    How should the world powers respond to China

    If  it's found that they developed Covid 19 deliberately ?

    +2  Views: 1704 Answers: 4 Posted: 4 years ago
    country bumpkin

    Bulletman answered your question. He added several broken links and none of them worked.
    I tried to delete the links without deleting the answer. It did not work. Here is a copy of what he wrote without the links.
    i think at this time the so called world powers have to defeat the covid 19 before they start poining the finger at any one country that 'may' be the cause., lets find a vaccine for this virus, peoples lives are more important than money, without them there is no economy.

    Thanks CB, i have no idea where these links came from, hiccup in the computer i guess, i will have to get myself another apple, i do not like microsoft, the links will most likely appear again.

    4 Answers

    I for one, am tired of seeing, "Made In China" attached to so many items I've bought over my lifetime.

    If China did this deliberately, I would like to have all Imports & Exports halted to and from China.

    I also think tourism travel to China should be banned indefinitely....They should not be allowed to make any profit from other countries.

    Fine The Heck out them too.


    terryfossil 1

    While ever china makes cheaper stuff than other countries,,people will continue to buy their stuff..the Chinese made the Great Wall Aussie we all thought it was Chinese junk and would fall apart pretty quick on our outback roads,,it has been here for a few years now,and it is holding it's own,they are learning,my point is they can make a decent ute cheaper than the big boys..

    G'day Sunny,,before you can decide who to punish and how to punish,you have to fiend and prove who the guilty party is,,i do not know if anybody on AKA knows how a virus becomes a virus and multiplys and then mutates,,i do not,,but i have done some reading about the covid 19 virus,and what i have read convinces me that the covid 19 virus was mutated by nature via a bat,,and the virus came with spikes on it like suction cups,,which allowed it to stick to humans and stay stuck in your lungs,and proceed to burn holes in your lungs...i could not find the original link where i read this,,but i will put up a link that says pretty much the same..i hope everyone can read it..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    ....treat China the way they want to be treated 

    Right the way they want to be treated. Please stop all businesses, avoid chinese products and make them fall alone everywhere around the world.

    terryfossil 1

    Sorry mate,but it just does not work like that..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

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