    jokes,does anyone have a good one?

    0  Views: 694 Answers: 4 Posted: 13 years ago

    4 Answers

    Paddys wife has never had an orgasm so they decided to go to Doctor to find out why. After a number of tests and questions, the Doctor suggests, that Paddys wife may be over heating during sex.Paddy refuses to buy a fan, so he decides to get his mate round to waft a towel on them during sex. After twenty minuits of wafting, still no orgasm , so his mate suggests a swap. Ill shag her and you waft the towel, Paddy agrees and with in seconds Paddys wife is screaming in pleasure and had the best orgasm ever. Paddy turns slowly to his mate and says, and that my old son is how to wafe a F towel.
    (1) Its important to hv a woman, who helpes at home, who cooks fr time to time.
    (2) Its important to hv woman, who can make you laugh.
    (3) Its good to hv a woman, who you can trust, and does not lie to you.
    (4) Its good to hv woman, who is good in bed,andwho likes to be with you.
    (5)Its very,very, important, that these four women do not know about each other.
    2 Men go out hunting, neither one has much experience, so while they were taking turns climbing over a very tall wall it collapes on one of them, his friend tries to help but his friend stops breathing, the uninjured man calls 911 and is frantically trying to describe the situation he keeps repeating "he's not breathing, I think he's dead", the operator yells at him and says "Sir calm down, first we must make sure he's really dead", the operator hears only silence then a loud gun shot, the man come back on line and say "ok now what?
    A man dies while making love to his wife. Later the undertaker calls and tells her he still has a hard on. What should I do with it. She tells him to cut it off and stick it in his a**. At the funeral she notices a tear in his eye. She leans down and does it

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