    Think about this: Do you think you had a choice to EXIST in this world, to be BORN?

    What if some of us never wanted to born, what if we never wanted to exist, we never wanted to be born to follow god, to be in heaven, to bow to our creator, what if we never wanted to be created. do we have a choice in anything?
    Define me REAL freedom, not the type of 'free will' kind of freedom.

    +3  Views: 2064 Answers: 35 Posted: 13 years ago

    This is a very interesting question that I will give thoughtto before posting an answer. In the meantime, it is the only way I know of contacting you since your message to me came as a comment, already commented on. Would you please return to TSC's repentance question. I would be interested to know if you have a view on my reply to him. Thank you, and apoligies to those reading this question with a view to answering it.

    35 Answers (31-35 Displayed)

    How come nobody cares about such a question :S it's about you as a human, you as a living being. You and your life, it's about your freedom, for being born, for going to die in any moment surprisingly. your afterlife, your GOD.

    nobody's really getting my drift here :S

    i guess this means i should keep my thoughts to myself :(
    mum always sadly told me so :{
    I mean we do not get to choose.
    So simple - what explanation do u need?

    do you mean you were never given a chance/choice to be in this world, or something else :S

    or are you saying it wasn't a chance that we were born? :S god doesn't play dice kind of thing?
    Not a chance.

    could you explain further please :)

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