    Is killing Osama Bin Laden a violation of human rights?

    0  Views: 1188 Answers: 7 Posted: 13 years ago

    7 Answers

    human rights were the last thing of his concern, so why should we be concerned with his
    His maybe, but what goes around comes around.
    Osama wasn't human.. There isn't a 'human rights' issue when dealing with non-human. he was a parasite, a predator of all things good .. Do you think he cares about your 'rights?? Wtf is wrong with people like you that will constantly allow yourself to be punched in the face, when will it finally dawn on you that we do not live in that utopia world you all dream about.. You must stand up to evil and this does not mean giving them any more rights than they would give you, and these people have no idea what 'rights' are. They would take your head off in a second and feed your body to the camels.
    NO, it was actually HUMAN RIGHTS TO KILL HIM.
    I can hardly wait for the Mini-Series

    Hey! What an idea!!!
    Absolutely NOT! The only problem was that he died too quickly and did not suffer enough.
    He was a criminal who violated others human rights. Criminals get killed. That's the laws of mankind.

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