    Is it okay to answer questions that would mean recommending a brand name?

    One has been answered recently and some members did use brand names. Not all the comments on those brand names were favourable.

    0  Views: 370 Answers: 3 Posted: 13 years ago

    3 Answers

    I see nothing wrong with it.. Hell I been taking orders for products, booking flights, setting up appointments for doctor visits and canceling credit cards.. I even bookd a flight to mars.. I do it all! I never realized just how much I could help people until I found this place.. LOL

    lol Thanks... fuller answer posted.
    In seriousness, I think this is a grey area, I don't remember signing a EULA coming here, so technically the owners of this site could be held responsible for its content. Its a public site so i really am not sure. I know that on my own forum we are very careful about 'certain sections' and what is posted by whom. Don't get me wrong, its not a porn site by far, its a car site but sometimes people there get a bit crazy and post things that could possibly get us in trouble if they are underage.

    Here, there is no picture posting, so the place is quite limited and simple to say the least, there's not separate rooms, everything is up front for all to see.

    Honestly, I don't see a problem with recommending a particular product or dissing it, there are review boards all over the www and they get pretty nasty about a product they don't like. So, who cares...

    It is very easy to join this site, which is why I wondered. It's the site owners, not the members, who would catch the flack.

    No use asking them. I've known them take action on feedback but they never reply.

    Colleen seems to have a hotline with them.. It would be site owners that would catch any flack, this is true. There is no way to connect with us, even these high tech ip (who is this) software is limited. Law officials do have software that can track but this is kind of outrageous since we are all over the world on this site. Personally, I am not even sure the 'owners' even visit this site.. I can't figure out the benefit of it to the owners, there's a few ads here but I just don't think they could be profiting much from them. Perhaps, this site is part of a conglomeration of hundreds of sites that are similar, each taking in a few bucks through the limited advertising-- I dunno. We used to have ads on our car site, about 20 of them, we made a few bucks but not enough to pay to operate it and they were annoying so we kicked them out..
    Thanks Vinny.

    I was wondering two things. Whether the site could be used for advertising, which is what the answers to this question were, and whether the company could take action against the site if they didn't like the comments.

    One brand actually appeared to come out of it very well, mentioned by name as an excellent skin treatment. One comment concerned the likely pimples in which using it could result :-)

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