    What do you think about the COVID-19

    Do you think it's true? Some say it's overblown. That flu kills more people.

    +6  Views: 2204 Answers: 7 Posted: 4 years ago

    7 Answers

    I'm concerned, as we all should be. It makes me a little nervous when I see people coughing without covering their mouth or coughing into their hands. I'm sure that also means they rarely wash their hands. I'm guessing that I could get it and so could many others that I know. However, what can you do? Really, not much. What I hate the most is that there will be no hockey....both the NHL and our local team are finished as of today.  :(

    terryfossil 1

    We just had a game of cricket,"one day international "between Australia and New Zealand,,and nobody was allowed to attend the game,,so they played in a empty stadium..Special rules for special times Quacker..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..By the way, Aussie Won by 71 runs..


    I am concerned about it! People are in a state of panic. Supplies like toilet paper and soap products are disappearing off store shelves.People in stores fighting over them!

    terryfossil 1

    I think there is something very wrong with those people Clu,same thing happened in Aussie,but they wanted to bring them back,and coles and woolies said no,the virus is not gastric..:):):):):)..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    All sports events are cancelled Tv shows with live audiences are not happening All k-12 schools in michigan are not to resume until at least April 13th! Very scary and our leader is an a$$hat!
    terryfossil 1

    Some very interesting figures here Clu..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<.. The figures shown are based on WHO data up to and including 13th March 2020.

    Location How long did it take for the number of total confirmed cases to double? Total confirmed cases
    WHO data. Up to date for 10 AM (CET) on March 13. Daily new confirmed cases
    WHO data. Up to date for 10 AM (CET) on March 13.
    Worldwide doubled in
    26 days
    132,758 total
    March 13
    +7,488 new
    March 13
    China doubled in
    32 days
    80,991 total
    March 13
    +10 new
    March 13
    Italy doubled in
    4 days
    15,113 total
    March 13
    +2,651 new
    March 13
    Iran doubled in
    6 days
    10,075 total
    March 13
    +1,075 new
    March 13
    South Korea doubled in
    12 days
    7,979 total
    March 13
    +110 new
    March 13
    Spain doubled in
    3 days
    2,965 total
    March 13
    +825 new
    March 13
    France doubled in
    3 days
    2,860 total
    March 13
    +591 new
    March 13
    Germany doubled in
    3 days
    2,369 total
    March 13
    +802 new
    March 13
    United States doubled in
    3 days
    1,264 total
    March 13
    +277 new
    March 13
    Switzerland doubled in
    3 days
    858 total
    March 13
    +213 new
    March 13
    Japan doubled in
    8 days
    675 total
    March 13
    +55 new
    March 13
    Denmark doubled in
    2 days
    674 total
    March 13
    +59 new
    March 13
    Sweden doubled in
    3 days
    620 total
    March 13
    +159 new
    March 13
    Netherlands doubled in
    4 days
    614 total
    March 13
    +111 new
    March 13
    United Kingdom doubled in
    4 days
    594 total
    March 13
    +134 new
    March 13
    Norway doubled in
    3 days
    489 total
    March 13
    +0 new
    March 13
    Austria doubled in
    3 days
    361 total
    March 13
    +59 new
    March 13
    Belgium doubled in
    6 days
    314 total
    March 13
    +0 new
    March 13
    Qatar doubled in
    2 days
    262 total
    March 13
    +0 new
    March 13
    Bahrain doubled in
    4 days
    195 total
    March 13
    +6 new
    March 13
    Singapore doubled in
    15 days
    187 total
    March 13
    +9 new
    March 13
    Australia doubled in
    6 days
    140 total
    March 13
    +18 new
    March 13
    Canada doubled in
    4 days
    138 total
    March 13
    +45 new
    March 13
    Malaysia doubled in
    7 days
    129 total
    March 13
    +0 new
    March 13
    Czech Republic doubled in
    3 days
    116 total
    March 13
    +22 new
    March 13
    Finland doubled in
    1 day
    109 total
    March 13
    +69 new
    March 13
    Greece doubled in
    6 days
    98 total
    March 13
    +0 new
    March 13
    United Arab Emirates doubled in
    7 days
    85 total
    March 13
    +11 new
    March 13
    Kuwait doubled in
    16 days
    80 total
    March 13
    +0 new
    March 13
    Brazil doubled in
    2 days
    77 total
    March 13
    +25 new
    March 13
    Israel doubled in
    5 days
    75 total
    March 13
    +0 new
    March 13
    Thailand doubled in
    17 days
    75 total
    March 13
    +5 new
    March 13
    India doubled in
    5 days
    74 total
    March 13
    +1 new
    March 13
    Iraq doubled in
    9 days
    70 total
    March 13
    +0 new
    March 13
    Ireland doubled in
    2 days
    70 total
    March 13
    +27 new
    March 13
    Egypt doubled in
    6 days
    67 total
    March 13
    +0 new
    March 13
    Lebanon doubled in
    4 days
    66 total
    March 13
    +0 new
    March 13
    San Marino doubled in
    5 days
    63 total
    March 13
    +0 new
    March 13
    Iceland doubled in
    7 days
    61 total
    March 13
    +0 new
    March 13
    Slovenia doubled in
    3 days
    57 total
    March 13
    +0 new
    March 13
    Philippines doubled in
    4 days
    52 total
    March 13
    +0 new
    March 13
    Poland doubled in
    2 days
    49 total
    March 13
    +5 new
    March 13
    Romania doubled in
    3 days
    48 total
    March 13
    +0 new
    March 13
    Portugal doubled in
    6 days
    41 total
    March 13
    +0 new
    March 13
    Vietnam doubled in
    6 days
    39 total
    March 13
    +0 new
    March 13
    Indonesia doubled in
    4 days
    34 total
    March 13
    +0 new
    March 13
    Russia doubled in
    2 days
    34 total
    March 13
    +14 new
    March 13
    Chile doubled in
    3 days
    33 total
    March 13
    +10 new
    March 13
    Argentina doubled in
    3 days
    31 total
    March 13
    +12 new
    March 13
    Palestine doubled in
    7 days
    31 total
    March 13
    +1 new
    March 13
    Algeria doubled in
    7 days
    25 total
    March 13
    +0 new
    March 13
    Georgia doubled in
    5 days
    25 total
    March 13
    +2 new
    March 13
    Albania doubled in
    1 day
    23 total
    March 13
    +13 new
    March 13
    Costa Rica doubled in
    3 days
    22 total
    March 13
    +9 new
    March 13
    Peru doubled in
    2 days
    22 total
    March 13
    +5 new
    March 13
    Saudi Arabia doubled in
    6 days
    21 total
    March 13
    +0 new
    March 13
    Slovakia doubled in
    1 day
    21 total
    March 13
    +11 new
    March 13
    Pakistan doubled in
    4 days
    20 total
    March 13
    +1 new
    March 13
    Serbia doubled in
    3 days
    19 total
    March 13
    +0 new
    March 13
    Oman doubled in
    10 days
    18 total
    March 13
    +0 new
    March 13
    Ecuador doubled in
    8 days
    17 total
    March 13
    +0 new
    March 13
    Luxembourg doubled in
    2 days
    17 total
    March 13
    +0 new
    March 13
    South Africa doubled in
    2 days
    17 total
    March 13
    +4 new
    March 13
    Croatia doubled in
    10 days
    16 total
    March 13
    +0 new
    March 13
    Hungary doubled in
    5 days
    16 total
    March 13
    +3 new
    March 13
    Latvia doubled in
    2 days
    16 total
    March 13
    +0 new
    March 13
    Panama doubled in
    3 days
    14 total
    March 13
    +4 new
    March 13
    Estonia doubled in
    7 days
    13 total
    March 13
    +0 new
    March 13
    Belarus doubled in
    3 days
    12 total
    March 13
    +0 new
    March 13
    Brunei doubled in
    2 days
    12 total
    March 13
    +0 new
    March 13
    Mexico doubled in
    6 days
    12 total
    March 13
    +1 new
    March 13
    Azerbaijan doubled in
    7 days
    11 total
    March 13
    +2 new
    March 13
    Senegal doubled in
    1 day
    10 total
    March 13
    +6 new
    March 13
    Countries with less than 10 confirmed cases are not shown. Cases from the Diamond Princess cruise ship are also not shown since these numbers are no longer changing over time.

    Data source: WHO. Download the full dataset.

    Your comment,Terri does not comfort me. The USA is going bonkers everyone is scared sh##tless! we will survive!
    terryfossil 1

    You are right Clu,,these figures do not bode good for USA..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..United States doubled in
    3 days
    1,264 total
    March 13
    +277 new Hygiene is the key Clue,,wash your hands as often as you can...

    I am a bit concerned, but not paranoid. 


    Well, .they just made the schools close for 3 weeks in Ohio.  I'll be taking care of bailey not sure if ilI'have A job to go back to. I  belong to  the local American legion, we have fish frys every Friday, the state made us cancel till further notice. Along with the other fish fries in the area. That's how these clubs make their money. As for me,,, I just got 400 gallons of fuel, made another batch of fire cider, started another batch of elder Berry syrup. This was planned before this crap ever hit. In general it doesn't sound good right now. 


    After commenting, I've seen 4 fire departments on Facebook that have had to cancel breakfast or suppers. These are volunteer dept's and this is a big way they get money for new equipment. All the dinners are donation. If this virus is just starting, it's gonna hit hard. Be a good time to add a little prayer for those infected and for those affected.
    terryfossil 1

    G'day JD,Aussie has 156 infections and 3 deaths,,all of the deaths were over 70 years old..the younger people can overcome it,,>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    A doctor just stated on tv that the average age of people (in USA) contracting the virus is 44. Our Prime Minister's wife Sophie, has tested positive. We all know so little about what will happen next. :(
    terryfossil 1

    Yes Quacker,more younger people are going to contract the virus because their are more younger people out there mixing in society,but the deaths are among the older people,,

    Okay then, I don't like being 78 years old. lol
    terryfossil 1

    Quacker,just tell the virus your 50,,it might leave you alone and go elsewhere..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    I'm also concerned for several friends who are, of course, in my age group and some with other health issues, making it more serious. Nothing to do but pray and wait it out.
    terryfossil 1

    16/3/2020..on our news right now,Quacker, i hope this link opens in other countries..
    terryfossil 1

    Like a lot of people our age Quacker,,between my wife and i,we have heart,diabetes,high blood pressure problems,,gotta be careful..>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    About 2 weeks ago, we had a "break through" here in Canada too. Unfortunately, it's only the very beginning of a vaccine being developed. It takes months or years before there is a vaccine. Still good to hear that scientists all over the world are working on it. (We are probably driving JDB crazy with notifications.)
    terryfossil 1

    Quacker,,JD now has a heap of reading material..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Terry, Ducky, it's nice to follow this post. Nope your not driving me crazy. But it's getting serious. Ohio just shut down all bars and restaurants. I understand the social distance but this is a little much in my opinion. Where are truck drivers going it eat for one. I personally don't think it's going to stop here. I just took 3 weeks off because they closed schools. I will love the time with Bailey but we have bills, and a house payment.
    terryfossil 1

    G'day JD,the social distance is important,,if a person standing in front of you and talking,,the experts say the virus can travel up to 1 metre and a half,,from the mouth in breath for the trucker,i suggest he take a cut lunch..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    It's the same everywhere. Schools closed, movie theatres, all sports stopped, doctor/dental offices closed, health care centers (except emergencies). It goes on and on. We also have people who are busy starting false rumors which doesn't help. Our top medical advisers are telling people that it's time to just stay home. That unfortunately, doesn't work for many people, such as yourself JDB. I wish you the best and hope that this all ends soon.

    ....hope to avoid it

    ....taking precautions 

    terryfossil 1

    Best of luck Benny..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    It is not overblown mate,,most of Europe is wanting to get to summer in the hope that the heat will kill the virus,,but other countries going into winter will cop it,,the WHO just rated it a pandemic,,Aussie's prime minister started calling it a pandemic 2 weeks ago and treating it as such,,Just keep washing your hands and keep them away from your face..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..


    "Heat" killing the virus is just another guess, just like things closing down for "2 weeks". Why two weeks? Do we think that it will be all gone in 2 weeks? People are going overboard with guesses similar to the worry about toilet paper.
    terryfossil 1

    The reason the heat comes into play Quacker,the virus will survive over 20 days on a solid surface in the cold,, This may vary under different conditions (e.g. type of surface, temperature or humidity of the environment)...The most common symptoms of COVID-19 are fever, tiredness, and dry cough. Some patients may have aches and pains, nasal congestion, runny nose, sore throat or diarrhea. These symptoms are usually mild and begin gradually. Some people become infected but don’t develop any symptoms and don't feel unwell. Most people (about 80%) recover from the disease without needing special treatment. Around 1 out of every 6 people who gets COVID-19 becomes seriously ill and develops difficulty breathing. Older people, and those with underlying medical problems like high blood pressure, heart problems or diabetes, are more likely to develop serious illness. People with fever, cough and difficulty breathing should seek medical attention.

    Why thank you Dr. Fossil. Some doctors agree with most of your information and some do not. Even the CDC (Center for Disease Control) admits to having various opinions but they are trying their best to figure it out. I think I'll stick with the (so called) experts. :)
    terryfossil 1

    Quacker,the first line is mine,the rest is a copy and paste from the CDC...however this is the explanation of an EXPERT..>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..:):):)..
    Ex (a former) spurt (a drip under pressure)
    adam "don't worry eve I'm an expert"
    eve "lol what; ex, a former spurt; a drip under pressure
    by jahooley April 01, 2009

    I am concerned about it! People are in a state of panic. Supplies like toilet paper and soap products are disappearing off store shelves. People in stores fighting over them!

    terryfossil 1

    I have my doubts about people hoarding stuff Tom,,i just had a look on ebay,and i was shocked at the number of people selling toilet paper and the amount of toilet paper they were selling..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..
    terryfossil 1

    and here we are a month later Tom,,218,000 dead world wide,,and some countries are just getting started,,bad times ahead Mate for the world..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    This answer sounds familiar! In fact I believe I saw that answer before from some other member! Isn't that strange???
    terryfossil 1

    Are you saying the answer is wrong or right Clu..????>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    clu is saying that ThomasJoe has copied her answer, word for word. (I just saw this now.) Should I get rid of him clu or make him go and sit in the corner? lol

    LOL@Ducky! I thought for a minute I had 2 accounts!

    Two clus for double the fun! :)
    terryfossil 1

    Thanks Quacker....>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

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