    Who is the ultra-cool person who invented akaQA?

    +10  Views: 1420 Answers: 10 Posted: 13 years ago

    10 Answers

    He is so cool he sleeps in a fridge. If he comes out he will melt
    Al Gore. After he invented the internet and global warming.

    This is Colleen secret :)

    Here is some humor only the shadow knows he is laughing his creepy for laugh you all!!!""

    top secret but i'll give you a hint: he graduated highest in his class-6foot 2 inches

    "Daddy real "Cool My bet is on  OBAMA .Said to himself I could get support here .Tell white lies !! Get votes for the "Honest Black "Man. I will start on the "MODS First.

    he was so cool he touched the sun and we heard a sizzle.
    Registered through: GODADDY.COM, INC.
    my personal opinion is that its a copy of "Yahoo Answers"
    Butt there is 1 thing that bothers me, actually there are several , I will only mention the first one that this site made my brain think long about it. I have the latest all around virus and web surfin protection available. Then suddenly 1 day , without my permission, a new toolbar appeared on my web browser "ask a Q "

    When I updated my Internet Explorer my Yahoo Toolbar had the blue button on it. I am not the least worried about the security of this site, I also have the latest and greatest security system. Try to sit back and enjoy the website, that's what it's for. Making friends and enjoying a few laughs here and there just make it more enjoyable and helps pass the time. Right folks?

    yes i do enjoy this site very much,just as you and many others do. But the blue button that appeared was a seperate add-on and different toolbar from Yahoo. I am not putting down this site in any way, in fact i have grown to like coming here. Since i am still typing here, LOLOL, here is another strange thing that happened. One day i was on this site, reading some questions when suddenly my browser closed on its own. Then my comp says it is restarting. Once again without my permission. I was mad cause I was uploading a large file to 1 of my web sites. When it restarted my firewall got many attacks that were blocked, I will sometimes see 1 or 2 attacks a week total from all the sites i visit. but this time there were 7 in total. Then my browser opened on its own and returned to AKAQA and the site had a new look and new web address to it

    I do not believe the virus's are coming from here or we'd all be hit. Try this (the green download button, that's the free version) this should remove any virus's on your computer. Make sure after you download it, you delete all your cookies and close all browsers before you run it. Use the deep scan option. This can take hours so run it when you're finished using your computer for the night. Anytime you use this in the future, make sure you update it as it does not update on it's own. If you know how to get to safe mode on your computer, it's best to run it in safe mode.
    oki i kind of noticed that no one is giving you info that you can trust so his real name is jacob tomphson and if you just thank me i will be happy

    I want you to be happy so......thank you. This makes me think about things that I haven't thought about in years. Maybe the Old Timers will stay away for the time being.

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