
    +2  Views: 1005 Answers: 11 Posted: 12 years ago

    11 Answers

    How to Teach Toddlers Hand Washing -
    Ann P

    She knows how, screams does not want her hands wet, says they will never dry, and of course we show her they are dry.
    Does your granddaughter use her hands normally during the day, without complaint? Does she let her hands get wet in the swimming pool? Will she sit on a barstool or stand on a chair and help wash dishes? If you feel confident that her body is in good health and there's no physical reason for her to want to keep her hands dry, then you and her mother can change your approach and get the results you want. Try instead letting her keep her hands out of the bath water. Don't make a fuss. Provide a small towel if her hands get splashed. Make it a non-issue.
    At this point she's getting used to the negative attention, which to a child is mixed up and the 'almost-the-same' as positive attention. Negative attention getting can be a difficult problem to outgrow, so best to simply find another more effective way to deal with this.
    Plan with your daughter water activities she and your grandchild can do that are fun: in the afternoon lets wash the duckies in the kitchen sink. Use a little bubble bath in the sink for extra fun and stimulation. Does she want to help wash dishes? How about a big bowl of water on the back porch with measuring cups and plastic spoons to play with? Supervise the child as she plays with the bowl of water. Her hands will get clean during the day. And she, 3 years old, can keep her hangs above her head and hold the towel during bathing. Eventually you can put some water toys in the tub as it's draining, and she'll be willing to play with them. But only if the negative attention stops first. Otherwise you're participating in a battle of wills, and neither of you will win.
    make a chart and put a star on it every time she washes her hands. Then, when there are enough stars, she gets a treat----like going to McDonalds, or a piece of candy, or a little toy .
    then it is sic
    If U R her Mother and she refuses to do as she is told then I would seek other means to ensure this is done!
    Ann P

    She is my granddaughter & every night we go thru a 45 min to an hour screaming fit while her mother baths her because she does not want her hands wet.
    Just get a damp face-cloth with soap on it and wipe her hands. Don't challenge her, you'll be the loser. She'll wash her hands one day. Make sure you wash yours.
    Have you tried to see what happens if she had mud alover her hands ? would she leave it and wait for it to dry? or wash it off ? or would it be the fact the mud is wet that she has little chance of getting them that dirty ? One thing i would like to bring to your attention is children with Aspergers Syndrome will quite often show a similar attitude toward different things and if this was the case you need expert advice .There are simple tests that can be done to diognose this .
    Haul her little self up to the sink and fight and scream until she gets the message that this is non-negotiable. Find the soap that she likes the smell of the most and get the temberature just to her very liking. THis could be a symptom of other things. I know a girl that has sever add and wouldn't wash her hands until she was seven. Let her make a bubble-filled sink. If all else fails let her pick out a pair of gloves to wear while she does it. Mom will just have to squeeze them out to dry and hang thenm up or toss in the dryer.

    what did the parent do until the child would wash her hands?
    Haul her little self up to the sink and fight and scream until she gets the message that this is non-negotiable. Find the soap that she likes the smell of the most and get the temberature just to her very liking. THis could be a symptom of other things. I know a girl that has sever add and wouldn't wash her hands until she was seven. Let her make a bubble-filled sink. If all else fails let her pick out a pair of gloves to wear while she does it. Mom will just have to squeeze them out to dry and hang thenm up or toss in the dryer.
    Maybe every once and a while let her see the adult doing randomly handwashing and letting her know about germs,and drilling it to her every day and maybe she will start understanding
    You are the parent. You are the boss. Children want guidance and strength, even if they push boudaries.
    Who is the boss here? You? or your toddler?

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