vote for him if I was American.

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