    Can we all act like adults be good to each other and ignore stupid questions?

    +2  Views: 558 Answers: 4 Posted: 13 years ago

    4 Answers

    yes we can , but to act like adults we must first be adults as far as being good to another lets examine whos wrong and whos right. age is not a factor i've seen 10 year olds with more inteligent questions than i've posted. but as far as posting stupid questions , id say were all guilty of that.. but yes lets all be good to each other regardless of their mentality

    That holds good until the youngster... and it has to be a guess but Benhere and I thought the same thing... posts a question for its shock value, and devalues the site in doing so. They would be better ignore but unfortunately they attract attention, using from new members if low or no karma is a guide
    I'm in!
    It would be nice, wouldn't it! I get tired of bickering and name calling and pushing and shoving!

    Yes, it would. There are serious questions on here.
    There are debates, and questions asked for fun... when I asked everyone to name three wishes I wasn't expecting many answers, but they are still coming in and they are a pleasure to read.

    Tonight Benhere and I have been trying to deal with a very nasty question that we are fairly sure has been asked by a youngster and intended to shock.

    It has been posted twice, and both have been reported twice... and I marked down one name which ALWAYS appears when least needed with a silly remark. I've warned him/her more than once. Perhaps a minus karma might get through.

    Some people...nothing gets through to them! Sometimes they just sit back and laugh! There was one that was a scriptural one...can't remember who now, but I could tell they were just trying to be annoying, so I quit looking at it! I knew the answer that I gave was correct and whatever...if he doesn't want to listen and just wants a debate I don't need to respond!
    ed shank

    Thanks, The other one was the same question. It is open to everyone even the kookoo's.

    What do you mean the other one...sorry, sometimes I can be slow to get the drift!!
    I am with marmite and monkey and flip.

    I love debates when people put in opposing opinions and you can add your own and/or comment.

    Snide remarks, usually about one line, spoil it, but only if people take notice and start commenting.

    Maybe, unless it's real abuse, which could be quietly reported, it would be better ignored.

    Let's hope this question attracts attention and other members have a think about it.

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