    I'm in need of.....


    cataract surgery. Not sure when that will happen but the little "window shades" are present and will grow. Any regular members here who have had the experience? Care to share?

    Image result for pic of eyes with cataracts

    Looking close to this but just around top edge.

    +5  Views: 990 Answers: 7 Posted: 5 years ago

    7 Answers

    That is one creepy looking eyeball.


    I can't share my experience because I have yet to develop cataracts.   I remember after Roy had his surgery, he said his eye felt "scratchy", like sandpaper.   He wasn't in much pain his eye was just irritated.   I suppose he should be telling you this instead of me.  LOL

    Put on your brave duck face and git er done.   :))

    C'mon Quacker,you know i have had just about everything replaced in my body,,however cataracts are not replaced but removed..they may take a long time or a short time before they need removing,there is no telling the speed a cataract will grow,,there are different ways they can do these things,the white fog was sucked out of my eyes and a iol was my long distance is good,but i still need reading is done in day surgery and you return the next morning for a final check..there is a bit of fog at the back of one eye,they could not suck it out without damaging the back of the eye,so i will go back and have it lasered out sometime..Best of luck Quacker..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<..


    Lots of good information. Thank you terry.
    terryfossil 1

    Your welcome madam Quacker..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..

    ....haven't had the experience yet

    ....the eye doctor said he will let me know when it is time


    So you'll contact me when you want "real" details? :)

    That picture looks like my mom's cataract when she was still living. She never had it removed. My friend, Norm had both cataracts in both eyes removed . And he said it was a piece of cake. About 5 months ago , my ophthalmologist said I have a cataract building up in my R eye. I said my vision's fine. He said you can have a cataract developing and still have good vision.


    I went for an eye exam BECAUSE my vision is deteriorating.

    I had lasik several years ago. Not bad at all. The weirdest part is when they. Make the cut and pull the flap back, your blind..... Pitch black. The Lazer does it's job then they put the flap back in place and wala. Done.. 


    Eeeeeekkkkk…...hope they don't fall asleep or have to run to the bathroom during that part. lol

    Lol yeah it's weird I'm not sure but I don't think it even took a minute to do it. Very quick. No pain but you eyes are very irritated later, but that doesn't last real long
    country bumpkin

    JDB...Does the irritation feel like you've been scratched with sandpaper?

    It reminded me of when I had burned my eyes from welding. Just not as bad.
    country bumpkin

    Eeeeekkkk! lol


    My Garnny went through operation long time ago. She said it was really itchy. And the special glasses irritates her cause she's not used in wearing glasses. But after the healing and so. She's greatly fine. But now, she's 86, she felt that the cataract is coming back. But the doctor said it was already caused of her age. Well, God bless you with good eyes after the operation. :)


    Thank you Rowing. Welcome to akaQA!

    Seems we are in the same boat Ducky, i was informed by Specsavers, i was getting Cataracts, but i wll have to wait 3 years before i can have them removed at the hospital, in the meantime my eye sight will be deteriorating  -- great.  {:


    Oh no. I don't like the sound of that but I guess it depends on how quickly they grow. My eyesight is getting annoying but may need to become even more so before they fix the problem. :(
    terryfossil 1

    You should be able to get it done sooner if you are in private health Kent..but i would wait as long as you can mate..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    @terry.....It's my understanding that the wait depends on how fast the cataracts grow (everyone is different) and that is the determining factor decided by the surgeon, not whether or not you have health care or even pay cash. Or did I misunderstand what you are saying to bulletman?
    terryfossil 1

    @ Quacker,,how it should be is how you just said Aussie if you are not in private health,you will be put on a long waiting list.i was 54 when i had my first hip replacement done,the public health system told me i had to get closer to age 70 before they would do it..i was already on heavy duty pain killers and still very much in the work i went to a private specialist,and he said he would do it when i was ready..i then asked why he would do it but not the public system,and he said it is about quality of life,and if i have to wait 5 to 10 years on pain killers,that will also do damage..also i am a bit different,my joints are not wear and tear damage,,my cartilage just simply leaves town..but the end result is the same..sorry about being so long winded Quacker,only way i could explain it..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Oh okay....thanks for the explanation.

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