    what if your toddler poops his pants at the age 4 1/2 what do u do

    +1  Views: 1362 Answers: 12 Posted: 13 years ago

    look up the word "encorpresis" sometimes at the age it's kind of a serious problem.

    12 Answers

    Help him out, clean him up and don't make a fuss about it. Little children, little problems.

    there is something about your answer that i really like. are you a parent? i have asked the same question but i lost my question and comments Iif any) thumb way up.

    there is something about your answer that i really like. are you a parent? i have asked the same question but i lost my question and comments Iif any) thumb way up.

    Yes. I am a parent. Wait till they are older and you experience real problems namely those which involve other people and various authorities.
    Is there any reason maybe that he might feel he needs some attention? Is there a younger sibling still in diapers and he sees you giving your time while changing the diaper? I have seen kids do really out of character things...any attention is better than no attention at all.If not, it was just a thought.

    i hope you got the up thumb
    Accidents happen. He's still a pretty much a toddler. Have patience.

    I'm still up Colleen, and four and a half is most certainly not a toddler!

    Accidents do happen and patience is a virtue :-)

    Close enough. He's a boy. Boys are infamously slow at learning things. Sorry guys, it's true.

    ignore him too.
    Clean him up and be nice about it because when you get to old age he will be doing the same for you.
    Mines still has that problem and he's the same age,it's hard because my other two had it down pat by now but each child is different and some take longer than others,usually boys are the hardest,they will get it,patience is a virtue.
    i am a parent with the same problem... he gets lots of attention all day from me and when his grandparents come home he still gets lots of attention and there is no other children in the house..

    It depends on where he poops.  It could get a little sticky, I suppose.


    i know a little boy who is 4 1/2 and is going to be spending 9 days at Disney Land in a 4star hotel. when he is in the park with his parents and another family if he poops his pants there is no alternative but to change him in the baby changing table in the restroom or take him back to the hotel ... a long hot way. i see it as a kind of hell for the little kid. he can't or won't use the potty. the parent walks around enveloped in a stinky cloud. he's much too old. no matter how much love and attention he gets, i still think skimming over the diagnosis of encorpresis is one way to start. parents are inperfect ... it's so possible to lose temper. i had a home day care for 20 years and never ran into this problem ... however, i did have the problem with my own child. i hope i haven't been too much of a know-it-all ,,,,,, but i do know quite a bit about this subject. : ) darcy, i don't think your little kid will be a spoiled brat. mine isn't. be well.
    take it back to the manufacturer and get a replacement! I mean who as ever heard of a toddler not being able to control themselves??

    kids these days huh!! ;-)

    Ignore her... or him.
    Grit Savage

    mmm, someone who doesn't understand sarcasm or humour! I wonder what you are and where from?? any ideas peeps? ;-)
    Four and a half doesn't count as a toddler.

    That said, accidents do happen and all you need to do is HELP.
    Remove the dirty clothes without comment and let him clean himself the way he would if he'd gone in the right place... and at that age it should be the toilet, with a special seat and step if he needs it.

    He probably won't make a good job of cleaning himself - if it ever happens again but others do have the problem - Ignore it for a bit and then find an excuse to pop him in the bath. The important thing is not to embarrass him or make him feel he's a baby.

    If it's any help to the other parents... stop looking for deep meaningful reasons. Expect your child to be clean and praise him or her when they are. Avoid comment when they're not, but do encourage independence. There are great wet-wipes in child-friendly boxes available. make sure they are always handy - you can buy refills.

    The mum of three who says only one of hers has the problem has the right attitude. They're all different.

    Darcy, you are the one worrying and fussing. STOP. All you'll end up with is a spoiled brat. Make sure your little boy understands what to do and give him LESS attention. No, I don't mean ignore him... there's so much you can do together and who would want to miss that? Just sometimes pick up a book and ignore him for five minutes. It's the fastest way to interest little ones in reading. After all, what could possibly be MORE interesting than him?

    Grandparents... After a day of your FULL ATTENTION he gets a whole lot more from 2 people who think he's wonderful, which he is... but if you could distract them a bit, it would be a very good thing... or distract him. Have other children in to play. He sounds to me as if he, being the only child, gets ALL of everybody's attention. He needs friends or how will he cope with school? He needs to learn to share... You need to let him grow up and be proud of being a big boy who is learning letters & numbers, and doing puzzles and getting sticky with glue... and cake icing... and before you know it the big boy will be clean too, because that's what big boys do.

    I'd say good luck but you don't need it... just a little more confidence.

    this is where I get back to the top and find out Darcy asked the question in the first place.

    Never mind... the advice holds good. It probably left you scratching your head a bit :-)

    I shall plead exhaustion again. It's half past two tomorrow in the UK and I was up before 6 in what you would call this morning.
    get rid of toddler

    How helpful. You could use some training too, in good manners.

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